Best Psychotherapists in Queensland

About Change quickly and easily

Sharron Mackison

About Change quickly and easily

Caboolture, QLD, 4510

Member since 2005

We will find the correct solution for you!

Autism spectrum disorders Supervision Arthritis Cancer management Eczema Mental health Adoption Depression Parenting Suicide

Justine Brown


Mapleton/Buderim, QLD, 4560

Member since 2006

Psychotherapy can assist clients in many areas including: ​ Anxiety Stress Depression Trauma Grief, Loss and Separation Cancer...

Cancer management Mental health Trauma Lung Empath Movement Bodywork Personal issues Life transitions Posture
Health Wealth Natural Medicine Clinic

Health Wealth Natural Medicine Clinic

Health Wealth Natural Medicine Clinic

Mount Gravatt, QLD, 4122

Member since 2006

Professional natural medicine practitioners

Arthritis Trauma Fatigue Asthma Insomnia Knee problems Migraine Allergies Energy Feet
Advanced Aboriginal Healers

Holographic Kinetics

Advanced Aboriginal Healers

Upper Coomera, QLD, 4209

Member since 2006

Heal your past in order to achieve your desired outcomes in the present & future. Steve & his team offer Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics. It is based on an Australian Aboriginal healing method that works on your spirit to assist you in understanding...

Suicide Trauma Energy Manipulation Self harm Memory Anger Emotions Gratitude Suicidal ideation
South Brisbane Psychology and Wellness Centre

South Brisbane Psychology and Wellness Centre

South Brisbane Psychology and Wellness Centre

Greenslopes, QLD, 4120

Member since 2006

Bringing Self Awareness into Theory and Practice

Supervision Mental health Depression Family therapy Parenting Trauma Abuse HIV Business Telehealth
Emotional Healer & Counsellor

Dr. David Gentle

Emotional Healer & Counsellor

North Rockhampton, QLD, 4701

Member since 2006

Through personalised therapy services, you can control your emotions, habits, and lifestyle so you can live a happier and healthier...

Arthritis Anger management Depression Pain management Panic attacks Phobias Sleep disorders Trauma Asthma Sexual dysfunction
Holistic Psychologist & Hypnotherapist

Integrated Health Specialists

Holistic Psychologist & Hypnotherapist

Mudgeeraba, QLD, 4213

Member since 2007

Perhaps you’ve seen a dozen doctors and taken several medications for anxiety, depression, stress, etc. Or you’ve tried other...

Obesity Academic performance Depression Panic attacks Phobias Smoking cessation Trauma Insomnia Emotional eating Mindset
Lisa Duggan Art Therapist

Lisa Duggan

Lisa Duggan Art Therapist

Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Member since 2008

Need someone to talk to.... The stress of work, family, relationships, ill-health, even the loss of someone close or the sense that our life is not going in the direction we want, can lead to a feeling that there must be more to life. At the Place of...

Lifestyle Growth Loss Academic performance Attention deficit Autism spectrum disorders Eating disorders Mindfulness and wellbeing Life transitions Affective disorders
Elixir & Life - Body Psychotherapy

Deanne Bromham ND

Elixir & Life - Body Psychotherapy

Holland Park, QLD, 4121

Member since 2009

Body psychotherapy aims to help people work through areas of their life where they are struggling or experiencing difficulties

Trauma Wellbeing Mental health Depression Anxiety Stress Management Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Energy Physical health
Rebirthing/Breathwork & Spiritual Counselling

Daniel Raccani

Rebirthing/Breathwork & Spiritual Counselling

Highland Park, NSW, 4211

Member since 2009

Rebirthing/Breathwork & Spiritual Counselling for Stress, Grief, Trauma, Addictions, Etc.

Cancer management Heart disease Obesity Depression Obsessive Pain management Rehabilitation Sexual abuse Trauma Fatigue

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