Best Sound Healing Therapists in Australia

About Silvia's Healing Place

Silvia's Healing Place

About Silvia's Healing Place

Nollamara, WA, 6061

Member since 2011

Professional Reflexology andCrystal Healing Therapy(also space clearing)

Geriatrics Depression Panic attacks Trauma Orthopaedics Palliative care Reading Business Chakras Energy
Naturopathy & Nutritional Medicine

Steve Chin

Naturopathy & Nutritional Medicine

Merimbula, NSW, 2548

Member since 2011

Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine Consultation.

Frozen shoulder Wellbeing Relaxation Fitness Pain relief Biomechanics Lower back pain Circulation Wellness Joy
Wellness Centre Wollongong - Mindfulness Meditation

Wellness Centre Wollongong

Wellness Centre Wollongong - Mindfulness Meditation

Wollongong, NSW, 2500

Member since 2011

Beginners Mindfulness Meditation Courses, iRest Yoga Nidra, Master Reiki Healing and related workshops

Arthritis Depression Rehabilitation Trauma Ageing Back pain Fatigue Abuse Neglect Acne
White Raven Healing - Sound Healing and Family Constellations

Paulien Gort

White Raven Healing - Sound Healing and Family Constellations

North Narrabeen, NSW, 2101

Member since 2012

Sound Healing and Family Constellations.

Emotional wellbeing Family health Pain relief Relaxation Insomnia Depression Recurring patterns Spiritual growth Personal growth Headaches
About April Dawson Acupuncture

April Dawson

About April Dawson Acupuncture

Stafford, QLD, 4053

Member since 2012

Acupuncture, Massage, Moxa, Cupping, Sound healing Biofield tuning

Pain management Tension Purpose Headaches Pain relief Hormones Stress Management Values Gua sha Anxiety
Sheena's Healing Hands - Reiki

Sheena Cartwright

Sheena's Healing Hands - Reiki

Redland Bay, QLD, 4165

Member since 2012

Sheena's Healing Hands provides Reiki Treatments, Aura Cleansing and Distance Healing. Sheena also offers Reiki training - call for more information or to make a booking for a Healing.

Tinnitus Reflux Depression Fatigue Colic Intuitive healing Chakras Allergies Teething Energy
Mary Esposito

Mary Esposito

Mary Esposito

Maribyrnong, VIC, 3032

Member since 2012

Healings with Mary .    Awaken to the infinite flow of love within. Release the past, what no loger serves you. Come into your unique expression, creativity, love and happinessin all your relations. Allow yourself to shine , be seen, be heard and acknowledged.

Lomi lomi massage Stress Management Tension Anxiety Muscle tension Physical pain Shamanic energy healing Intuitive energy healing Clearing emotional blocks Emotional overwhelm
Sound As Medicine

Purdie Wood

Sound As Medicine

Byron Bay, NSW, 2481

Member since 2012

"The most significant gift given to me in this life has been to recieve the songs of my ancestors and through them to be opened as a conduit for the wisdom of the unseen world to sing through me. These songs act as both a gateway and a form of prayer....One of my greatest joys comes through sharing the magnificent consequence of this gift with others."                                          Purdie Wood

Mental health Depression Physical abuse Trauma Insomnia Migraine Abuse Reading Telehealth Energy
Andrea Gabriel - Raising Vibrations

Andrea Gabriel

Andrea Gabriel - Raising Vibrations

Kalamunda, WA, 6076

Member since 2012

Be still, breathe, let go and listen. The answers are within.

Depression Pain management Fatigue Migraine Energy Feet Transformation Flexibility Self discovery Massage therapy
Yourbody Revolution

Kate Anderson

Yourbody Revolution

Caloundra, QLD, 4551

Member since 2013

Start a REVOLUTION LOVE Your Body HEALTHY Your Body Revolution is a small team of specially trained practitioners offering personalized attention and support to our clients with a holistic approach to healing the body naturally. We provide treatments, programs, and education with solutions for weight loss and gut health, lymphatic congestion, immune health, inflammation, and skin health, using a holistic approach to healing the body naturally.

