Louise White
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Awaken Hypnosis
Servicing area
Greater Launceston, Scottsdale, Bridport, Devonport, Hobart, Campbelltown, St Helens, Legana, ExeterFocus areas
Are you eating too much, drinking too much or smoking too much?
Do you feel stressed or anxious, even when life is going well?
Are your phobias or fears stopping you from fully enjoying life?
Does your motivation to exercise, study or work need a boost?
Hypnosis can help improve just about any aspect of your life including:
- Quitting Smoking
- Eating more healthily
- Reducing stress
- Improving mental focus
- Exam confidence
- Sleeping better
- Coping with pain
- Removing phobias
- Exercising more
- Boosting motivation
- Public Speaking with confidence
Clinical hypnotherapy is a relaxing and positive way to stop the struggle between what our conscious mind wants and what our subconscious mind actually drives us to do. To find out more visit Awaken Hypnosis & Coaching
Longer Sleep
Was brilliant Louise - in bed by 745pm apparently out to it at 8pm woke up at 630am 😴 maybe I should have done the insomnia workshop 😊 recommend get in & give it a go.
Rachel, April 2018
Deeper Sleep
Thank you for yesterday - I am implementing some of the pre bed steps, have found the setting on my phone to dull the lights so see how that goes tonight. Last night I slept better only waking once & then I used the breathing in for 4 out for 5 and managed to go back to sleep fairly easily (even had a dream) So I am sure over time using your techniques and the session from yesterday things will improve.
Vicki, April 2018
Fear of Needles
My 11 year old (with cystic fibrosis) is doing really well and I believe that he benefited greatly from his hypnosis sessions with you relating to his needle fears. Hewas admitted to hospital at the beginning of this year for 2 weeks IV treatment and was able to have finger prick blood tests for the first time without massive hysterical episodes! It was amazing! He also allowed a nurse to show him a needle up close, which he has never been calm enough to do either. For this we thank you so very much. We will be coming back before he is due for his annual blood test in April.
Donna, Launceston 2018
Free from smoking
Wow, what an amazing experience last Thursday was for me. I can't thank you enough! And not one cigarette. I feel much more at peace also.
Fiona, March 2018
Public speaking confidence
Just wanted to share. The wedding was fantastic, the reception even better and my speech was almost flawless and made lots of people cry... Couldn't have gone better and I am so glad I found you in time.
Kevin, Launceston 2017
Hi Louise, yes all good here! I’ve definitely noticed some responses to situations that you focussed on, and its all very positive. That switch I referred to has most certainly been clicked into the right position. I’ve seen people smoking in the street and without realising it, or it being a conscious thought, I’ve felt sorry for the person, then a reaction of revulsion at the taste of a cigarette. Its definitely touched something on a sub-conscious level. Anyway, I’ve not had a single smoke, or even thought about it, since I saw you, so just over 2 weeks now! And I’ve been happier to walk the dog. Today my partner and I did a hour and half trek around the Gorge, and my energy levels are great.
Phil, Launceston 2017
Losing weight
Thanks Louise, I've dropped 8kg since I've seen you one on one. I was doing the low carb, and after seeing you one on one, I had no trouble what so ever giving up things, my favourite Sweet Chili sour cream chips which I would have at least twice a week, I have eaten them once... It felt bizarre. Still the craving is not there... Magic!
Decreased anxiety and drinking
You have done so much for my husband, and given him back himself, I could never thank you enough!
Melissa, Launceston, 2017
Fear of needles
I just wanted to let you know how my injections went the other week. I ended up listening to the recording you sent me, and it helped so much. It was the best I have felt about getting a needle than I can ever remember. I still felt a bit dizzy afterwards, but apart from that all was good. Thank you very much for helping me out with my phobia, I think that I can deal with the issue a whole lot better now.
Emma, Hobart, 2017
Better sleep for mother and daughter
Hi Louise, Just wanted to thank you for sharing the Riverbank meditation recording with me. It is now part of my bedtime routine and successfully clears my busy mind and completely relaxes me every single listen. I've shared it with my 10 year old daughter who loves it too. It feels so wonderful to be able to truly relax. Thank you!
