Best Wellness Coaches in Yallourn North VIC

Kimberley Nightingale - Naturopathy

Kimberley Nightingale

Kimberley Nightingale - Naturopathy

53 Buckley ST, Morwell, VIC, 3840

Member since 2016

Natural health care Can Help you!

Stress Management Wellbeing Anxiety General health Emotional wellbeing Diet Lifestyle Immunity Menstruation Menopause
Glow From Within Nutrition Plans

Gina Symonds

Glow From Within Nutrition Plans

Traralgon, VIC, 3844

Member since 2017

Welcome! My name is Gina. I am a FoodFix4Life Nutritionist and a dedicated Social Worker with a passion for health promotion. I specialise in women's health and and anti-inflammatory diets. I am thrilled to introduce you to Glow from Within, my online portal dedicated to supporting busy women in improving their health and vitality through a wholefood approach to eating.

Gut Health Weight management Anti-inflammatory Meal plans Dietary management Diet plan Losing weight Wellness Women's wellness Digestive health
Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Vively Health

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Cockatoo, VIC, 3781

Member since 2022

Working with your doctor and other providers to improve your PCOS symptoms, glucose levels or sleep hygiene is crucial but can...

Telehealth Online consultations Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Holistic practitioner Holistic wellness Irregular periods Acne Hormonal acne Anxiety Menstrual health
Melissa Noonan - Psychologist - Unfolding your Potential

Melissa Noonan - Psychologist

Melissa Noonan - Psychologist - Unfolding your Potential

Monbulk, VIC, 3793

Member since 2009

Welcome. My name is Melissa and I am passionate about assisting people in reaching their potential by supporting them in working through life's challenges. I work with people from all walks of life including those interested in alternative health, diverse...

Conflict resolution Telehealth Happiness Emotional wellbeing Personal growth Relaxation Stress Management Values Anger Emotions
Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition & Fertility Support

Claudia Witts

Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition & Fertility Support

Officer, VIC, 3809

Member since 2018

Wanting to fall pregnant naturally, or support IVF, regulate erratic cycles and painful periods? I'm here for it! I want to help find the the cause of your symptoms and facilitate a transformative health journey with a customised health management strategy using natural therapies Call Claudia or book an online consultation to discuss your journey and help expand your family.

Fertility support Conception IVF support Birthing yoga Fertility issues Epigenetics Female fertility Male fertility Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Pregnancy support
Change of Course- Trauma, Anxiety and Relationship Healing for Empaths/ Highly sensitive souls

Maree Eisma

Change of Course- Trauma, Anxiety and Relationship Healing for Empaths/ Highly sensitive souls

The Patch, VIC, 3792

Member since 2018

You may be part of the 15-20% of people who are naturally wired in a way that makes too much stimulation overwhelming. The noise of bustling shopping centers, the chaos of crowded freeways, or dining in noisy restaurants might drain your energy rather than satisfy your appetite. Even social gatherings or parties, meant to be enjoyable, may feel like an unbearable challenge. You might find yourself struggling with intense emotions when you witness...

Anxiety Wellbeing Addiction Trauma Emotional wellbeing Emotional eating Weight management Expressive therapies Stress Management Love
The Heartland Centre

Jenni Evans

The Heartland Centre

Berwick, VIC, 3806

Member since 2005

Move, Soothe and Improve with Feldenkrais and visit Jenni who has over 30 years experience in helping people clarify and move towards their goals. Whether you have pain, mobility limitations or a desire to enhance your performance, the Feldenkrais Method can assist you in discovering optimal movement patterns. Build awareness, options and success.

Reading Telehealth Flexibility Movement Coaching Vision Relaxation Multicultural Growth Human movement
Access Bars, Energetic Facelift & Body Process Facilitator, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciou

Access Bars, Energetic Facelift & Body Process Facilitator, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciou

Mount Dandenong, VIC, 3767

Member since 2020

Create the life you desire through techniques, tools, and processes. Become the amazing person you are by changing everything in your life that isn't working. Giancarla can help you discover the possibilities that lie ahead! Contact her today!

