Aroma Therapeia Healing Arts
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Energy Healing
Focus areas
Ancient cultures such as the Chinese, Yogic and Ayurvedic traditions have long recognized that the underlying reality of all creation is not matter but Energy, and that all that we perceive as physical form is actually energy vibrating at such a slow rate that it appears solid to the human vision. They gave this energy names which have been translated to words such as Prana, Life Force, Qi/Chi, Universal Energy.
Through their insight born of inner-realization through meditation, Seers in these traditions perceived that the human body is "formed" by the Prana which enters the physical body via systems such as the Meridians, Chakras and Nadis. Physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is affected by the quantity and quality of energy that reaches the body through these channels.
The flow of energy into the aura, chakras, nadis and meridians can become blocked by numerous factors, almost inescapable in our modern world: the food we eat, the environment we live in, the quality of our relationships, our thoughts, traumatic experiences, negative people, environmental toxins, and more too numerous to mention here.
Energy healing modalities have been reintroduced in modern times. Some of the more common ones are Reiki, Pranic Healing and Pellowah, which enable practitioners to work to clear, cleanse and energize your energy body and even particular systems or organs of your physical body, which can enhance your wellbeing. There is no condition or state of being that cannot benefit from an free flow of clear vital energy!
Available modalities include:
- Reiki
- Pranic Healing
- Pellowah
- Divine Will Healing
- Intuitive Healing
- Aroma Point Therapies (student)
Essential oils and other aromatics may be used to facilitate, support and anchor shifts in energy and consciousness, and to clear, enlighten and protect your energy field.
In person: Non touch or light contact on the clothed body.
At a distance: All of these modalities may be accessed at a distance. An initial discussion via Zoom or Skype is necessary at the beginning of the session, after which the recipient is encouraged to make themselves comfortable in a warm and quiet environment, preferably laying down, and to disconnect from technological distractions. Some people will be aware of sensations in and around their physical bodies, others will not.
Aroma Therapeia Energy Healing
1hrIntuitively and spiritually focused session working with healing energies in the aura and/or light touch on the clothed body. Aromatics are used primarily for their subtle properties, to clear, enlighten and protect our energy field and facilitate shifts
Aroma Therapeia Holistic Wellbeing Consultation
20minThree levels of discussion and assessment of your holistic wellbeing goals: Basic, Moderate, Comprehensive. In this session we will explore the areas of your wellness that you would like to improve, and draw on Aromatic, Ayurvedic and Yogic wellness phil
- Energy Healing
- Mental Health
- Meditation
- Aromatherapy
- Yoga
- Trauma Management Practitioner
- Transpersonal Counsellor
- Crisis Counselling
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
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