Best Wellness Coaches in Altona VIC

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Vively Health

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Altona, VIC, 3018

Member since 2022

Working with your doctor and other providers to improve your PCOS symptoms, glucose levels or sleep hygiene is crucial but can...

Telehealth Online consultations Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Holistic practitioner Holistic wellness Irregular periods Acne Hormonal acne Anxiety Menstrual health
Ann Beck

Ann Beck

Ann Beck

Newport, VIC, 3015

Member since 2006

Clinical Hypnotherapy / Psychotherapy / Men's Counselling / Hypnobirthing

Complementary Clinical hypnotherapy Quit smoking Family health Virtual gastric band Loss Men's counselling
Small, Personalised Group Classes

Deb Robertson

Small, Personalised Group Classes

Williamstown, VIC, 3016

Member since 2017

Even in a single hour-long yoga class, you can reset your mind and body, but imagine what it can do over an entire day or weekend! Join Deb’s upcoming workshops, retreats, and events to connect with nature, meet new people in the yoga community, and challenge your body and mind!

Arthritis Cancer management Mental health Depression Pain management Back pain Fatigue Neurological disorders Asthma Fibromyalgia
Judith Richardson

Judith Richardson

Judith Richardson

Yarraville, VIC, 3013

Member since 2012

Specialist Counsellor and Human Relations Trainer with more than 30 years of experience...

Depression Parenting Telehealth Energy Intimacy Coaching Communication skills Resilience Adults Subconscious
Clarity Psychology

Ms Caterina Prestia-Nigro

Clarity Psychology

Maribyrnong, VIC, 3032

Member since 2010

Finding clarity to work through life's challenges

Mental health Bullying Depression Family therapy Trauma Workplace bullying Abuse Telehealth Domestic violence Adults
Angela Molluso Integrative Hypnotherapist

Angela Molluso

Angela Molluso Integrative Hypnotherapist

South Melbourne, VIC, 3205

Member since 2017

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Anxiety Depression Overwhelm Public speaking Subconscious Private health Self-esteem Self awareness Grief Growth
Linda Nutritionist and lifestyle advisor

Linda Inner Nutritionist

Linda Nutritionist and lifestyle advisor


Member since 2018

Hi i'm Linda i look beyond your symptoms to uncover the underlying causes of your health problems. I focus on health, wellness...

Psychic Readings and Spiritual Healing

Dedee's Psychic Readings and S

Psychic Readings and Spiritual Healing


Member since 2019

Dedee is a psychic and spiritual healer with over 30 years experience and is certified in a range of modalities aimed to truly...

Reading Numerology Cleansing Love Spiritual counselling
Anxiety & Emotional Regulation

Breakthrough with Adele

Anxiety & Emotional Regulation

South Melbourne, VIC, 3205

Member since 2023

Adele works with you to identify, heal and overcome the root cause of your Anxiety & achieve Emotional Regulation. If you require assistance to overcome anxiety, overwhelm, panic attacks, stress, phobias, post-relationship healing/relationship issues, low self-esteem, weight loss, behavioural issues, emotional instability or just getting 'unstuck', Adele is experienced in transforming the lives of her clients and educating her cliets with a practical...

Telehealth Anxiety Love Stress Management Postpartum depression (PPD) Anger management Academic performance Abuse Adolescents Trauma
Malvern Natural Health Care - Kinesiology

Desma Carver

Malvern Natural Health Care - Kinesiology

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2004

The body/brain has innate intelligence and knowledge of its own needs, and through gentle muscle testing, our kinesiologist assesses this information and uses techniques to detect imbalances, unlock energy, release stresses and promote harmony in the body, mind and spirit.

Colitis Crohn's disease Menopause Depression Sleep disorders Assessments Fatigue Ankle pain Foot problems Insomnia
QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Mayda Parseghian

QHHT Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing & Reconnection

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2008

Welcome to Reconnect to Heal a holistic practice promoting healing and wellness on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We offer QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Reconnective Healing and the Personal Reconnection for healing,, transformation and to empower your life and achieve a higher level of consciousness.

