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Angel Light Spiritual Centre
Servicing area
Westerns Suburbs & Sydney MetroFocus areas
2 Great Workshops- Sept 27th & Oct 25th
" How to Manifest the Perfect You"
for the super low investment of $ 185.00
Book Now to secure your seat...
Inquiries Welcome - Suitable for all.
Understand why many people are turning to meditation - stressed, frustrated, angry - in today's technological world we are far too busy , the pace we put ourselves through doesn't allow the mind to be still, let alone balanced.
Let meditation assist you find the peace & tranquility you need !
Call 0416 374 180, SMS or email to make an Inquiry.....
Readings - Photo or Face to Face - Payable in Advance at time of booking
Emotional Release Therapy
Soul Journey
Meditation/Development Classes
Healing Services
Psychic Readings - Photo Readings
Medium and Clairvoyant
Life Counseling
EM Psychotherapy
Workplace & Space Clearings
Regular Workshops - See Below for more Information
Our Services Include:
Do you wonder what you have to do at times? You try and try but it's not working for you... still struggling...
If you are truly committed to making changes , if you are ready to step forward and leave behind old limiting ideas, old programs, old beliefs ..
If you are ready to leave behind the negative and focus on the positive... then...
- YOU are ready to learn that YOU can be all you aspire to
- YOU can eliminate past beliefs that may have held you back
- YOU can EMPOWER yourself for all of the right reasons..
EM Psychotherapy enables you to find and deal with the blockages that have held you back - with this process you won't ever be the same....
Is an intense self help process that eases stress and fear without drugs. It allows you to take responsibility for your experiences by letting go of blame and justification strategies, whilst fully owning the experience.
All experiences are stored in the conscious or subconscious memory and ALL experiences can be accessed or recalled. You are encouraged to understand the illusionary and ever changing nature of memory.
EM Psychotherapy does not in any circumstance support the notion of confrontation,fragmentation or destruction of relationships of parties involved in change.
A Soul Journey is a deeply personal and , intense and awakening Journey that is offered to you so that you may together, with your Soul discover persons, places , situations or events that have held back the growth and expansion of the Soul and therefore yourself.
This is not a regression therapy , rather an uplifting discovery.
Working with your I AM PRESENCE, the Archangels ,Angels , Guides, Angels and Father/Mother God, you ultimately experience the pure joy of Love and Freedom. The Freedom to be who you really are, A Child of GOD.
Through Meditation you can enjoy many beautiful and wonderful experiences, it is a gateway thru which you may enter at any time...
WE have each traveled so many paths, you and I, had many and varied experiences, met different people and changed the rules from times to time, all in the pursuit of personal happiness and satisfaction. For many this is enough.
However ,if you have wondered " Is there anything more ? Who am I, Why am I here " then perhaps meditation is for you. Through meditation you begin the journey to inner happiness, joy, peace and bliss. This journey takes you deep within yourself, to truly understand and know yourself. True happiness and joy comes from within, from the heart and soul - not an external source.Through meditation you bring into your life Balance , Peace and Harmony.
Through regular practice of meditation you become more aware of your own spirituality.
Unable to make it to outside classes - no car . have to be home to pick up the kids.... Solution:- get a group of like minded friends together and I will come to you.
Are you tired of taking the pills, taking different medications ? Are you tired of the dependency? Let me assist you to reduce that dependency, the pills and medication....
Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing which was discover by Dr.Eric Pearl can often be a life changing experience. Sessions are facilitated " hands-off" utilizing new frequencies to allow for the healing of mind,body and spirit.. During the sessions you will be relaxing face up on a massage table. Your whole perspective of healing will be forever changed.
Spiritual Healing invokes the Universal energy that is both subtle and energetic. This Universal energy is intangible, it is the essence of all that is, it is Light, Life Force and Vital Energy.
Spiritual Healing energy is channeled through the Healer and then directed to you to facilitate healing on whatever level is required, whether it be Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual. Spiritual Healing can be used to heal and balance your Chakras . When the Chakras are blocked this can have a negative effect on your mental and emotional state, this in turn affects your physical body , and in turn will affect those around you. Spiritual Healers allow the energy to flow through them, they step back and you receive the benefit of this Universal Energy.
Spiritual Healers are able to give you useful information on how you may help to heal yourself.
BodyTune Therapy is a synthesis of body therapies that has been developed over a 20 year period by Mark McAuliffe. BodyTune Therapy combines acupuncture points, the meridian lines of the body, chakra balancing and energy healing in a unique and most effective way.
The dynamic sequencing of BodyTune effectively and efficiently realigns and harmonizes the body.
Michelle says: " I am grateful to Kerry for teaching me the importance of love. Love for myself and for others. Kerry has taught me to question and expand my thinking. When you expand your mind you allow yourself to grow. I am grateful to be learning and growing as a person. Thank You Kerry for your patience, guidance and understanding.
Dear Kerry, I would like to express to you and the group how much I value our meditation sessions. Having experienced an incredibly spiritual holiday in Northern India earlier this year, i returned home seeking more.
Meditation is giving me the tools to begin to balance the basics so that my life is less 'busy' doing "chores". I am even finding exercise enjoyable now that I am choosing things that interest me, such as walking the dog, doing pilates and aqua aerobics over being on machines which I used to dread.
As a preschool teacher, it is such an amazing feeling to be living in the moment with children and to experience with them those little treasures that mother nature sends us, which often as adults we miss.
Patricia Clafford quotes "The work will wait while you show your child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."
This is definitely my new motto and I have never loved or appreciated my role more.
Kerry, I consider it a privilege to attend your classes,
With so many thanks. Cassandra West.
I have been attending the Angel Light Spiritual Centre for many years to practice meditation, attend workshops and learn valuable life skills.
I am very grateful for the enlightenment and knowledge that Kerry has imparted to me. My children now attend the childrens meditation classes
And they absolutely love it. Melanie OConnor
I am happy to provide the following testimonial.
I feel I have benefited immensely from your classes. I have a more positive outlook on life since attending your classes and feel more relaxed. I very much look forward to Wednesday nights and feel it is nice release when I've had a busy week. You are a very caring person with unconditional devotion to helping people find / enrich their spiritual path and I thank you for that.
I would recommend your classes to anyone who wants to learn to relax, find out why we are here, and to learn to meditate in a safe and friendly environment.
Thank you Kerry,
Carmen Docter
Other Services Available at Angel Light
- Clairvoyant Readings
- Workshops
- Space Clearing
- Angel Healings
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