Angela Sciberras Kinesiologist
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Servicing Penrith, Western SydneyFocus areas
“I LOVE WHAT I DO, because I am endlessly stunned at the magic, and remarkable journey that unfolds with each client and session. No two sessions are alike because YOU are UNIQUE.
It is always such a joy to see clients co-create results that often blow both our minds, restore our faith in the magic of life, and see the unimaginable, and so-called impossible be achieved.
It is true, emotion’s buried alive never die, and it is a pleasure to walk with you on a journey into the body, mind, neurology and soul to discover all that is needed to create freedom, peace of mind, improved quality of life, and results you never imagined possible”
- Angela Sciberras
- Chronic Fatigue - Digestive issues - Feeling disconnected from life or yourself, Pain - Aches - Anxiety - Disregulation - Mood swings - Exhaustion - Learning Issues - Depression - Trauma - Emotional, Vagal Nerve Issues, Chronic Stress
Prolonged trauma or stress can have us living in flight, fight or freeze states which can have long lasting and powerful effects on our nervous system, brain and ability to function in the world. Short term stress is needed in life, it is when we are exposed to long term unresolved stress that our entire body can be affected in a variety of ways.
Trauma and stress can mirror in the symptoms of our gut, organs, and mental health, Kinesiology being an effective tool to access information about the state of the systems of the body.
You can choose to book single sessions. This work is for souls who are ready to experience a laser beam of awareness into their life, and the profound release of being moved by who you really are.
Kinesiology is useful to bring the body back to its equilibrium, which when out of balance can affect our digestive, cardiovascular, hormonal, endocrine and nervous systems.
People who undertake the work experience disappearing the blocks and blind spots in their life that may be coconsciously or unconsciously holding them back from living a fully self-expressed, passionate and fulfilling life.
After 20 years, and thousands of hours of Kinesiology and Neuro Training client sessions, I have become an expert in the ability in gathering, seeing and understanding the pieces to the subconscious puzzle that is how people do their life. Through the nervous system we will clearly see the reasons, patterns and perceptions as to why you are limiting yourself, or experiencing physical symptoms. This discovery guiding you to cause immediate and life altering miracles within the areas of life most dreamed of.
(2 HOURS: $200)
We dive deep into the subconscious information hidden within your cells, and nervous system to find the underlying causes of suffering, unsupportive habits and physical pain to experience the freedom of release utilising endless tools from Chinese medicine philosophy, brain retraining, and emotional release techniques. Unlock your inner vision and inspiration and live out your most powerful message to the world.
You can achieve these results with an in clinic in person consultation, or via Skype.
Works in the same way that it does for adults, however, the sessions may be shorter and less intensive. It is a very safe and gentle session that can “talk to” your child’s nervous system to uncover and release blocks that are inhibiting their full potential.
Children often find it hard to communicate to us what they are feeling or thinking, therefore Kinesiology allows us understand their stress, behaviours, struggles and disfunction. Kidz experience it as a magical adventure.
“In the simplest of terms, a quest is a search for, or pursuit of something... A quest is a journey into uncharted territory for the purpose of exploration and eventually the discovery of the prize that, when returned, will revitalise, renew and transform our world.”
- R. Benson / The Quest Effect
When you see the genius in others, you have the power to awaken them to it. This is what I love to do... Together we work to either unravel the meaning you have put onto your life that has created pain and suffering, and re-invigorate you with meaning that brings you joy and peace.
Stresses, traumas, injuries, unresolved grief, emotional or physical problems? These things can limit our ability to be healthy, and they use up our energy while we are trying to cope with them. Kinesiology can help you find solutions to problems such as these. As we regain our energy, we can further our own healing.
Neuro-Training Kinesiology is a new way of experiencing the integration of many modalities that have existed for decades or even centuries. It is a synthesis and integration of many ‘alternative modalities’, ‘self development techniques’, ‘learning enhancement programs’ and other ‘personal development skills’
You will discover the astonishing bio feedback mechanism, a communication system connected to the subconscious mind revealing the cause of the many behaviours and patterns that hinder the potential in YOUR life!
“I have been on the path to discovering what it takes to empower myself and other human beings for most of my life, assisting people to get to the core of what it is that they are dealing with, and why it may be preventing them from living a life they love, and living it powerfully, or at least in peace.
As a clinician, event manager, artist, therapeutic musician, workshop facilitator and published author, I have combined the age old philosophy of the mystic, with the latest and most up-to-date Neuro Training techniques to assist clients to overcome personal blocks to success in all areas of life including business, family, health, wealth, and creativity.