Beth, Sydney 2017
Focus and motivation
Free from smoking
I sincerely hope your ears haven't been too burny this week Louise... I have been talking about you heaps, how awesome you are and how wonderful my hypnosis sesh was. Hopefully my dear ones will get their skin in the game and become clients too 😉
Rikki, Launceston, 207
Relaxed during medical procedure
Just wanted to let you know thanks to your wonderful hypnosis sessions on the day of the procedure I was calm as a cucumber!I would never have coped without your hypnosis! THANKYOU!!
Bronwyn, Launceston 2017
Quitting soft drink & losing weight
Free from smoking
I'm feeling good and love the fact I don't need a smoke.
Kim, Launceston, 2017
Confidently speaking to an audience
Hi Louise. Sorry for the delay in replying, I was running a professional learning session! Amazingly I have been able to stand in front of large audiences and speak coherently and have even been enjoying the experience. I do still get nervous, but I now have strategies and I'm now at a stage where I just take a deep breath and launch into it. I'm also not overplanning or even thinking/worrying about the session before hand. Absolutely amazing results for me. A huge thank you. For me it has been transformational and allowed me to think about roles I would never have contemplated. So no small impact on my life. Thank you.
Michelle, Launceston, 2016
Free from seasickness
I just wanted to let you know that I journeyed to Melbourne on the Spirit on Saturday xx November which was the day with the 35+ knot winds in the strait. No sea-sickness at all (well maybe a little bit of nervousness and I did use the strategies we discussed to remain focussed). On the way back the seas were much calmer and I enjoyed a few drinks with my husband and a good night’s sleep whilst dreaming of being gently rocked in a hammock. Thank you for your work. You are an absolute miracle worker.
Deb, Launceston, 2016.
Free from smoking
Going very well, no cigarettes, not even when having a few beers, and no desire for them!
Mick, Bridport, 2016
Improved sporting performance
I thought you might be interested in an update on my touch football performance since our last session. I had a game later that same evening and I scored 3 tries, which is equal to my best ever performance, including scoring the first try of the game in the first 30 seconds. We had an excellent match and lost by only 2 points to the top team in our division. The next game I only scored 1 try but I set up about 4 scores for other players. This evening was our first game after Christmas and I scored the only 2 tries for our team in the first half and assisted with 2 more in the second half. I am now the second top scorer for our team this year with about 6 games to go.
I have done some mental preparation before each game, relaxing and visualising myself doing well in the match. Thank you for your assistance, I have had some really great games as a result of your assistance.
Dean, Launceston, 2016
Freedom from stress
From the moment I walked in the door, I felt calm and comfortable. I have a busy life and needed help with stress. Louise immediately made me feel at ease and my active mind turned off. She knew how to get to the route of my stress and has helped me find a way to deal with it. I've never felt so relaxed. I highly recommend Louise and I can't wait for my next session.
Belinda, Launceston, 2016
Social anxiety & public speaking (wedding and funeral)
I have had 4 sessions with Louise now dealing with 3 different issues. I had a treatment for anxiety prior to my wedding in 2012 and I have never felt so confident and in control. Louise did 2 sessions with me before I delivered the eulogy at my mums funeral. I didn't think I would be able to do it without going to pieces but on that day it felt completely easy and natural. It allowed me to grieve in my own way privately after, but not on that day. Amazing.
Renae, Launceston, 2016
Deeply relaxed
I arrived at my hypnosis session not really knowing what to expect, I had always been intrigued. Louise made me feel very relaxed and comfortable throughout the process. I was in control throughout the session and found it very helpful. Almost 2 weeks have passed now and I can honestly say I have benefited and seen results from my session. I'll be back for more .
Jane, Launceston, 2016
Motivation to get things done
I have had a number of sessions with Louise now and always get an excellent response. Last time it was to deal with procrastination - just love how within a few days I am buzzing and getting things completed that I have persistently put off. Thank you Louise for getting me on track.
Vivienne, Launceston, 2015
Speaking confidently to an audience
Public speaking has always been an ordeal for me and something I usually try hard to avoid. I sought help from Louise to prepare for a presentation I had to give at a business seminar. After only 2 sessions with Louise I was ready for the presentation. My talk went amazingly well. I had people come up to me afterwards and congratulate me on a great presentation. Normally this situation would have been extremely stressful for me but I felt relaxed and confident in the lead up to it, and calm and in control throughout. A fantastic result, thanks Louise!
Dean, Launceston, 2015
Free from smoking
I'm going really well. Have not had a cigarette since being hypontized. I have moments where I forget I don't smoke but never really feel like one.
