Candida Vassallo
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Certified Hypnotherapist Retreats Yoga Retreats Spiritual Retreats Reiki Workshops & Meditation workshops Massage Bowen Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Reiki Theta Healing Yoga
At Ease Candid Health
Servicing area
Southern, Eastern, Western suburbsFocus areas
The many and varied benefits of Massage Therapy have been understood and enjoyed for many years throughout history, predating Ancient Rome. The human touch is unique in itself for the calming and healing it can bring, and when united with heart, care and skill on the part of the practitioner, the benefits multiply many times.
Many of us see relaxation as a luxury and certainly one we do not have time for and so do not structure it into our lives. I believe this is a huge mistake and one which is costing us dearly. Because of the fast pace of our living, we need to make time to restore and replenish, not only our body, but our mind and spirit as well.
Massage acts directly on the nervous system, activating the parasympathetic nervous system (the opposite of the "fight or flight syndrome" that we are so familiar with) which restores and heals. Most of us operate from the sympathetic nervous system most of the time, which is the fight or flight aspect and keeps all our body systems running very fast and when in this mode for prolonged periods of time, we deplete our immune system and sometimes even devastate it.
Regular massage is the solution to many of our problems as it restores us to a state of balance and clarity, strengthening our immune system, decreasing our stress levels, releasing natural endorphins that reduce pain and give a feel-good factor and at the same time bringing relief from dis-ease such as high blood pressure, anxiety, tension, depression, insomnia, as well as back pain, headache, muscle pain and some forms of chronic pain. It improves circulation, joint mobility, sports injuries, digestive disorders, premenstrual tension. It detoxifies the body and mind helping with fatigue and restful sleep.
Bowen Therapy is a holistic therapy that balances and integrates the bodys systems - physical, mental and emotional. It is a remedial body technique that is gentle and relaxing. It helps the bodys own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony, which can result in lasting relief from pain and discomfort. Benefits may be seen after the first session and substantial relief after 3-5 sessions.
It is a vibrational energy, which makes it safe to use on anyone from newborns to the elderly. It facilitates the balancing of a range of conditions, and is a holistic treatment, which aims to treat the whole person. The precise location of the Bowen moves correlate markedly with the latest research into the meridian energy system, acu-points and myofascial trigger point therapy.
The technique was developed by Tom Bowen from 1960 to 1980, who devoted much of his life to developing this gentle and innovative approach, in Geelong, Victoria. His approach was a simple movement technique involving the fascial plans (connective tissue) designed to stimulate the bodys natural healing abilities back into action. It consists of a series of moves across the muscular and skeletal structures, each at a specific site on the body. This acts upon the nerve endings in the muscles to signal the brain, which in response stimulates the muscle structure to release or realign.
What is fascia?
Fascia plays an important role in this technique it is a connective tissue, and is the packing material of the body. It envelopes the muscles, bones and joints and holds us together supporting the body structure and giving us our shape. Fascia organises and separates; it provides protection and autonomy for the individual muscles and viscera. It joins and bonds these separate entities and establishes spatial relationships. Chemically it is the collagen in the fascia that enables it to change.
Collagen, a colloid is capable of changing from fluid to solid and solid to fluid in response to the forces acting upon it. With chronic tension, collagen tends to shorten and harden. Bowen therapy rehydrates and restores elasticity to the fascia.
Tom Bowen worked not only with human patients but also very successfully with animals. Bowen Therapy for humans and animals is taught across the world with practitioners repeatedly reporting successes at helping overcome discomfort and immobility.
So Bowen facilitates the balancing of a broad range of conditions. It encourages the body to regain optimal functioning by improving circulation, lymphatic and venous drainage, assimilation of nutrients, elimination of toxins, normalisation of cellular physiology and tissue structure, and improves muscular and joint mobility. It has a profound effect on all connective tissue structures ie. joints, ligaments and tendons and will stimulate other body systems, such as lymphatic, digestion, elimination and nervous systems.
It can help a wide range of conditions such as:
- Musculo-skeletal pain - back pain, frozen shoulders and necks, sporting injuries, arthritic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia
- Respiratory problems including asthma, bronchitis, hay fever
- Digestive disorders such as constipation, colic, Chrohns disease, indigestion
- Gynaecological conditions infertility, mastitis, premenstrual syndrome, breast lumps
Other conditions include chronic fatigue syndrome, tinnitus, bed wetting, prostatic problems, haemorrhoids, earache and ear infections, depression, fluid retention, energy enhancement, menopause, migraine, RSI, sciatica, scoliosis, sinus, stress, tennis elbow, thrush.
Bowen Therapy balances the physical, mental and emotional planes. Its rejuvenating effect empowers the quality of our lives and the people we treat. It stimulates the body to balance naturally.
Tom Bowens philosophy in life
I expect to pass through this world but once, any good therefore, that I do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it. For I shall not pass this way again.
Life/Spiritual Coaching
1hr 30minMy style of coaching is somewhat unique, in that I incorporate into the coaching session, the spiritual aspect of life, as being a part which makes up the whole person and the whole of the life experience. I will do this according to client needs and agr
1hrHypnosis is a form of self-control, allowing you to relax, a state that deepens the more you do it.
Business Hours
We're open 2 days.
Tuesday |
10:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Wednesday |
10:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
- Reiki Massage Therapist
- Theta Healer Advanced Dna
- Spiritual Life Coach
- Acupressure Therapist
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Certified Massage Therapist
- Certificate In Swedish Massage
- Level 3 Reiki Master
- Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Reiki Master
- Relaxation Massage Therapist
- Certificate In Relaxation Massage
- Massage Therapist
- Certified Reiki Master
- Remedial Massage Therapist (16+ Years)
- Remedial Massage Therapist
- Certified Usui Reiki Master
- Hypnotherapist
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