Sharyn Matthews therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2012

Sharyn Matthews

Australian Wellness Academy

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"Feel better... It's time" Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, Crystal Therapies Teacher

Australian Wellness Academy

Focus areas

Intolerance Anxiety Emotions Stress Management Love Headaches

About Us

Sharyn Matthews Kinesiology, Reiki & Crystal Therapy

As a Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, Crystal Therapies Teacher and Founder of the Australian Wellness Academy, Sharyn Matthews is passionate about helping others to help themselves and to inspire people to participate in living their best possible life.

Thoughts, emotions, energy, personality, psychology, nutrition, spirit, physiology, perspective and life experiences contribute to the beautiful and complex matrix of who we are.
Imbalances in any one or combination of these, can contribute to stress, pain, illnesses and adversities in life.

Kinesiology, Reiki and Crystal Therapy is a holistic treatment that can be tailored to individual needs. Below I have listed a selection of some of the more common conditions that clients have asked me to help treat and continue to seek to relieve through Kinesiology, Reiki and Crystal Therapy:

  • Chronic and acute pain
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Skin challenges
  • Depression
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue
  • Menstrual issues
  • Headaches
  • Digestive worries
  • Food and environmental intolerances
  • Importantly, it can also help you to love and accept yourself and others

What happens during a session?
What is Kinesiology?
What is Reiki?
What is Crystal Therapy?

During a session

During the initial consultation, a client will be asked to provide detailed information about their medical history. An in-depth discussion of issues that are causing you concern and as to why you’re at the session then takes place.

The remainder of the session, the client then lies fully clothed on a massage table while a muscle movement is used (usually in your arm) to act as an indicator to ascertain the best method/s of balancing the body.

Sessions usually range from 1 to 1.5 hours and can be booked accordingly.

No two people are the same, so frequency of sessions for any particular imbalance can differ. Clients usually feel that between 3 and 6 sessions gives them the results they desire. Then, ongoing management options that are suitable to the client are discussed.

For example, I prefer a balance at least once a month, but others may like to come in once or twice a year. The preference is personal and is your choice to make.

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Kinesiology is a natural therapy that uses muscle movement responses to act as a bio feedback system between the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your body. In doing do, imbalances in the body can be detected and correction techniques used to give you a better understanding of how to best look after yourself as well as to enhance your state of well being.

So, various elements of discomfort and dis-ease can be detected and assisted by communication with the client combined with gentle and non-invasive Kinesiology correction techniques for that specific ailment.

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Reiki is the ancient art of natural healing. It uses channelled Universal Energy to assist to bring a balance to the energy of the body, thus can restore well-being to the physcial, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person.

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Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is a method of assisting with restoring balance is the use of crystals placed on or around the body called Crystal Therapy. They help in releasing and clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing.

Crystals are found in all shapes, sizes, colours and composition.

Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance. They owe their unique qualities to their mineral content, their inherent geometry and the colour frequency they emit.

The human body has a complex electromagnetic system, also phrased as a vibrational energy system. Crystals can act as electromagnetic conductors, capable of interacting with our electromagnetic system.

Crystals have been felt to carry vibration that activates certain energy centres within our electromagnetic system, thus having a positive effect on our entire body systems.

The practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body, often corresponding to chakras.

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Prior to the treatment from Sharyn I felt like I was unable to deal with some of the emotional issues in my life and move forward. I had been holding a lot of emotional baggage and it was keeping me back in all aspects of my life.

The treatment she provided helped me to come to the realisation about certain things in my life and understand why things had not been able to change. Since then I have been able to slowly work through physical and emotional change and my personal and professional lives have benefited from this. I believe that none of these life changes could have happened without the treatment given by Sharyn. She is a true professional and incredibly intuitive in her work and cannot be recommended any higher.

I decided to seel alternative treatment for reasons that I could barely identify. In my words- a sense of feeling disconnected, ungrounded, anxious, negative and lacking in confidence.

With Sharyn’s expertise, she was able to apply the methods to identify where the problems were stemming from and provide strength and balance to those areas. I don’t know how this was achieved and I know it took time and considerable effort. I was amazed with the insight that Sharyn provided and I walked out feeling like I was a new person – confident, walking on air and wonderfully relaxed.
Ever since that session, I feel I have strengthened in character and am far less anxious and negative. I often read the summary of the session provided, which contains key words to focus on and reminds me of how I felt and how to prevent slipping back into that negative bubble. It has also renewed my faith in a higher energy, which I felt disconnected from for a long time.

I will definitely have a follow up session in the near future, due to experiencing some major life changes, to keep grounded and positive.

I suffer from chronic neck, shoulders and back pain which has been greatly alleviated when I have received treatments from Sharyn.

Sharyn has used crystals and essences, combined with other methods to identify which chakras need addressing and what I need to do to help myself for ongoing healing.

This past year she has helped me a great deal, especially when I suffered from acute attacks, therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending Sharyn.

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