Angela, Scottsdale, 2015
Stopped biting nails
I had been biting and picking my fingernails for over 30yrs, a habit that caused embarrassment and pain it was that bad. Like many I was sceptical, but open to trying something new. After just one session with Louise, from the moment I walked out of that room I haven't picked or bitten my fingers since, the inclination or whatever it was, is simply no longer there, absolutely remarkable, I highly recommend this as an option to overcome bad habits.
Chris S, Launceston, 2015
Free from smoking
Have not had a cigarette and don't even think about smoking and all the bills are paid. Great feeling. Thanks so much. I'm feeling fresher, more energetic, and richer!!
Dyana, Launceston, 2105
Weight Loss
I have been very satisfied with 3 meals a day, I am not picking in between meals at all and my portion sizes are much more under control, best of all I am not ever feeling deprived or that I am on a "diet" I have lost 7 kilos, my clothes loose, I have gone down to a size 14 but best of all is not puffing and my hip and knee much improved walking the golf course.
Sue, Launceston, 2015
Free from smoking
Will never smoke again..am very positive thanks to you.
Dean, Launceston, 2015
Self sabotage around money
Session was even better than expected. Perfect timing for the way Louise works. Very fluid, respectful, knowledgeable. Amazing - we worked on an issue that I didn't even know could be helped with hypnotherapy. She's got so many tools and resources that she draws upon and facilitates the sessions with mastery over what she's using. She also isn't afraid to follow the organic flow of the session. Lexi, San Diego, 2012
Free from old fears
Louise was a fabulous listener. She heard what I was saying and understood. The hypnosis visualizing how to distance myself and gain perspective was a gift! Louise was very attuned to the information I gave her and seemed to read my mind in the hypnosis. Barbara, San Diego,
Releasing anger about a relationship
I wanted to feel more relaxed about the current situation and I did. Louise was excellent. She was kind, I really felt like she was interested in hearing my story. And she asked the perfect questions. The Gestalt Therapy and the induction were both amazing. This was a great experience, I was really surprised with the new insight I received, I really believe this will make a big shift in my relationship. Jennifer, San Diego, 2013
Deep relaxation
I thoroughly enjoy the sessions and believe they are very beneficial. The level of relaxation is more than I can explain. It is like a mental or psyche-massage. I enjoyed all of it, but the benefits from the first session a few weeks ago were so profound that I am looking forward to the moments I feel the session (tonight) working in my day tomorrow.
Deanna, San Diego, 2012
Wedding day confidence
The hypnosis was FABULOUS. I have told so many people. The hair and makeup girls, the girls from the wedding venue and the photographer all commented on how relaxed I was and I said 'I have had hypnotherapy!' I even did a re-enactment of the hypnotherapy for my pilates instructor yesterday! So thank you so much, it made a huge difference to the day.
Renae, Launceston, 2012
Stop self sabotage
I have often thought about what success would mean (and look like) but I have seldom looked at why I might be holding myself back. By verbalizing them I am more aware of my fears and can look at them logically, and see what is illogical about them. The imagery of being held back from flying with heavy chains was powerful, as was the idea that while I found my ability to fly I was no longer tied to the ideas/perceptions/judgments of family and friends. Gave me a visual representation of how I have been holding myself back as well as made me more aware of the thoughts I am subconsciously holding onto that are not serving me.
Christine, San Diego, 2014
What people have said about my hypnotic workshops
I must say. I haven't eaten chocolate since before the workshop. Even though there was choc biscuits and chocolate cake in the tea room at work yesterday I didnt have any desire for it. I work where there is a lot of Easter eggs too. The exercise part I still have to work on. But not having to have an anticid in 4 days is a win for me.
Naomi , April 2017
It was great. Thanks for having me... ran 4.03 km in 35 mins on the treadmill today
Donna, April 2017
Very relaxing. I was nervous beforehand but felt very comfortable. Nice environment. Having a very productive day today thanks Louise. I really loved the workshop yesterday..... thankyou.
Mia, Launceston 2017
Feeling positive and motivated - thank you - awesome experience.
Gina, Launceston 2017
Thank you for the wonderful session today. I got a lot out of it and hope this lovely relaxed feeling lasts a little while longer."
Christine, Jan 2017
"Thankyou so much for today! I didn't get a chance to catch you before I left. I certainly feel relaxed and am looking forward to continuing at home with the downloads."
