Ting Chen Liao
Eight Mile Plains Acupuncture & Naturopathy
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Acupuncture & Naturopathy is located in Eight Mile Plains, at the Brisbane Clinic Center for over 10 years. Practitioner Tim Liao is qualified practitioner in Acupuncture.
Eight Mile Plains Acupuncture & Naturopathy
Servicing area
Eight Mile Plains, QueenslandFocus areas
Stress Management
Private health
Joint pain
Welcome to Eight Mile Plains Acupuncture & Naturopathy
Acupuncture & Naturopathy is located in Eight Mile Plains, at the Brisbane Clinic Center for over 10 years.
Our Services
We specialise in Acupuncture & Naturopathy treatments.
Acupuncture has been practiced in China for over two thousand years and helps to treat a lot of diseases. Acupuncture treatments require fine needles to stimulate acupuncture points, to relax the muscles and tendons in surrounding areas, in order to unblock the channels to help in physical recovery. Therefore, it is very good for any pain in muscle and tendon areas such as arthritis and sport injuries. It also helps calm stress and promote sleep. Many patients with sleep apnoea and snoring reduce their symptoms and improve their sleep quality with acupuncture.
Moreover, acupuncture is a natural therapy without side effects and can be combined with other treatments. The pain felt by insertion of a fine needle is just like that of an insect bite, and you will not feel the pain soon after insertion of the needle. A lot of patients are scared before they try acupuncture, but feel comfortable after the needles are inserted into their body. The entire treatment uses disposal needles, therefore there is no worry about diseases being spread.
Naturopathy also involves asking questions to get more information from patients. An examination of the Iris, tongue, nails and pulse is done to help diagnose problems and to find out what nutrient deficiencies may be causing the problems. We suggest suitable diets to help patients get enough nutrients to help recover, and also prescribe nutrient supplements to quickly eliminate deficiencies. Certain herbal medicines are also used to help patients recover quicker.
Combining Acupuncture and Naturopathic treatments always helps patients recover quicker than using just one form of treatment. Patients who come to Eight Mile Plains Acupuncture & Naturopathy can not only recover from their problems, but also learn where their problems come from, why they are caused, and how to prevent future sickness.
We can help in areas of:
- Muscular and Joint pains (e.g. Shoulder/ Knee pain)
- Sleeping problems
- Lack of energy (e.g. Fatigue)
- Stress/ Depression
- Sleep Apnoea and Snoring
- Digestive complaints (e.g. constipation)
- Weight loss management
- Women’s health (e.g. Menopause and infertility)
- Allergies
- Men’s health (e.g. prostate problems)
- Chronic diseases
- Headaches and Migraine, and other problems.
About Us
Practitioner Tim Liao is qualified practitioner in Acupuncture.
Eight Mile Plains Acupuncture & Naturopathy is located in Eight Mile Plains, at the Brisbane Clinic Center. For over 10 years, we have been helping treat our patients using the time-tested methods of Acupuncture and Naturopathy.
About Tim Liao
Practitioner Tim Liao is a qualified practitioner in Acupuncture, with a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Acupuncture and an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy. Tim is also a member of the AACMA (Acupuncture) and ATMS (Acupuncture and Naturopathy) Association.
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