Louis Gordon
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ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic
Servicing area
Middle Ridge, Toowoomba, QueenslandFocus areas
General Information about ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic
I use the most painless Japanese and Korean acupuncture needles available, and laser acupuncture for known tender points.
Acupuncture treatments take 60 minutes. The initial Acupuncture consultation is $145. Follow-up Acupuncture treatments cost $90.
Seniors and pensioners are $98 for the initial acupuncture consultation and $80 for follow-ups.
NOTE: These prices exclude the QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Please see cost structure for the "No More Cravings Quit Smoking Program" below.
We have EFTPOS and HICAPS for your convenience. You can claim your health insurance rebate immediately at Reception. No more battling large crowds at shopping centres to get your refund. No more long delays when processing claims via snail-mail. The greater majority of Health Funds participate in HICAPS.
Acupuncture May Help the Symptoms Associated with Many General Medical Conditions
Louis is a general Chinese medicine practitioner and has experience using acupuncture and Chinese medicine for the symptoms arising from both acute and chronic health conditions such as: musculoskeletal pain and tension, allergic rhinitis; the symptoms associated with menopause such as insomnia and feelings of heat; itching and redness of skin conditions; sleeping problems; symptoms associated with stress and anxiety; and post stroke sequelae. For further information about conditions acupuncture may be used for which are evidence based, please call Louis on (07) 4636 6100.
Combined with a course of acupuncture and applying appropriate suggestions regarding life-style modifications you may discover how you can have more energy and sleep better, relieve discomfort and pain and speed up your bodys ability to recover from injuries and ill health. You may generally feel healthier with a better sense of well-being and satisfaction.
At ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic we concentrate on determining the most appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques for your individual and unique symptoms so that you may get back to your healthy self quickly and enjoy life more fully.
Regarding Testimonials
I am a Fellow member with the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA). The AACMA Board expressly forbids Members using testimonials as they are not able to be tested or challenged. Accordingly, other health professions (Doctors and Dentists) do not subscribe to the use of testimonials.
Rather than fabricating fanciful stories to impress prospective patients, it is believed that Practitioners should focus on positive statements about their practice that are able to be tested or challenged by patients and the community. I am honoured by the fact that currently 49% of my patients come to me as a result of word-of-mouth. Referrals from Doctors and other complimentary health practitioners account for 16% of my patients. I believe that this indicates that the calibre of my work is acknowledged and appreciated by my health-profession peers.
Acupuncture Treatment May Reduce the Many Symptoms Associated with Menstrual Dysfunction, Infertility, Labour and Menopause - e.g. Pain
Regards the many symptoms associated with menstrual dysfunction, infertility, labour and menopause, according to recent research (1), there is moderate evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for the symptoms of pain of menstrual dysfunction; for the symptom of Anxiety associated with infertile women; for the symptoms of Sciatica and Back or pelvic pain during pregnancy, Insomnia and Labour pain associated with the different phases of pregnancy, and the symptoms of Menopausal hot flushes and Perimenopausal & postmenopausal insomnia associated with menarche (menopause).
There is growing research evidence (1) that Chinese medicine treatment may assist in supporting specific fertility treatments such as IVF, and there is also broad agreement by Chinese medicine practitioners and other health practitioners about acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for IVF.
Subsequently, many health practitioners may recommend acupuncture as an adjunct treatment that may assist with IVF treatment. There is continuing research about how acupuncture can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment and you should consult your treating practitioner/s about how acupuncture may be able to help you.
REFERENCE: (1) McDonald J, Janz S. The Acupuncture Evidence Project: A Comparative Literature Review (Revised Edition). Brisbane: Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd; 2017. http://www.acupuncture.org.au.
MISSION STATEMENT: "I aim to get my patients as WELL as possible,
as quickly as possible, and then keep them WELL".
The Initial Consultation
An initial discussion involves determining the quality of their diet and daily water intake and the use of caffeine, alcohol or recreational drugs, for example.
Traditional Chinese Herbs
For example, liqorice consumption by males reduces their testosterone levels and subsequently their sperm count. On the other hand females with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are strongly advised to take TCM liqorice herb because it reduces their testosterone levels, which are normally elevated in PCOS sufferers (2).
