Best Mindfulness Coaches in Pacific Pines QLD

Meditation, Mindfulness, Satsang, Loving Kindness, Deity Yoga, Kundalini Tantra

Daniel Raccani

Meditation, Mindfulness, Satsang, Loving Kindness, Deity Yoga, Kundalini Tantra

Highland Park, NSW, 4211

Member since 2009

Situated on The Gold Coast, Golden Age Healings provides one-on-one Meditation classes to enable you to quickly find and master...

Cancer management Heart disease Obesity Depression Obsessive Pain management Rehabilitation Sexual abuse Trauma Fatigue
Linda Cairns - Holistic Counselling

Linda Cairns - Mind Body Wisdom

Linda Cairns - Holistic Counselling

Broadbeach, QLD, 4218

Member since 2009

The essence of Holistic Counselling is to be able to connect with individuals in a confidential, safe and understanding environment with complete compassion and sensitivity. Call today and mention 'Natural Therapy Pages' for this months special offers!

Eczema Mental health Reflux Depression Phobias Trauma Ageing Assessments Fatigue Asthma
INTERNAL TRACKING - Somatic therapies

Purdie Wood

INTERNAL TRACKING - Somatic therapies

Gold Coast, QLD, 4214

Member since 2012

Integrating body centred therapies, psychotherapeutic tools and animistic practice.

Mental health Depression Physical abuse Trauma Insomnia Migraine Abuse Reading Telehealth Energy
Change Capability


Change Capability

Southport, QLD, 4215

Member since 2018

Online learning experiences to support you to build change capability to grow, adapt and navigate change.

Overwhelm Mindset Coaching Resilience Lifestyle Stress Management Anxiety Growth Mentoring Focus
Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Carolyn Boniface

Carolyn Boniface - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485

Member since 2006

I offer you deep peace, healed expansive boundaries, comfort in body and mind and alignment with joy... all hallmarks of true Health.  Safe, fast results. In one session, feel the difference!

Relaxation Wellbeing Self awareness Love Headaches Healing art Wellness Joy Purpose Boundaries
Somatic Freedom - Somatic psychotherapy and breathwork - Nervous system regulation

Estelle Schmitt

Somatic Freedom - Somatic psychotherapy and breathwork - Nervous system regulation

Tweed Heads, NSW, 2485

Member since 2014

Turn your wounds into strength with mindfulness-centred somatic psychotherapy. I specialise in attachment wounds, nervous system regulation, CPTsd, and relational issues. I help individuals who have a desire to break through their limitations, repetitive patterns and traumas to experience more freedom and control over their lives. I use various tools such as mindfulness, breathwork, Non-violent communication, polyvagal therory and somatic psychotherapy...

Somatic psychotherapy Trauma Empath Transformation Memory Posture Neuroscience Attachment Attunement Developmental trauma
Voicemoves - Meditation


Voicemoves - Meditation

Ocean Shores, NSW, 2483

Member since 2007

People who want an effective path to a meditative state and freedom from the constraints of a busy or distracted mind.  

Supervision Intuitive healing Lung Shamanic healing Yoga therapy Energy Transformation Stretches Flexibility Movement
Holistic Transformative Treatments

Beverly Amos

Holistic Transformative Treatments

Logan City DC, QLD, 4114

Member since 2014

What your previous lives were like has an impact on the events in your current life. If you want to understand how your past lives are affecting your present life, Beverly can guide you through the process so that you can eventually achieve healing and move forward.

Anxiety Fears Virtual gastric band hypnosis Emotions Quit smoking Clinical hypnotherapy Irritability Stress Management Gastric banding Subconscious
Caroline McKenna - Spirit

Caroline McKenna

Caroline McKenna - Spirit

Byron Bay, NSW, 2481

Member since 2004

Feeling disconnected? Chill Pill Therapies has the solution for you. These spirit based healings reground, recentre, and refocus us for amplified manifestation.

Arthritis Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Reflux Depression Phobias Trauma Fatigue Insomnia Migraine
Access Bars Classes

Vesna Peric

Access Bars Classes

Nimbin, NSW, 2480

Member since 2017

Learn how to unstuck yourself from an unpleasant situation in Vesna Peric’s The Bars classes.

Depression Business Telehealth Motivation Joy Stress Management Access consciousness Emotions Anxiety Wellbeing
Stillness Healing

Emma Danchin

Stillness Healing

Lismore, NSW, 2480

Member since 2008

Hands on Healing: Be held in stillness

Arthritis Feeding Infertility Depression Parenting Rehabilitation Trauma Fatigue Fibromyalgia Insomnia
Character Care

Character Care


Member since 2018

What One’s Mind Creates, One’s Character Can Control

Supervision Adolescents Mental health Bullying Family therapy Parenting Workplace bullying Coaching Resilience Vision
Tara Counselling Group

Judi Barwick

Tara Counselling Group

Clayfield, QLD, 4011

Member since 2018

Get Started With Your Healing Journey!We can help you develop a plan of action, and collaborate onyour goals to help you to regain...

Supervision Mental health Couples therapy Trauma Overwhelm Vision Happiness Joy Wellness Brainspotting
Solaris Health & Harmony Centre - Tai Chi Services


Solaris Health & Harmony Centre - Tai Chi Services


Member since 2005

Enrol in Tai Chi Class Today at the Solaris Health & Harmony Centre

Depression Back pain Migraine Reading Energy Feet Keto Tension Lymphatic congestion Weight management
Harmony Body & Mind Healing Centre

Marie Muller

Harmony Body & Mind Healing Centre

Nerang, QLD, 4211

Member since 2006

Harmony is the result of being centred, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Trauma Reading Mind-body connection Chakras Lung Yoga therapy Energy Chakra balancing Feet Tension
A Wise Awakening Healing & Teaching

Victoria J Heringhaus-Sutton

A Wise Awakening Healing & Teaching

Pacific Pines, QLD, 4211

Member since 2015

Are you ready to awaken your true potential and start your journey?This is where your healing journey begins... ~ 10% discount...

Trauma Back pain Lymphedema Wrist pain Ankle pain Migraine Whiplash Reading Chakras Energy
NIIM Gold Coast

NIIM Gold Coast

NIIM Gold Coast

Robina, QLD, 4226

Member since 2008

Leading Medical Doctors,   Complementary Health Practitioners   & Integrative Therapies

Dementia Paediatrics Arthritis Cancer management Heart disease Hormonal imbalance Infertility Menopause Reflux Depression
Brighter Day Counselling and Coaching

Karen Holmes

Brighter Day Counselling and Coaching

Robina, QLD, 4226

Member since 2017

Positive, solution focused counselling and coaching - delivered by experienced, caring practitioner.

Wellness Stress Management Coping skills Wellbeing
The Cr3ative Space

Vicki Stehn

The Cr3ative Space


Member since 2019

"The Cr3ative Space" - Gold Coast provides a space in Burleigh Waters for children and adults alike to explore their creativity.

Depression Creativity Goal setting Vision Adults Subconscious Relaxation Self-esteem Nervous system Stress Management
Unlocking Your Life

Unlocking Your Life

Unlocking Your Life

Burleigh Heads, QLD, 4220

Member since 2014

We offer free online medical intuitive sessions to help guide you to what you are looking for. Just contact us to book in. Our...

Abuse Energy Cleansing Coaching Weight management Voice dialogue Personal issues Adults Subconscious Addiction

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