Emma, Jan 2017
(Would you recommend Awaken Hypnosis workshops to a friend or loved one?) "Absolutely! I know others that would really benefit."
Anon, Jan 2017
"The options provided allowed for flexibility and adoption of personal preferences. Very personable approach. It was a very helpful workshop. Thank you Louise for your gentle, calm and thoughtful approach."
Anon, Jan 2017
"Anxious about coming but when here not at all....Very beneficial. Some strategies that I will implement".
Sue, Jan 2017
"Very professional, relaxed environment, non-judgemental"
Christine, Jan 2017
"First hypnosis was excellent, also found worksheets inspiring and positive"
Anon, Jan 2017
"It made sense, positive, squash that negative! Thank you, I really enjoyed it"
Anon, Jan 2017
"Calming/relaxing. It was great!"
Anon Jan 2017
I found it quite relaxing, and not knowing what to expect was interesting. I liked the feeling I got when you told us to come back to our body like pulling feeling, the feeling of heaviness was surreal!"
Melissa, Jan 2017
"This was great thanks Louise, highly recommend it to everyone"
Lisa, Jan 2017
"I really enjoyed this afternoon Louise. So relaxing. Clever kind girl. X"
Lindy, Jan 2017
"I had the best time today Louise thanks so much xxx"
Fran, Jan 2017
"It was great Louise thanks!"
Tash, Jan 2017
What people are saying about Bliss: Hypnotic Relaxation class
"Thank for your a wonderful relaxation session. I really enjoyed it!"
"Thank you for today, I'll be back it was fantastic!"
"Most chilled and awesome 30 minutes of my Friday! "
"Friday sessions are the perfect way to end the week and ease into the weekend. Thanks Louise, they're great! "
"It is fantastic!"
"I've been talking this up all week and judging from the response and how many attended last week, I think you're going to need to put on another weekday class."
"Love it! Have loved my 2 classes so far. Thank you"
"Its amazing how being silent and at peace for just half an hour can make you feel wonderful "
"Thank you Louise for a wonderful 30 minute relaxing break. Highly recommend this class. I will be back for more as I went back to work relaxed and rejuvenated."
What people are saying about my hypnotic recordings
I listened to the anxiety relief recording last night (when I woke up at 1:30am and couldn't get back to sleep) and it was wonderful. I relaxed and was able to fall asleep easily after it ended. I might have even fallen asleep during the recording!
Dina, Arkansas 2017
Louise, thank you so much for your recordings, they have changed my life. Having had a stroke and in constant pain with little sleep for nearly 5 and a half years, I wasn't enjoying life. I am reducing pain medication and yet still have pain. I was at my wits end to finding a solution. One night of listening to your recordings made a huge difference. I've been listening to them for over a week and my sleeping has improved waking up with far less pain throughout the night. I'm certainly going to suggest your work to others in my situation. Thank you so much!! xo
Saran 2019
The hypnosis was FABULOUS. I have told so many people. The hair and makeup girls, the girls from the wedding venue and the photographer all commented on how relaxed I was and I said 'I have had hypnotherapy!' I even did a re-enactment of the hypnotherapy for my pilates instructor yesterday! So thank you so much, it made a huge difference to the day.
Renae 2015
Have not had a cigarette since being hypnotized. I have moments where I forget I don't smoke but never really feel like one!
Angela, Scottsdale, 2015
I have been very satisfied with 3 meals a day, I am not picking in between meals at all and my portion sizes are much more under control, best of all I am not ever feeling deprived or that I am on a "diet" I have lost 7 kilos, my clothes are loose, I have gone down to a size 14 but best of all is not puffing and my hip and knee much improved walking the golf course.
Sue, Launceston, 2015
I had been biting and picking my fingernails for over 30yrs, a habit that caused embarrassment and pain it was that bad. Like many I was sceptical, but open to trying something new. After just one session with Louise, from the moment I walked out of that room I haven't picked or bitten my fingers since, the inclination or whatever it was, is simply no longer there, absolutely remarkable, I highly recommend this as an option to overcome bad habits.
Chris, Launceston, 2015
I wanted to feel more relaxed about the current situation and I did. Louise was excellent. She was kind, I really felt like she was interested in hearing my story. And she asked the perfect questions. The Gestalt Therapy and the induction were both amazing. This was a great experience, I was really surprised with the new insight I received, I really believe this will make a big shift in my relationship.
Jennifer, San Diego, 2013
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