(2) Hyun Yang et al. Licorice ethanol extract improves symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome in Letrozole-induced female rats. Integrative Medicine Research. 2018 Sep; 7(3): 264-270. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6160501/
How Does Acupuncture Work?
"Many health practitioners may recommend acupuncture as an adjunct treatment that may assist with IVF treatment. There is continuing research about how acupuncture can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment and you should consult your treating practitioner/s about how acupuncture may be able to help you" (3).
"Acupuncture and herbs are both an integral part of Chinese medicine practice, which may help patients to manage a range of symptoms including pain, stress and fatigue" (3).
"Chinese medicine is generally considered to be safe but occasionally (as with all health treatments) may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases" (3).
"Chinese medicine is a system of medicine developed in China that has a different history and approach than Western medicine. Rather than treating disease, a Chinese medicine practitioner treats patterns of disharmony (or symptom clusters) in a patient" (3).
(3) AHPRA. Check your advertising: Chinese medicine examples. December 2017. Available from: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Publications/Advertising-resources/Check-and-correct/Chinese-medicine-examples.aspx
What is Involved during Acupuncture Treatment?
Numerous techniques and procedures are utilized by trained acupuncturists, and include acupuncture needling, laser-puncture, cupping, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, herbal therapy, regular exercise, and general lifestyle advice. The acupuncturist will determine a combination of these according to the individuals' specific emotional, medical and physiological condition.
It is preferable to have a course of treatments for 3 cycles (3 months in the absence of regular cycles). The initial treatment costs $145 and subsequent treatments cost $90 before 5 pm and $100 after 5 pm. I am covered by all health insurers.
My name is Louis Gordon and I am a Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) Certified acupuncturist. I practice acupuncture from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic in Middle Ridge, Toowoomba, 4350, Queensland, Australia. Since 1982 I have been assisting smokers to overcome their nicotine cravings and I may be able to free you from your addiction to nicotine. Do YOU honestly desire to successfully QUIT SMOKING? Hopefully, the “No More Cravings Quit Smoking Program” may allow you to reach your goal of being a “non-smoker”, whereby you will find that you have “No More Cravings” for nicotine.
You may well ask, “Is there any scientific evidence that acupuncture is beneficial for helping smokers to quit smoking”?
Effective Treatment for Smoking Cessation using Acupuncture and Laser Acupuncture
After using acupuncture treatment on 514 persons, Choy et al. (4) reported a success rate of 88%, and a recurrence rate of 31% in the second year of treatment. As for the acupuncture method using laser acupuncture, Zalesskiy et al. (5) reported a smoking cessation rate of 71% in 85 persons.
The official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians is called CHEST Journal. In 2018, Ying-ying Wang et al. (6) published the results of a prospective, randomized, active-controlled open-label trial which they titled, “Efficacy of Acupuncture Is Noninferior to Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Tobacco Cessation.”
The authors (6) stated, “At 24 weeks, the Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence Test and the Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale scores in the acupuncture group were significantly lower than those in the auricular point group and in the NRT group (P < .05). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed the time to relapse for acupuncture (44.12 days) was insignificantly longer than NRT (41.18 days), but significantly longer than auricular point pressing (29.53 days).”
The authors (6) concluded, “We found acupuncture was safe and a possible treatment for tobacco cessation, but it requires further study to establish its role.” While there were two cases of adverse events in the acupuncture group, 2 cases of adverse events in the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) group were also observed.
(4) Choy DS, Lutzker L, Meltzer L. Effective treatment for smoking cessation. Am J Med. 1983;75:1033–1036. [PubMed]. Reference available from:
(5) Zalesskiy VN, Be1ousova IA, Frolov GV. Laser-acupuncture reduces cigarette smoking: a preliminary report. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1983;8:297–302. [PubMed]. Reference available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6145305
(6) Ying-ying Wang et al. CHEST. March 2018, Volume 153, Issue 3, Pages 680–688. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2017.11.015. Available from: https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(17)33126-4/abstract
Call Louis for more information on (07) 4636 6100.
Louis has written an eBook to assist smokers to Quit Smoking. To find out more about the eBook click HERE.
To purchase a copy of the eBook click the PayPal link below:
BUY the Easy Way to Quit Smoking eBook
SECURELY NOW through PayPal
The cost of the eBook is ONLY AUD$9.70 which is how much you already spend on cigarettes during 10 waking hours, if you smoke 20 cigarettes per day.
