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Anne Ribarits
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Sacred Sound Therapy Healings, Past Life Regression Therapy, Intuitive Counseling, Intuitive Life Coach, Chakra Journey Course, and Australian Bush Flower Essence Practitioner
Chakra Course
Servicing area
Moonee Ponds, VictoriaFocus areas
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change:
The Way to Wholeness Starts here
This course is a journey through each Chakra unraveling the key to the elements, whether being physical or emotional, that are holding you back from experiencing life at its full potential. This course runs over 9 months, one class per month, it is a one on one session, in a safe and confidential environment. This course will change and allow you to take ownership of the way you live your life.
This is an overview of the Chakra system and some of the learnings:
Root Chakra Sanskrit Name Muladhara
Right to be here, A right to have
To journey through the chakras begins with the root chakra. It means “Support” and is concerned with physical needs and basic human survival. It associates with physical security, family, grounding, trust, health, home, prosperity/financial and appropriate boundaries.
Sacral Chakra Sanskrit Name Svadhisthana (Sweetness)
To feel and have pleasure
Sacral means sweetness and is associated with what makes life sweet ,movement, sensation emotions, sexuality, desire, nurturing , pleasure and change.
Solar Plexus Chakra Sanskrit Name Manipura (Lustrous Gem)
To act and be an individual
Solar Plexus is to honour the power within and to work with a balanced ego working through all blocks and fears. This chakra is associated with Energy, activity, autonomy, individuation, will, self-esteem and power.
Heart Chakra Sanskrit Name Anahata (Unstruck)
To love and be loved
This is the heart of the journey through the heart chakra we learn to love unconditionally become compassionate for all sentient beings, reaching out and taking in, devotion, balance, self-love relationship with self and others and intimacy.
Throat Chakra Sanskrit Name Vissudha (Purification)
To speak and be heard
The Throat chakra is about bringing clear communications and personal expression combined with responsibility. It is associated with communications, self-expression, creativity, listening and findings one’s own voice.
Third Eye Chakra Sanskrit Name Ajna (to perceive and to command)
To See
The Third Eye/Ajna means “to perceive”, “to know” it offers us the ability to intuit things it opens us to imagination, Intuition, Visualization, Insight, Dreams and to see the wisdom from within.
Crown Chakra Sanskrit Name Sahasrara (thousandfold)
To know and to learn
Crown Chakra means thousandfold synonymous with infinity and each petal tuned to the highest states of consciousness. When we open the crown chakra we are open to the possibilities of space and time, the divine wisdom, transcendence, belief systems, divinity, union and vision.
Come and join me in the most transformational course that you could ever complete call Anne on 0407539254 to book in.
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