Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors Association
If you’re looking for a practitioner, searching for an association that would best suit your needs, or if you’re an established practitioner seeking insurance and membership, then you’re in the right place. AHHCA is run by and for its members. Contact them today to learn more!
Professional Affiliation and Accreditation
Servicing area
AustraliaFocus areas
Formerly known as the Australian Holistic Healers Association (AHHA), the Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors Association (AHHCA) was founded in the early 1990s by a small group of practitioners in central Victoria.
The AHHA was formed because of the growth of “multi-modality” practitioners in the community who were trained in various modalities and techniques.
With progressive thinking from the beginning, the association accepted practitioners with a range of skills and training in holistic healing.
Bringing these modalities together created an official body, recognising practitioners and supporting holistic health for the community in Australia.
Through the dedication of those first members, the Association grew, to the present level where new members, with much energy and vision, are ready to lead it forward.
With the association's continued growth, they added other levels to accommodate the growing demands of the holistic community and support its members. Among them, there are non-practising, associate, affiliate, and life membership levels.
As complementary health changes, professional membership is of even greater importance, and the AHHCA is eager to see what the future holds.
Knowledge is integral to the public's well-being. By providing members with the Approved Trainer status so they can educate and support the growth of Education Providers, they are ensuring a bright future for well-trained practitioners.
AHHCA Vision
To ensure there are good quality multi-modality training organisations and practitioners providing holistic health and wellbeing choices to the community.
AHHCA Mission
To educate and empower the holistic healing community so that they can provide health and wellbeing services in an informed manner.
This will be accomplished by;
- Providing members with professional support, advice, products, and services.
- Serving as an accreditation body for training providers of holistic modalities.
- Ensuring best practice standards and professional ethics for practitioners and educators of holistic healing.
- Gathering information, consulting, and advocating for holistic health trends.
- Ensuring that the Association has a healthy financial standing at all times.
Modalities for AHHCA Membership and Course Accreditation
There must be a minimum of 50 hours of classes or training environments, along with at least 50 hours of study and clinical practice (for AHHCA purposes, they consider this a certificate-level course).
When training hours are less than the minimum requirement for membership, extensive experience in the field may be acceptable. Proof of experience is required.
You can find a complete list of AHHCA's approved modalities by clicking here.
To find out more about the best services for your needs or to schedule an appointment, call them today!
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