Anna Zerafa
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Herbal Medicine - HTMA - Iridology - Detox Programs - Microbiome testing GI-Map
Anna Zerafa - Herbal Medicine
Focus areas
Acute Herbal Consultations
An acute consultation is a 20 to 30 minute consultation to address short term immediate needs. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Anti-viral or anti-bacterial mixes for colds and flu’s.
- Acute tummy upsets - cramps, bloating, wind, reflux
- Urinary tract infections (UTI’s)
- Pre and post Op mixes to prepare and then help with recovery.
- Post viral syndrome
- Pre-Exam mixes for focus and cognition
- Liver detox and anti-candida mixes
- Anti-parasitic mixes (as part of a detox program)
- Gastro mix for diarrhoea
- Hayfever and sinus (seasonal)
- Calming mixes for short term stress and anxiety
Tonic mixes
Tonic mixes vary slightly from acute mixes as they can be taken long term. Tonics support individual organs and systems that are in need of boosting, for example:
- Bone strengthening mixes for osteoporosis
- Constitutional tonic mix (combine with an iridology)
- Adrenal tonics for long term fatigue
- Brain and cognition mixes post menopause
- Gut microbiome modulating mixes
- Heart and circulatory mixes
- Arthritis and inflammation modulation
- Cholesterol lowering and liver support
After your consultation Anna will formulate a herbal mix specifically tailored to your needs and she may also suggest supplements and lifestyle advice.
Please note: Acute consultations differ from regular, longer consultations. Acute consultations address short term complaints whereas a longer consultation will address chronic issues that may need more time and involve follow-up consultations. If you are unsure of your needs please contact Anna for a free five minute chat or send through an enquiry.
Hair, Tissue and Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
Minerals are essential for growth, healing and vitality and when tested and analysed can highlight potential health problems. A hair sample is taken and laboratory tested to measure the mineral concentrations found in the hair. This provides reliable data on key nutritional elements and eight toxic metals as well as twenty seven significant ratios.
Hair tissue testing gives a more accurate account of how your body is utilising and storing minerals. Hair, tissue and mineral analysis can identify potential nutrient mineral deficiencies and excesses which can be helpful in treating various conditions such as:
- Osteoporosis and dental problems
- acid/alkali body balance
- Nerve and muscle function conditions
- Anxiety and depression
- Fatigue and adrenal depletion
- Heavy metal and excess mineral toxicity
- Digestive problems
Anna is a competent Iridologist with many years of experience assessing her clients irises. Photos or digital images are used to view the coloured part of your eye, the iris. This provides a window into your health and constitution. Your constitutional type is indicative of what makes you who you are from a health point of view. The various colours and markings in the iris can reveal where there is congestion and toxicity in the body and organs as well as areas of genetic weakness and mineral deficiency.
Iridology can be used as a tool to provide valuable insight into what herbs, nutritional supplements and treatments are best suited to a persons’ constitution and an insight into preventing disease.
Detox and Candida Elimination Programs
Detoxing is essential for good health. You wouldn’t drive your car around year after year without servicing it, as it would soon start exhibiting problems! The same is true for your body.
A detox program serves as a reset for the body and helps to improve liver and kidney function as well as healing the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and replenishing and re-balancing the microbiome. The microbiome is a living interface of bacteria and other microbes that keeps your bowel healthy. If you have an imbalance in the microbiome, that is more bad bugs than good ones, you may experience problems such as bloating, constipation or loose stools, mental health issues, foggy brain or just a general feeling of unwellness. An overgrowth of Candida albicans, a common yeast within the gut, can cause many of these symptoms.
If you’re experiencing gut or digestive issues or chronic states of disease, then detoxing is an essential part of the healing process. A detox and liver cleansing program can be helpful in reducing cholesterol levels, rebalancing hormones, improving bowel function, assisting with weight loss, improving brain function and mental health, healing skin conditions and replenishing energy levels, to name just a few of the benefits.
For more information please contact Anna for a free five minute chat.
Microbiome testing with GI-MAP
The GI-MAP is a unique and comprehensive stool analysis. The GI-MAP (GI Microbial Assay Plus) is used to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. The test is a valuable insight into the state of the microbiome which helps us assess digestive, immune, metabolic and neuroendocrine health.