I started my Kinesiology journey many years ago, when Kinesiology was something literally no one had heard of. They would say, “A Kinesi-what???” I am sure you remember those days. To be honest, I still get this from time to time.
After having a life changing result from 1 session with a Kinesiologist, I became passionate and fascinated with healing, the body and helping others find relief from pain, suffering and trauma. At that time I was a full-time musician, classical Flautists, training to become the next “Jane Rutter,” minus being naked on a baby grand...
From the hours of practice, stage work, and rehearsals I developed debilitating tendonitis, which led to me having to put my instrument down to rest and heal. At this time my only options were surgery and or never play again, and both seemed out of the question. It was then someone recommended I see a Kinesiologist. Being desperate (as most people are once they get to me) I did, and the rest was history.
I was astounded at the over 60% improvement in one session, and this came from some woman pressing my arm, and working out that I had associated the intense stress of practice with my instrument, which was causing the inflammation. Once the emotions of fear and stress were dealt with, the pain reduced and eventually healed completely. This was and is still unheard of.
And so I was hooked... The fascination of how this all worked got me, and the rest is history. I still have days in clinic where I think to myself;
“When did I get here?”
But those are the same days I thank God, the Universe or whatever you call it, that I was led on this path, as I have met and journeyed, cried and witnessed so many hearts that have healed me, as much as the work has healed them.
And so I became a qualified Neuro - Linguistic Kinesiologist, and then continued to study to become a fully qualified Neuro-Training Kinesiologist, and I have now been working with clients to empower and unleash their creative potential to achieve personal transformation, reveal and overcome personal blocks to achieving success and improve their vital health for 15 years.
From the day I started seeing clients - I have barely marketed my business and work, and the clients just always showed up - I truly believe Kinesiology chose me, I certainly wasn’t that little girl dreaming of becoming a Kinesiologist.
Maybe Kinesiology was dreaming of a girl to find it, and journey with thousands of souls, witnessing countless hearts healing, be touched by the courage and humility of hundreds of humans, and be moved by humanity in all its forms. Just when I think I have heard it all, I meet someone new, and hear a whole new take on life, on the journey and strength it takes for some to move through this thing we call life.
One thing is for sure, I have learned over the years that pain and suffering, trauma and illness touches all people from all walks of life, at some time, and it is these brave souls who have journeyed with me that have me feel blessed.
Humbled and inspired to live my life as best I can. To keep showing up and being reminded each day that we all have our story. We all have our own story to tell, heart to heal and joy to find. It is in this that we are all united. We are unique yet the same.
In this, we can connect and heal together.
Over the years I have become masterful at using muscle testing and the body’s innate bio feedback to discover the traumas, fears, habits, or self sabotage patterns that are holding a person back from becoming unleashed in their lives and creating the health, relationships, freedom, business success and fulfilment they wish for.
Having lived my own personal and powerful transformation, I know what it takes to support you to energise your business, career, relationship, and life journey to the next level..."
- Angela Sciberras
“My Journey of Kinesiology With The Beautiful Angela...
My journey with Kinesiology began eight years ago, when not in a pleasant place I was searching for help that wasn’t in the form of a tablet and the question of “how did that make you feel?”
A friend shared Angela’s contacts and said she and her daughter had experienced great strengthening from their sessions.
So I called and went in with a very open heart...
Kinesiology gives me the opportunity to identify the feelings, emotions and experiences that my subconscious and physical body are having difficulties processing and sorting out, shooting messages in a variety of forms and ways.
It enables me to supportively identify areas of concern, manners of the heart, links to the past, present and future as well as engaging the brain to stop overthinking and begin to calm and centre itself.
Angela’s guiding, calm, sometimes unsettling, thought provoking and patient manner expressed through her warm, but supportive hands have opened me up, ensuring that I am looking into the depths of my heart to find answers to the many questions and difficulties I am experiencing in my life.
Her ability to read the human body, identify its needs and abilities to overcome and reset the subconscious is extremely settling.
I have gained many insights, tips and strategies that I put into practice each and every day, especially on the hard days for example; coming home from hospital with my new baby and changing jobs.
I recently shared with a friend of mine, that I wish I could bottle the energy and internal feelings I leave my sessions with to tap into again and again.
The feeling of control, empowerment and balance are why I continually choose Angela and my journey with Kinesiology.
