Best Wellness Coaches in Epping NSW

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Vively Health

Your #1 lifestyle medicine solution for PCOS & other health issues

Epping, NSW, 2121

Member since 2022

Working with your doctor and other providers to improve your PCOS symptoms, glucose levels or sleep hygiene is crucial but can...

Telehealth Online consultations Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Holistic practitioner Holistic wellness Irregular periods Acne Hormonal acne Anxiety Menstrual health
Evergreen Doctors

DrAnne Chappel and DrChris Cha

Evergreen Doctors

Pymble, NSW, 2073

Member since 2019

Unlock Your Health and Vitality

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Menopause Mental health Obesity Reflux Depression Ageing Fatigue Fibromyalgia
It's Time to Train

Raffaele Sellaro

It's Time to Train

North Ryde, NSW, 2113

Member since 2019

Nutrition, Personal Training, Weight Loss, Wellness Coaching, Workshop

Weight management Fitness Wellbeing
EFT Tapping & Life Coaching: Resolve a lifetime of stress & step into your unique life purpose.

Megan Chambers

EFT Tapping & Life Coaching: Resolve a lifetime of stress & step into your unique life purpose.

Ryde, 2112

Member since 2009

If you think you’re broken, you’re not. Your behaviours and emotions are totally rational based on what you’ve been through. But responses like being afraid to make a mistake, wanting to stay invisible, not trusting yourself, and feeling not good enough make life miserable. If you’re wondering how you’ll ever get over it, know that you can and I can show you how.

Wellbeing Tapping Nervous system Stress Management Emotions Anxiety Work stress Fears Trauma Telehealth
Stressfree Management - Counselling

Jenetta Haim

Stressfree Management - Counselling

Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Member since 2004

Do you often find you dont have someone to talk to or understand what you are going through? Do you find you have a lot of negative thoughts and feelings? Do you find it hard to trust and open up to others?

Supervision Tinnitus Arthritis Heart disease Menopause Bullying Trauma Migraine Neck pain Allergies
Australian Tomatis Method

Francoise Nicoloff

Australian Tomatis Method

Parramatta, NSW, 2124

Member since 2007

Access Bars, Counselling, Counselling Online, Life Coaching, Life Coaching Online, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Online, Sound Healing, Wellness Coaching, Wellness Coaching Online

Depression Parenting Dyslexia Dyspraxia Fatigue Sensory integration Abuse Learning difficulties Auditory processing Business
Transformational Life Coaching Program

Christine Safi

Transformational Life Coaching Program

Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Member since 2010

In order for your life to change you must be ready to make the changes. Life Coaching is your answer to support you on your journey of change and self discovery.

Mental health Depression Obsessive Phobias Trauma Insomnia Reading Intuitive reading Emotional eating Telehealth
Ouma Earth

Caroline Ibrahim

Ouma Earth

Gladesville, NSW, 2111

Member since 2024

Kinesiology offers a profound connection with oneself, allowing you to honour yourself and gain insight into the obstacles that hinder your desired state of being. It can be a transformative experience that delves deep within, fostering a sense of self-awareness and facilitating the exploration of personal emotions and aspirations. We take a holistic approach by supporting your physical, emotional, mental and biochemical processes of your body, whilst...

Stress Management Pain management Anxiety Emotional wellbeing Children's emotional health Meridians work Holistic health Holistic bodywork Energy Tapping



Gladesville, NSW, 2111

Member since 2004

Naturopathy @ Lane Cove Wellness Clinic

Acne Acute sports injuries Allergies/Intolerances Anaemia Anti-aging Arthritis Bloating Body composition Carpal tunnel syndrome Cellular health
About Barebones Career & Management Consulting

Maggie Bolton

About Barebones Career & Management Consulting

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066

Member since 2010

Hi I'm Maggie Bolton, a counsellor with over 30 years in practice and a lifetime of experience. Working from my home office in Sydney, I provide individual or small group counselling and coaching sessions and deliver training courses.

Personal growth Wellbeing Personal empowerment Empowerment (women's) Empowerment (men's) Self-management Self-help Mental health Overwhelm Stress Management
The Silva Method Australia - Life & Intuition System

Jeanine Sciacca

The Silva Method Australia - Life & Intuition System

Concord, NSW, 2137

Member since 2017

The Silva Method Is Backed By Research and Scientifically Proven. Dynamic Meditation using advanced visualisation in a calm meditative state is the most powerful method for creating transformation. Create the life of your own design with The Silva Method.