Telehealth Access energetic facelift Access consciousness Insomnia Fatigue / tiredness Migraine Business Bodywork Positivity Joy
All Abilities Exercise & Fitness (AAEAF) - AJB Fitness

Aaron Bettles

All Abilities Exercise & Fitness (AAEAF) - AJB Fitness

Ferntree Gully, VIC, 3156

Member since 2019

Our Personal Training Services includes a mixture of Weight loss, Muscle shaping, Technique and exercises for the individuals on the Special Needs Spectrum on the NDIS and NON NDIS participants. On top of the structured and supervised exercise programming, nutrition is a key factor in everyone's health and well-being objectives. This is part of our service and we will ensure we assist you no matter what.

Rehabilitation Weight management Fitness Mental health Exercise technique Injury management Health and fitness Special needs assistance Disability support services Injury prevention
Michelle Reinhardt

Michelle Reinhardt

Michelle Reinhardt

Boronia, VIC, 3155

Member since 2019

Michelle Reinhardt, Spiritual Life Coach, Angelic Reiki Master Practitioner, Trainer, Bodywork Practitioner; Awakening Your Innate Potential To Thrive.

Business Mindset Angelic healing Energy Chakra balancing Self-healing Cleansing Distance healing Adults Subconscious
About Lizzie Marrett

About Lizzie Marrett

Neerim South, VIC, 3831

Member since 2017

Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching, Women's Health

Mental health Bipolar disorder Depression Pain management Trauma Insomnia Coaching Weight management Memory Habits
Healers Shack

Brad Osler

Healers Shack

Warragul, VIC, 3820

Member since 2017

Healthcare with a difference!

Reading Corrective exercise Hahnemann healing Taping Values
Peter Winter Counselling

Peter Winter

Peter Winter Counselling

Traralgon, VIC, 3844

Member since 2012

We are your helping hand when you need it most

Learning disabilities Disabilities Depression Suicide Trauma Case management Migraine Scoliosis Telehealth Birth trauma
Molly Slater's Fitness & Nutrition

Molly Slater

Molly Slater's Fitness & Nutrition


Member since 2018

I aim to inspire and educate you to live a healthy and happy life.

Mental illness Physical injuries Fitness Love Eating disorders Pregnancy support
JH Counselling & Coaching

Jessica Young

JH Counselling & Coaching

Drouin, VIC, 3818

Member since 2024

At JH Counselling & Coaching, we provide a safe and supportive environment to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're struggling...

Telehealth Anxiety Stress Management Self-healing Self-esteem Confidence & esteem Small business management success Soul coaching Coaching Mindset coaching
Earth Balance Naturopathy

Mindy Bridgeman

Earth Balance Naturopathy

Sale, VIC, 3850

Member since 2017

Mindy is a Naturopath, Herbalist, Lester Cox Practitioner, Iridologist and Massage Therapist

Muscle pain Tension Massage therapy Wellness Natural medicine Stress Management
Kate Following Dharma

Kate Hanssen

Kate Following Dharma

Seville, VIC, 3139

Member since 2019

Conscious Connected Creative Contribution.

Vision Mentoring Purpose Reconnection Values Growth
Athene's Holistic Wellbeing Therapies - Meditation

Athene's Holistic Wellbeing Therapies

Athene's Holistic Wellbeing Therapies - Meditation

Monbulk, VIC, 3793

Member since 2005

Athene's Holistic Wellbeing Therapies offers a range of meditation classes - call Athene to hear more.

Trauma Back pain Neglect Spirituality Reading Chakras Holistic healing Mindset Energy Feet
Ignite Your Wellbeing

Steven Castle

Ignite Your Wellbeing

Monbulk, VIC, 3793

Member since 2016

Training the Mind, Body & Spirit! Corporate & Team Building Events Personal Training, Military fitness boot camp delivery, Obstacle...

The Intuitive Healer

Nipuni Gernhoefer

The Intuitive Healer

Clyde North, VIC, 3978

Member since 2017

Sacred Activations HealingPellowah HealingIntuitive Coaching

Energy Cleansing Coaching Manifestation Pellowah Addiction Relaxation Inner power Intuitive coaching

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