These are some conditions where GI-MAP testing can be helpful in gaining more insight:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Food sensitivities and allergies
- Digestive complaints, diarrhoea or constipation
- Brain fog
- Autoimmune disease
- Inflammatory conditions
- Skin problems like acne and psoriasis
- Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety
- Diabetes and weight loss issues
Herbal Skin Salves and Compounding
One of Anna’s passions is creating her own skin salves and ointments and compounding skin creams for her clients’ specific needs. Anna has spent years perfecting her much loved Chickweed Herbal Salve which she makes herself from homegrown Chickweed, organic based oils, Calendula oil, Australian olive oil, lavender essential oil and locally sourced beeswax and Ribwort herb.
The salve is excellent on a range of skin conditions including: eczema, cracked and dry skin, wound healing, nappy rash, anal fissures, haemorrhoids, insect bites, psoriasis, itchy skin, dermatitis, post burns and also can be used on pets such as dogs and cats for dry skin conditions.
Anna can also compound herbal creams for more specific uses such as anti-fungal cream, post melanoma and sunspot cream, bone healing cream for fractures, lymphatic cream for fluid stagnation (lymphedema), slow healing wounds etc.
Consultation Fees
Acute Consultation:
- 15 minutes: $35
- 30 minutes: $65
- 45 minutes: $90
- 60 minutes: $120
- Iridology: $65
- HTMA and heavy metals: $330 (inclusive 2 x 30minute consultations)
- GI-MAP: $445 (test only)
- Detox programs: P.O.A
- Herbal mix: 100 ml/$30 200 ml/$55 500 ml/$125 (prices may vary depending on herb)
- Chickweed Salve: 30g/$15.95 50g/$23.95 100g/$45.95 Postage: $10 or pick up from GoVita Morisset shop or McKay Biochemist East Maitland.
What people have said
When I first met Anna in 2016 I was in a very depleted state after 10 years as a family carer. I had been in hospital with heart flutters and double pneumonia. My energy levels were low, my digestion was slow and my gut was bloated and sore with food. I was so tired I could hardly think to make a decision on what to do next. I had restless sleeps and my leg muscles kept jumping. My adrenals were exhausted from stress and I rested after every job I had to do.
After 3 months I was sleeping better, I could eat most foods without pain or bloating. I only needed afternoon rest. My brain was functioning again. My interest in life, family and events was a joy to me.
After 9 months I was sleeping 8 hours a day. My stomach had healed. My energy levels were high. I don’t need rest in the afternoon (although I take it just the same). My husband and I work on cryptic crosswords every morning. My 75 year old legs just keep dancing around the kitchen!
Thank you Anna for giving me back my zest for life. Carole J. (Morisset)
Chickweed Herbal Salve - My husband was experiencing a great deal of discomfort from an undiagnosed skin rash and swelling on his feet and legs and found that the chickweed herbal salve (from GoVita at Morisset) provided great relief, particularly from itch at night. The salve also kept his very dry skin moist for long periods and proved very soothing for my husband’s infected legs. I would have no hesitation in recommending this product. Pam F. (Bonnells Bay)
For the first three days of being dairy free, and caffeine free, and taking all of your prescribed goodies I felt exhausted (normal!), but after that things improved and I honestly feel better than I have in many many years -maybe since my late teens. I haven't had a migraine this week since I started all that magnesium which is fantastic. I saw the gynaecologist he's not at all concerned -he doesn't think it's likely to be serious. In any case I'm having a hysteroscopy in Feb to remove any polyps and do a biopsy. All is VERY well thank you! Xx
Jodie U. (Uterine polyps, extreme tiredness and migraines)
Hi Anna just wanted to let you know I have had a remarkable turn-around within 24 hours since I saw you yesterday. The Herbal tonic is working wonders. I am feeling much much better more relaxed and unwound. I will come and get some more when I run out cheers.
Jeff S (client with stress and anxiety, Newcastle)
After many years trying to undo the damage from antibiotics etc, causing chaos to my digestive system, Anna took me back to the start again on a progressive diet of detoxing and naturopathic natural remedies. This has brought my system back to the original balance it was meant to be. My thanks to Anna for her skills, knowledge, patience and caring approach. Much love….Andrew F. (Cooranbong)
You deserve good health! call Anna today to discuss your health needs and to arrange for your prompt appointment
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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