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Decision making made easy by accessing the right answers
Servicing area
Sunshine Beach, QueenslandFocus areas
Decision making
Belief systems
Self awareness
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Decision making made easy by accessing the right answers
Correct decision making comes from a pure space where the answers to your questions flow and feel right, you may call it your intuition. We help you access that intuitive space where information can flow freely to you, un-encumbered by your limiting or false belief patterns that have corrupted your day to day decision making processes. This intuitive space allows you recognise the difference between conscious states of mind, bringing awareness, clarity, self confidence and especially empowerment back into your life.
Our Services
Give us a call and find out what we can do for you.
We offer a wide variety of services to the every day person, business professionals to elite sports men and women to become the best they can be through greater awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, or if you like offer people the opportunity to know themselves intimately from the inside out.
We offer one on one mentoring sessions that are aimed at getting to the core limiting belief patterns that are holding us back from being the best we can be in this life time or if you like allow you to see and know who you really are.
Each mentoring session is uniquie to the individual, our role is to be the guide throughout the process so as to empower you with the awareness of why you have certain belief patterns playing themselves out time and time again. That awareness and realisation coupled with our unique ability to quickly change and eliminate those unwanted limiting beliefs and behaviours gives you back control of all outcomes in your life. Imagine your life free of emotional and mental burdens that have held you back from truly believing you can live your life to it's full potential.
The answers lie in your ability to open up and let go so you can allow positive change to flow freely into your life. This change happens over a relatively short period of time as we can access the right answers and guidance from your super conscious and sub conscious minds at will. The pace at which a person can change depends on the individual and their ability to see and acknowledge their fears and behaviours and then be willing to let go of the past and allow the new to enter their reality.
We need people in our lives as they reaffirm to us what we love about ourselves in life. People often act as a mirror back to us of who we are in life. When we don't like that reflection then we generally don't like who it is that we are looking at. Our role here is to restore that reflection to one of love for self, to create awareness and change at the sub conscious level so these unwanted patterns of conflict don't become a regular unwanted distraction to our daily lives.
Belief systems:
Unwanted behaviour patterns are the source of all struggle in our day to day lives. Most commonly our belief systems are formed very early on in our childhood thanks very much to our dear parents. We often carry these patterns with us throughout life obvious to fact that we can change our weaknesses and ego traits once they are realised and brought to our awareness. We bring to that space of self awareness and offer the simple solution to add positive change to your life once and for all. Let go of those unwanted limiting beliefs that hold us back in so many areas of our lives.
Without our health in life we essentially have very little. At AnswerRus we offer simple, positive and rapid solutions to your health challenges. We are able to access the root cause of all illness and disease, then offer step by step guidance that will give you the opportunity to regain optimin health once again. When we don't listen in life, when we refuse to walk our life path, disease and illness is often the end result. The human body will manifest all manner of symtoms to give us the wake up call you need. We tap into the root cause and then via change we allow you to step forward once again on your life path.
Career and Business:
Are you following the right career path? Are you happy with what you do for a living? Do you struggle to make the correct decisions from a work or business point of view? These and more are all questions that AnswersRus can help you answer, we help you access the right answers everytime. Imagine how much more productive and profitable you can be having the right answers in your daily working life.
Family and children:
We are highly trained in the realm of what we do and this training includes dealing with highly sensitive topics such as your family. We realise due to modern day pressures and stresses that communication between family members can often be a struggle. We help you understand what is happening and why in your family dynamic and allow you to see how you can address any issues that maybe causing conflict on the home front.
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