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Castle HillFocus areas
Weight Loss
Advanced Vitality Weight Loss Programs focus on the root causes behind your weight gain and addresses these accordingly. It is imperative to treat the entire individual and, as everyone is different, individual weight loss programs are more effective and have lasting results.
There are several factors which can affect your weight including:
- Hormonal or Endocrine Disorders: PMS, PCOS, Excessive Hair Growth, and Erectile Dysfunction.
- Thyroid Dysfunction: Sluggishness, Hair Loss, and Depression.
- Nutrient Deficiencies
- Inflammation
- Detoxification Pathways
The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) eating program is the latest weight/fat loss program we provide, and we firmly believe when it is conducted properly, we will change your life and the way you think and feel about food. Using HCG (rapid fat metaboliser) Bioenergetic homoeopathic drops during a 500calorie diet stimulates the body to release fat stores and reset the hypothalamus (body’s master gland that also controls weight) to help in preventing rebound weight gain. When fat stores are releases then you won’t feel hungry as your body is using those fat stores for energy. It reduces fat/weight quickly, permanently, and efficiently. It provides you with a greater sense of wellbeing, high levels of energy, a clearer mind, a positive change in hormones, and decreased aches and pains. Clients who have been adhering to the program have been losing 8kgs and 18kgs over the 40 days.
For more information about Weight Loss, view our website, send us an email or give us a call
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