Business Energy Transformation Decision making Coaching Creativity Memory Indecision Leadership Happiness
Mastery Health & Transformational Coach

Brooke Stevenson

Mastery Health & Transformational Coach

St Ives, NSW, 2075

Member since 2021

Luxe Wellness understands the challenges of juggling busy lives and the impact of daily stress on your health. Thus, provide transformational health and wellbeing coaching programs, energy therapy, youth mentoring, mental health support, stress management and customised wellness retreats for improving lifestyle, creating healthier habits and balance within the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual space. Choose from a variety of holistic services...

Telehealth Mental health & wellbeing Fears Holistic health Health coaching Optimal health Health & wellness Mums health & wellbeing Health focused goal setting Massage therapy
Success Mentor - Time Line Therapy® ( face-to-face & online available )

Luke Mollica & Carol Johnston

Success Mentor - Time Line Therapy® ( face-to-face & online available )

Hornsby, NSW, 2077

Member since 2014

( face-to-face & online available ) 

Joy Wellbeing Wellness Headaches Feeding Lifestyle Breakdown Love Sinus Tiredness
Soul River

Caelia C

Soul River

Hornsby, NSW, 2077

Member since 2024

Whether you are looking to ditch a habit that no longer serves you, clear past traumas and emotional blocks, remove limiting beliefs as well as stress / anxiety, or simply to expand yourself and your possibilities in unimaginably wonderful ways - I will help you become your best self yet! I look forward to working with you soon!

Telehealth Wellness workshops Retreats Spirituality Business Empath Transformation Coaching Purpose Love
Rose Banham - Hypnotherapy

Rose Banham - Spirit Earth Counselling

Rose Banham - Hypnotherapy

Crows Nest, NSW, 2065

Member since 2007

Experience Results | Change is Possible Hypnotherapy with Rose at Spirit Earth Counselling.

Clinical hypnotherapy Wellbeing Optimal health Nurturing Stress Management Self-realisation Coaching Habits Personal growth Relaxation
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Helen Efstathiou

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2014

Seeking a life coach when life is not going as you expected or you’re struggling in some areas of your life would be a great idea if you want to achieve success, love, and happiness while striving in your relationships, career, or desired goals. Book your appointment with Helen now!

Depression Trauma Ageing Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Telehealth Chakras Allergies Childhood trauma
Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management


Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Care, Detoxification & Pain Management

North Sydney, NSW, 2060

Member since 2004

We support your body's natural healing processes. Using the very best in medical advancements combined with a holistic therapies programme, we've helped make a significant difference in the quality of life for people suffering from chronic illnesses or disease.

Arthritis Cancer management Eczema High cholesterol Hormonal imbalance Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Kidney disease Mental health Reflux Depression
Consulting ME Pty Ltd

Angela Campbell

Consulting ME Pty Ltd

North Sydney, NSW, 2059

Member since 2022

Kinesiology is a stress management tool. As Humans, we are more than the mechanics of a physical body. We have an amazing brain that enables complex thought, memory, creativity and imagination. We also have incredibly intricate biochemical systems that sustain our ongoing life that function on nutritional elements that we ingest, breath and create within. We have nerves that send impulses telling us about our surroundings every second. Within all...

Telehealth Wellbeing Fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Adrenal and fatigue states Fatigue / tiredness Adrenal fatigue Post-covid fatigue Post-viral fatigue Brain fatigue
Samantha Avery - Reiki & Energy Healing

Samantha Avery

Samantha Avery - Reiki & Energy Healing

Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089

Member since 2006

Need to recharge and gain vitality? Choose Reiki and Crystal Energy healing to soothe your mind, body and soul body into a deep state of relaxation. 6 hospitals in Australia and over 900 hospitals and clinics in the US and UK, provide Reiki Healing as a complementary therapy to aid recovery from surgery and illness. Samantha Avery is an experienced Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner since 2006. Samantha provides a safe and relaxing place for you...

Feeding Mental health Depression Mental illness Trauma Migraine Reading Business Chakras Soul retrieval
Marcea Klein - Holistic Health Coaching and  Counselling

Marcea Klein

Marcea Klein - Holistic Health Coaching and Counselling

Rozelle, NSW, 2039

Member since 2006

Gain more insight into yourself, your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Discover how you can benefit from professional unique and personalized Counseling or Coaching sessions.

Stress Management Anxiety Relationship issues Hormonal imbalance Infertility Menopause Depression Panic attacks Sleep disorders Fatigue

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