Vanessa Herwerth
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Ambi-ence massage therapies, healing through touch and energy incorporates deep tissue massage (theraputic, remedial ), relaxation massage, relflexology, aromatherapy, ear candling and healing modalities such as reiki and healing touch therapy. Also now incorporating Lymph drain massage.
Ambience Massage and Healing Therapy
Servicing area
South Geelong, VictoriaFocus areas
Welcome to Ambience Massage and Healing Therapy
Ambi-ence massage therapies - healing through touch and energy – incorporating:
- deep tissue massage (therapeutic and sports)
- relaxation massage
- reflexology
- aromatherapy
- products
- healing modalities such as reiki and healing touch therapy
- remedial massage
- pregnancy massage
- Lymph drain massage
- Gift Vouchers
I have been practicing massage and healing therapies for many years and see daily the need and great benefits from massage and healing.
All treatments come with essential oils in their application and I provide a healing and ambient environment for my clients, hence the name ambi-ence. All treatments are by appointment only but I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Can Help With:
Back problems and conditions
Nervous Tension
Strained and pulled muscles and tendons
Joint and body flexibility
Blood Pressure
Immune system
Cholesterol Issues
Over worked and tired bodies
Rest, Relaxation,Time Out and Peace
Below is a description of my services. Treatments may include just one or a few of the below modalities to achieve the greatest result.
Using acupressure points, trigger point therapy and deeper applications, this massage technique is fantastic for problem areas, injury recovery and bodies that are sore, tired and stressed.
Massage allows the body to recover from stress in its tissues and cells and has many benefits.
Improves flexibility in muscles and soft tissue
Increases blood flow, improving skin tone and helps to build immune system
Helps the body to recover from strains and injuries
Allows body functions to return to normal, such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
The basis to every good massage involves relaxation techniques whose basis is in Swedish massage. A gentler, non intrusive massage. Perfect if you don't won’t the pain but just want to destress, relax and treat yourself to the indulgence of a blissful massage.
Reflexology points can be used in any massage combination to enhance the treatment
For those expectant mum's at any stage of their pregnancy. It is challenging both physically and emotionally for pregnant mum's . Bodies can go out of alignment. muscles become tense and sore and stress can occur from the expectations. A soothing massage designed for pregnant mothers can be just the thing to help nurture mums
Involving traditional and intuitive sequences. Healing can be incorporated into a massage routine or experienced purely on its own. It is an opportunity for the client to receive exactly the energy they may require in one form or the other involving the below or from a different healing source. In my healing I also use shells, crystals and essences.
REIKI is a energy principle that has been passed on down from lineage to lineage as a sacred form of healing energy to assist anyone who asks for healing
HEALING TOUCH THERAPY is a principle on it's own, originating from the holistic nursing profession, a set of routines and principles again to assist anyone asking for healing
Not only are essential oils a vital part of my treatments to enhance the massage experience but I also use them theraputically in my healing sequences. I also have a line of products including face creams, baby oil, blends, smudge sticks, space clearing mists and I create a specialised face cream which is designed with each person in mind. Also on offer are short and introductory courses on aromatherapy for workplaces and for any interested party wishing to learn more about aromatherapy.
This technique can be offered as part of any treatment or in itself as a full 90min -2hr treatment. Using gentle wave like massage techniques a client will benefit from this treatment in so many ways. A Lymph treatment can:
- help the body build up naural resistence to illness and disease by helping the immune system with defense.
- Detox the body from daily stress, fatigue, pollution and chemical overloading.
- Great for skin and skin conditions improving elasticity and conditons such as psorasis and acne.
- Execellent for rducing swelling and edema , reducing scar tissue.
- Essential for recovery and can be applied pre and post surgery.
Helps to reduce edema and swelling from injuries and general swelling.
Ear Candling is a non intusive, relaxing way to assist in issues around the ear, nose and throat. It Can be helpful in the following ways.
• Clears wax & debris from the ear canal
• Relieves pressure from behind the eardrum
• Sharpens mental functions, vision, hearing, taste & color perception
• Eases earache, headache & sinus pressure, allergies
• Relaxation from the negative charge of the herbal smoke
• Acts as a catalyst to clear nerve endings & promote healing.
At Ambi-ence I offer two treatments:
1. Basic treatment. Ear candling and gentle 10 mins facial massage.
45 mins. $75
2. Deluxe treatment. Ear Candling, deluxe facial treatment and neck,
head and shoulder massage.
90 mins. $160.00
RADIATING FACIAL TREATMENT…A beautiful 1 & 1/2 hour joy
The focus is on the neck, head and face. Using Indian head massage techniques for the head and scalp. Stretching and massage for the neck and acupressure points and gentle massage for the face. Lymph flow facial massage. Oils, essential oils, tinctures are all selected at time of treatment. Completed with a reiki sequence. $160.
Gift Vouchers from Ambience Available
All massage and healing treatments are:
$120 One hour
$160 One & I/2 hours
$200 Two hours
$240 Two and half hours
$180 full lymph drain sequence 90mins - 2hrs
Professional Membership
- Massage & Myotherapy Australia
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