Cancer management Disabilities Suicide Back pain Migraine Neck pain Spirituality Breast cancer Telehealth Pets
The Silva Method Australia - Life & Intuition System

Jeanine Sciacca

The Silva Method Australia - Life & Intuition System

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2017

The Silva Method Is Backed By Research and Scientifically Proven. Dynamic Meditation using advanced visualisation in a calm meditative state is the most powerful method for creating transformation. Create the life of your own design with The Silva Method.

Business Energy Transformation Decision making Coaching Creativity Memory Indecision Leadership Happiness
Stress and Fear Release Specialist

Meagan Goodes

Stress and Fear Release Specialist

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2019

Supporting and educating with tools to release physical and emotional stress.

Mental health Pain management Panic attacks Phobias Trauma Fatigue Telehealth Overwhelm Energy Self-sabotage
Lynette Gardiner Intuitive Counselling | Mentoring | Relationships | Intuition &  Self Empowerment

Lynette Gardiner Intuitive Counsellor - Personal & Career

Lynette Gardiner Intuitive Counselling | Mentoring | Relationships | Intuition & Self Empowerment

Melbourne, 3000

Member since 2014

Discover the Power of Intuitive Counseling & Mentoring Intuitive counseling combines traditional therapy with intuitive insights, drawing on my background in counseling and my natural intuitive abilities. Each session is a journey to explore the energies, emotions, and...

Intuitive counselling Emotional trauma Limiting beliefs Self-development Wellbeing Self-love Fears Psychic medium Couples therapy Mentoring
Healing & Coaching - Jaclyn Jean

Jaclyn Smith

Healing & Coaching - Jaclyn Jean

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2020

I coach determined women to level up and redefine their identity after a life changing event or trauma to manifest their dream...

Business Transformation Coaching Belief systems Love Guilt Anger Shame Anxiety Fears
Access Bars, Energetic Facelift & Body Process Facilitator, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciou

Access Bars, Energetic Facelift & Body Process Facilitator, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciou

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2020

Create the life you desire through techniques, tools, and processes. Become the amazing person you are by changing everything in your life that isn't working. Giancarla can help you discover the possibilities that lie ahead! Contact her today!

Telehealth Access energetic facelift Access consciousness Insomnia Fatigue / tiredness Migraine Business Bodywork Positivity Joy
Life Architect and Transformation Coach

Michele Sayers

Life Architect and Transformation Coach

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2012

I empower heart-centered individuals who feel exhausted, stuck, or overwhlmed to redesign their lives with renewed energy and purpose. Together, we’ll unlock your potential, aligning your passion with action, so you can create the fulfilling life you deserve.

Menopause Depression Pain management Phobias Smoking cessation Trauma Insomnia Abuse Emotional eating Telehealth
Energy Healing, Empathic Listening, Nursing Care..

Joanna Glase

Energy Healing, Empathic Listening, Nursing Care..

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2017

**10% OFF FOR NEW CLIENTS** ^^send a text for fast response^^~The Bars® ; a non invasive acupressure therapy where electromagnetic energy is released by lightly touching 32 points on your head. ~Empathetic Listening offers support without judgement and an opportunity for the speaker to have the experience of being heard and validated in a kind and caring space. ~Compassion Key to heal karmic imprints. ~Nursing Services such as personal care, wound...

Sexuality Energy Decision making Creativity Self-empowerment Relaxation Joy Pain relief Nervous system Stress Management
Australian Tomatis Method

Francoise Nicoloff

Australian Tomatis Method

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Member since 2007

Access Bars, Counselling, Counselling Online, Life Coaching, Life Coaching Online, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Online, Sound Healing, Wellness Coaching, Wellness Coaching Online

Depression Parenting Dyslexia Dyspraxia Fatigue Sensory integration Abuse Learning difficulties Auditory processing Business
Pauline Pearson Counsellor Psychotherapist

Pauline Pearson

Pauline Pearson Counsellor Psychotherapist

Carlton, VIC, 3053

Member since 2018

People need and want to feel that there is some where they can go and someone they can talk to who wil listen to them genuinely, without...

Mental health Overwhelm Adults Procrastination Stress Management Emotions Anxiety Wellbeing Fears

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