I (along with my husband) cannot thank Angela and Kinesiology enough for all that has enabled me to do in this journey of life and all it continues to throw my way. 💜”
“I am a professional MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER and event co-ordinator having brought some worlds finest speakers and trainers to our shore such as the inspiring (late) Stella Benson USA (International Healing Musicians Program) and more recently many world class speakers.
I played Harp at the Cosmic Conciousness Conference at Uluru, creating a profound space of high frequency and love for all attending. I have a passion for the arts, culture and creativity, this enhancing my skills as a Kinesiologist to assist you to get clear about what it is in life that you wish to make possible, and begin working on this possibility to create and enjoy a life you love to live.
My mission is to unleash you to live life powerfully and assist you in delivering on those things that are important to you in life, whether it be health, wealth, learning, overcoming obstacles in your power, powerful self expression, and more.
Anything in life is truly possible, and through this system of bio feedback, experience wisdom and intuition I am able to assist you to access the ‘read out’ of your frequency, your blueprint to life and current resonance, which will empower you to be able to acknowledge and transform your current way of being in order to experience new levels of freedom and power in your life.
We ensure that you are now in harmonic resonance with your life, your gifts, talents and desires for life.
I am very passionate about working with clients of all backgrounds, and ages, and is very much enjoying the influx of babies, and children being brought in by their parents to work on all manner of contexts such as digestive issues, learning obstacles, low self esteem and so much more.”
“I am excited to journey with ordinary people who dare to live their own unique vibration and purpose in life - and for this to happen it requires focus, dedication, compassion and commitment. By embodying these qualities, we can all advance and be uplifted in so many ways.
“You do amazing work Angela inside and outside of Kinesiology.
Your sessions always leave me with the awareness that my pain and experience profoundly motivates and inspires you to look deeply at your own life experiences. You seem to know innately that we all share similar journeys through life with different stories and connect of a deep level with me and so many others.
It’s that deep awareness, compassion, and honesty that makes you so unique and so effective in transforming my life.”
D. Silva (Australia)
I realise that change can be difficult for us all. When we use our powers, focus and commitment to shift our reality drastically, it is almost expected that our human body may take a moment to catch up and align with this change.
The old reptilian part of our brain is set up to keep us from experiencing familiar experiences that are coded into our brains for survival. This is why ANY CHANGE can feel uncomfortable for most people. Our brain re - creates the same types of circumstances and experiences over and over to keep us feeling safe.
So when we introduce something like changing our life path, and you have never achieved this before it doesn’t feel familiar and we can often easily sabotage ourselves just as this experience is about to manifest.
This is why it is crucial to over come the often unpredictable emotional roller coast change can be and prevent sabotage by keeping you feeling supported, and continue to balance your nervous system and neurology to the beliefs, emotions and mindset need to create your dreams.
We also begin to tap into your innate gifts, talents and expression unique to you to access the mindset, beliefs and habits that will empower you for success.
During this journey we discover and create strategies to support you, continue to empower and dissolve influences that may reveal themselves as you grow, change and push past your own limiting boundaries and container.
We round things off by continuing to support you in your progress, providing techniques, balances, products, services, sounds and vibrations to keep you on track and prevent usual patterns of sabotage during challenging times and growth when we can often feel most vulnerable.
Anyone who has difficulty in doing something they want is a perfect candidate for Neuro-Training. We focus on the constant increase in positive results you will accumulate as you continue to use Neuro-Training. We don’t want to list all the things that can go wrong in a person’s life, but Neuro-Training can help you overcome just about any challenge you may encounter.
Neuro-Training reconditions your life experiences and because we don’t know what life experiences you have had, we don’t know what benefits it will bring you. We know you will have benefits though. For more detailed information about Neuro-Training and its development and benefits, please visit www.neuro-training.com
Once we have established the goal you would like to achieve, you lay on a massage table, face up and fully clothed. I then access your unique bio feedback mechanisms using a technique called muscle monitoring to assess their response to different thoughts and information I am testing to determine where the imbalance lies in your system and what balancing method or support you require for your body to be able to heal itself.
We access mindset, toxic emotions, emotional habits, beliefs, patterns, and limitless other contexts to discover your unique blue print which is affecting the power you have in business, health, relationships and any other area of your life.
The client’s body gives the answers through bio-feedback in the form of a muscle test or muscle monitoring. This provides the information required to discover the individual needs of each person and will uncover imbalances, which are creating ill-health or emotional disturbance.
