Monika Barbour therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2010

Monika Barbour

Astrology Solutions Network

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Astrology can help you to fulfill your highest purpose. Look to your horoscope to shed light on your talents, challenges and the lessons you may encounter on your life's journey. Astrology is a symbolic guidance tool which helps you to know yourself better and therefore this has an impact on your ability to achieve greater happiness, more loving relationships and to identify your professional or vocational strengths and weaknesses. Monika has been a student of astrology for over 30 years. Personal consultations with Monika can take place in North Caulfield, Melbourne. Worldwide telephone or Skype consultations are also available.

Astrology Solutions Network

Servicing area

Melbourne, Caulfield North & World Wide

Focus areas

Personal growth Fears Growth Gratitude Love Joy

The less you know about yourself, the more you are prone to suffer events beyond your control.

These events are generally messages from the universe to indicate that you are not developing in accordance with your potential. Free will is exercised when you are in control and know how to balance your life and live according to your chosen life plan.

Astrology birth chart and forecast analysis allows you to anticipate the changing themes in your life. This knowledge enables you to make more informed decisions to ensure your happiness, and to achieve greater success in life.

How can Astrology work for you?
  • Personal growth through insight
  • Achieve your goals
  • Improve your career prospects
  • Manage career transition
  • Discover your vocational talents and special attributes
  • Gain focus and direction
  • Gain support and motivation to move forward
  • Achieve balance between work and home life
  • Improve your sense of well-being
  • Remove obstacles that have been standing in your way
  • Gain confidence through overcoming your fears and anxieties<
  • Rediscover the positive aspects of your relationship
  • Improve your relationship prospects
  • Gain a better understanding of your children’s personality and discover their unique talents

In summary, astrology is a symbolic language that can be used to identify strengths, validate behavioural characteristics and also uncover hidden issues operating in the unconscious to explain why we behave the way we do.

By identifying specific issues shown in the birth chart, and by bringing things out into the open, we have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of ourselves, and also the ability to improve our relationship with our partner, children, family, friends and work associates.

Astrology charts can be prepared for a person, a business or an event. The birth chart is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.


"My horoscope, as explained to me by Monika, gave me many answers to why my life wasn't working.

The conflicting energies of many planets and their placements in my birth chart, all competing for prominence, were some of the key reasons that had to date eluded my success in many areas of my life, especially in relationships.

The horoscope consultation with Monika gave me insights into how and why I sometimes blocked my own success, sabotaging my efforts and setting myself up to fail. This knowledge allowed me to free myself from repetitive destructive patterns and with new awareness came a new self confidence.

Contact and acceptance of my “inner child” released more hidden secrets which led to further self-understanding and a new sense of renewal.

I recommend a consultation with Monika to help learn about challenges which are represented in your chart, your natural talents and gifts, and the other areas which may need some attention and highlight karmic life lessons.

LK -- Toorak

"When it comes to astrology, I know nothing, however am fascinated by it. I’ve had my chart done once and really didn’t understand nor could I relate to it. After meeting Monika and listening to her explain exactly what and how it works, I was fascinated and wanted to know more. Using my date and time of birth (approximately) it started from there. Monika handed me my Astrology Chart then proceeded to fully explain every thing in detail, very patiently, even when I didn’t fully understand Monika, very kindly repeated it until it made sense. We talked and laughed several times during the session and I always felt very comfortable and confident.

I would highly recommend Monika to anyone interested in having their Astrology Chart done, her knowledge and information is very accurate.

MM -- Glen Huntly

"I enjoyed our conversation very much; in fact, it has turned around my attitude to many areas of my life - just what I needed!

Thank you very, very much; our interaction, your comments and these reports have instilled in me the importance of thorough interpretation of the natal chart. I've been getting carried away with transits, but until you totally understand the natal chart, transits have limited meaning.

Really appreciate all the extra information you've sent through and will devour it intently.

With best wishes and gratitude, your newest client

JMcD –- Melbourne

"That report is great. It's spot on right through. We now have some insight into the influences he (son) has driving him and a point of reference when we are left scratching our heads. More importantly there is the reminder of all the lovely things he has going for him. It's sometimes so difficult when ticked off at him for one reason or another, to stop and remind ourselves that we still need to nurture these good points in order to get some positive responses. I think I may have a flick through your work at these times for some reassurance. Maybe an idea of my chart alongside his as we did over the phone might give me a path to focus on as well. When speaking on the phone, and you say so many things, I keep thinking that the information you impart would only fit on one or two pages but you are certainly most thorough.

Thank you for doing so much work on all the reports you have prepared for us. I still look through my initial report now and again as a bit of a reminder of stuff to keep an eye on. It's good for me I think.

What I suppose we really need is to know all the buttons to push and in what order to make everything work the way we would like them to (for son and ourselves). But alas, it's never that easy with all the pressures thrust upon us each day.

IC –- Hamilton

"I can't thank you enough Monika. Reading this report was exactly what I needed at this point in my life.

Honestly, 95% of it I was able to see a deep and true link to my own understanding of me ... including my weaker areas. I am the first to be sceptical of something and I was overwhelmed with how much of me came out in this report.

This report provided some new and helpful insight into my life and the person I am and I know will help me to make changes moving forward.
Again thank you for your effort in turning this around so quickly and making the time to see me. What a wonderful service you are offering people and your passion for astrology truly shines through in you. I have already recommended you to several of my friends. Hopefully this will lead to future connections for you.

KS -- Melbourne

To book an appointment with Monika please call or email.

More information about Astrology can be found on the website:

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