Bachelor of Acupuncture (BCTA and ICOM (Dr. van Buren)).
In practice since 1982.
I use fine painless needles, cupping jars, moxabustion, gua sha - scraping technique, dermal hammering, laser stimulation, electroacupuncture, auricular (ear) acupuncture, nutritional advice and lifestyle changes in my holistic treatment program.
Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT)
I am a qualified practitioner of Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT). Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT) is a modern Acupuncture Technique in which a small amount of isotonic saline solution (Sodium Chloride) is injected into acupuncture points and painful trigger points surrounding the painful joint or region of the body. Very fine painless hypodermic needles (as used by diabetics) are used.
Please watch the short video below explaining the use of APIT.
In their 2016 article titled An update on acupuncture point injection, T. Sha et al. (7) stated, “Acupoint injection is relatively safe procedure. However, a few adverse events have been reported” and they further stated, “Acupoint injection is effective in many types of diseases. According to reports, acupoint injection can be applied to 148 types of ailments. In recent years, acupoint injection has been administered mainly to relieve pain.” The authors reported positive outcomes when they stated, “A study indicated that the injection of ST 36 can activate mast cells and increase their degranulation ratio within the acupoint area. Some studies also confirmed that the plasma concentrations of injected drugs change significantly after acupoint injection. Additionally, acupoint injection was found to regulate protein and mRNA expression, and increase angiogenesis and arteriogenesis to improve blood flow. However, most mechanism studies on acupoint injection have focused mainly on comparing its different therapeutic effects by performing animal experiments. Hence, the mechanism of action of acupoint injection still needs further investigation.”
The authors’ conclusion was, “Despite the definite curative effect, most clinical evidence on acupoint injection is considerably weak”, and they noted, “highly rigorous clinical trials must be performed.”
(7) Sha, L.L. Gao, C.H. Zhang, J.G. Zheng, Z.H. Meng. An update on acupuncture point injection. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Volume 109, Issue 10, October 2016, Pages 639–641. https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/hcw055. Available from: https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/109/10/639/2440067
APIT is used in conjunction with traditional Acupuncture treatment.
American Podiatrist, Dr Harvey Lampell (founder of Foot Joint Mobilisation) had a normal successful podiatry clinic in California, until life handed him a challenge from a parachuting accident. Dr Harvey Lampell was left with cruel back pain. He found that Reflexology gave him the most relieve, so he proceeded to learn Reflexology, and used the technique in his clinic.
Over a period of time Dr Lampell became dissatisfied in regards with the miss-shape of the feet of people he was treating and developed a technique called "Foot Joint Mobilisation". Dr Lampell was in a very good position to develop this technique as he had complete knowledge of the anatomy of the feet.
As he progressed with his research, he found he was relieving many structural foot disabilities which previously required surgery or pain-relief medication, for example, plantar fasciitis.
Dr Lampell also found that by working on the feet it then allowed the body to correct itself structurally. For example by reducing bunions it then resulted in the body being able to straighten the knee and/or hip of incorrect alignment resulting in Arthritis. By using Foot Joint Mobilisation Dr Lampell found most back pain was relieved as well as neck stiffness and sciatic pain and that once treatment was finished the person no longer needed to continue treatments.
Maree Gifkins (8) was fortunate enough to be trained in Foot Joint Mobilisation by Dr Lampell when he was in Auckland in 1994. Dr Lampell conducted a three-day workshop seminar presenting in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Launceston in Australia, and then in Auckland in New Zealand during early 1994 (9).
(8) http://www.footjointmobile.co.nz/founder.html
(9) https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/213043690
Get your health on track with ANTRAC!
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Business Hours
We're open 3 days.
Monday |
8:15 am | To | 4:30 pm |
Tuesday |
8:15 am | To | 4:30 pm |
Thursday |
8:15 am | To | 4:30 pm |
- Musculoskeletal Therapy
- Infertility and Reproduction
- Pain Management
- Frozen Shoulder
- Harvey Lampell Foot Joint Mobilization
- Tung Acupuncture
- Supply Earthing / Grounding Products
- Macqueen Protocol Musculoskeletal Correction
Professional Membership
- AACMA - Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association
- Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
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