Muscle monitoring utilises the electrical circuits of the body, rather than the physical power of a muscle, and can allow the practitioner to ascertain many things - limited only by his/her own training and expertise. To use a simple example, when checking for sensitivity (or allergy) to a food, the food is held next to the subject s face and the person being tested holds out their arm with straight elbow in front of the body. The practitioner then applies pressure on the arm, thereby testing a particular muscle (see the diagram). If the food being tested is unsuitable for the body, it registers as a stress and therefore creates a negative effect on the body, and the muscle being tested will fail or become weakened.
There are hundreds of different kinesiology balances which your body, through muscle testing, will determine the balance that is right for you right now. Because your body guides the session, what comes up will be exactly what you need and are ready to work on putting your body back into balance.
“Angela is a wonderful person and practitioner.
She conducts herself with such integrity and professionalism, that one feels totally at ease and trusting of the process.
I have had several sessions with Angela and every one has resulted in amazing changes in my life, all with such ease.
Well entrenched behaviour patterns are suddenly easy to change and new choices are made with very little effort.
My perception of myself and life around me takes on a new look, and I find myself responding quite differently to situations than I would have in the past.
As a result of this, every session is highly anticipated and I leave with a sense of excitement as to what else has now changed in my life. Kinesiology is a wonderful resource that empowers you and reminds you that all change is possible.
I highly recommend Angela to anyone who desires to experience their life from a place of ease and joy.” (Rosemary Leavey - Australia)
The answer is yes, it could, but there is more to it than that. With a good deal of complimentary health service options to choose from, it can be confusing when deciding what to try to improve your life. But what if there was something you could do to help yourself? Something that could change the way your brain works, and therefore the way you live out your life?
Kinesiology uses the body’s own healing intelligence to restore imbalance within our mental, emotional, and physical systems. Initially investigated and developed by chiropractors embracing techniques derived from Chinese medicine, kinesiology combines the wisdom of eastern philosophy, with western understanding of anatomy, physiology and nutrition. During the session I would use muscle monitoring techniques to balance you, the consultation benefiting specific pain, allergies, depression, postural problems and learning difficulties and issues with sleep.
Most people think that they need a health issue to visit a Kinesiologist, but this could not be further from the truth. Kinesiology is for anyone who wants to take responsibility for what occurs in their life, for those who want to find out more about themselves, who wish to improve their performance in any area, and who wish to pursue a sense of inner calm.
We are so fortunate, you and I, that our body is incredibly adaptive and although we are unlikely to be aware of it, the body compensates in order to survive. Sometimes we may receive an emotional shock and physically our body reacts, it may be tummy troubles, or back pain, these are just signs your body is giving you to communicate your ‘dis-ease’. Thus your dis-ease with the world ultimately translates to a disease in the body. I will work with you to explore some of these root causes and assist your own healing ability to return you back to balance. So why not give it a try?
I know all about it - I too have experienced all of these things and more in my journey! We feel the call life is sending us to expand, grow and release our past and fear and we can go into a mini crisis!
We can get caught up in our past, our mental fear chatter about not having enough money, time or confidence. We hear all the voices in our head that usually stop us from becoming the fully self aware, expanded Goddess, conscious being we know we are!
This is really common for so many of us. I too have been there in life, stashing away money in envelopes in my This training and support could easily create a tipping point in your life or business, professional life, relationships and family. A tipping point that finally has you living a life you love to live, empowered, out of scarcity, shame and struggle...
Believe me after nearly 20 years in this work, and thousands of hours and clients, I deeply know this is not some pie in the sky promise. I have seen it, experienced it and know it to be true. This I know for sure. When you change your frequency, you light up your soul and heart, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
What I also know with my work as a Therapeutic Sacred Harp Musician working for 10 years in Palliative Care wards across Australia that time and life is so short, and so many of us waste our time in fear, when the one thing I hear out of the mouths of every person I sat with before that passed was the same...
“I wish I would have just lived the life I dreamed of, stopped worrying about what everyone else was thinking and doing and lived my life my way...”
By then for most it was too late - But the lesson for me was to always do my best to live my most inspiring and exciting abundant life, and pass on this wisdom and help as many people as I can choose to live this life before its way too late.
It’s time to claim your power, its time to feel rich in all areas of life, turned on, lit up and on fire!
Obsessed with your success,
Angela Sciberras
- Iridologist
- Kinesiologist
- Scar Tissue Release Therapy Practitioner
- Registered Specialist Kinesiology Practitioner
- Professional Kinesiology Practice
- Bachelor of Arts and Music
- Diploma In Biochemic Therapy
- Biochemic Tissue Salts Therapist
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
- Australian Kinesiology Association
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