Depression Fatigue Asthma Fibromyalgia Foot problems Migraine Scoliosis Tennis elbow Allergies Energy
Jeanne Chapman - Acupuncturist

Jeanne Chapman

Jeanne Chapman - Acupuncturist

Nicholls, ACT, 2913

Member since 2013

My acupuncture treatments can help people with a wide range of physical, mental and emotional issues, addressing causes as well...

Energy Tonic

Arielle Sisinni


Clarkson, WA, 6030

Member since 2014

Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health and well-being, with instant and long-lasting results. It combines ancient eastern...

Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Mental health Family therapy Trauma Back pain Fatigue Insomnia Migraine Neck pain
Lakshmi Sound Sanctuary - Sound Therapy

Annie Ridgway

Lakshmi Sound Sanctuary - Sound Therapy

Byron Bay, NSW, 2481

Member since 2014

Discover Tranquility at Lakshmi Sound Sanctuary: A Journey into Healing Vibrations Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of sound therapy at Lakshmi Sound Sanctuary, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing. Experience the transformative power of...

Wellbeing Singing bowls Therapeutic voice Sound bath Healing voice Tuning forks Depression Nurturing Love Physical health
About Akshaya Healing

Seriya Cutbush

About Akshaya Healing

Mullumbimby, NSW, 2482

Member since 2014

Akshaya Healing's aim to focus on nourishing your mind, body and soul through the modalities of bodywork, massage, healing, workshops, sound, retreats and music.

Reading Business Intuitive healing Holistic healing Energy Yoga nidra Transformation Intuitive massage Flexibility Pranayama
Great Goona

Jennifer Thomas

Great Goona

Roseville, NSW, 2069

Member since 2015

A profound practice from Ancient India. The practice employs specifically tuned singing bowls to promote health and well-being.

Cancer management Menopause Ageing Fatigue Insomnia Energy Feet Manipulation Transformation Stretches
Sacred Sound Healer, Psychotherapist, Genome Healing Practitioner & Contemporary Shaman

Susan James

Sacred Sound Healer, Psychotherapist, Genome Healing Practitioner & Contemporary Shaman

Margaret River, WA, 6285

Member since 2015

Trauma Clearing | Channelled Guidance I Energy Healing Counselling & Leadership Mentoring | Shamanic Ceremony

Trauma Business Telehealth Shamanic healing Energy Shamanic ceremonies Transformation Intimacy Distance healing Death
Therapeutic Cellular Journey

Carol Chodkiewicz

Therapeutic Cellular Journey

Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450

Member since 2015

Vibrational Sound and Biodynamic Cranial Approach. Energy work for relaxation, balancing, grounding, Growth and Change.

Energy Transformation Emotional wellbeing Relaxation Nurturing Stress Management Energy work Emotions Growth Stress
Maylands Wellness Centre - Christina Ellis-Hall - Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Sound Practitioner

Maylands Wellness Centre

Maylands Wellness Centre - Christina Ellis-Hall - Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Sound Practitioner

Maylands, WA, 6051

Member since 2015

Christina is an experienced Sound Practitioner, Reiki Master Practitioner and Reflexologist. She is passionate about sharing these relaxing and rejuvenating practices so you can enjoy a state of peace and clarity which will flow into your day to day life and your sense of wellbeing.

Arthritis Cancer management Colitis Eczema Gastrointestinal disorders Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Menopause Mental health Depression Parenting
Breakthrough Program


Breakthrough Program

Mittagong, NSW, 2575

Member since 2015

Are you ready to start a new life free of worries and full of happiness and health? Elizabeth is only a phone call (or a click) away from guiding you in creating the life you've always wanted. Learn how to change your life today so that you can wake up tomorrow as the person you want to be.

Conscious hypnosis practitioner Self-development Mind-body medicine Wellbeing Work-life balance Self-love Fears Self-empowerment Clinical hypnotherapy Neuroscience
Andrew Growder - Sound Healing

Andrew Growder's Massage

Andrew Growder - Sound Healing

Kaleen, ACT, 2617

Member since 2016

We are vibrational beings and when we are vibrationally aligned our bones, tissues, organs and emotions are vibrating in harmonic...

Tinnitus Pain management Panic attacks Rehabilitation Assessments Back pain Insomnia Movement Tension Chronic pain

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