Best Counsellors in Balmain NSW

Weight Loss Programs

Lynne Goldstein

Weight Loss Programs

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2004

Trying to lose weight? At View to Health, we assess your metabolic type and the right diet for you, which is easy to prepare and follow. 

Type 2 diabetes Cancer management Colitis Crohn's disease High cholesterol Infertility Menopause Obesity Depression Trauma
Marcea Klein - Holistic Health Coaching and  Counselling

Marcea Klein

Marcea Klein - Holistic Health Coaching and Counselling

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2006

Gain more insight into yourself, your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Discover how you can benefit from professional unique and personalized Counseling or Coaching sessions.

Stress Management Anxiety Relationship issues Hormonal imbalance Infertility Menopause Depression Panic attacks Sleep disorders Fatigue
EFT Tapping & Life Coaching: Resolve a lifetime of stress & step into your unique life purpose.

Megan Chambers

EFT Tapping & Life Coaching: Resolve a lifetime of stress & step into your unique life purpose.

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2009

If you think you’re broken, you’re not. Your behaviours and emotions are totally rational based on what you’ve been through. But responses like being afraid to make a mistake, wanting to stay invisible, not trusting yourself, and feeling not good enough make life miserable. If you’re wondering how you’ll ever get over it, know that you can and I can show you how.

Wellbeing Tapping Nervous system Stress Management Emotions Anxiety Work stress Fears Trauma Telehealth
Garay Councelling

Garay Counselling

Garay Councelling

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2024

At Garay Counselling, I invite you to step into the therapy space where I can support and guide you through your current challenges and help you grow.

Telehealth Adolescents Bipolar disorder Depression Spirituality Bereavement Addiction Grief Anger Anxiety
Emma  Hyland Holistic Counselling and Energetic Therapy

Emma Hyland

Emma Hyland Holistic Counselling and Energetic Therapy

Balmain, NSW, 2041

Member since 2024

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression or grief, I offer gentle, empathetic support to help you to find a way through. I offer a holistic counselling approach, combining counselling techniques with techniques drawn from my spiritual and somatic training. I also offer energetic therapy sessions for those drawn to work at the energetic level. Call me for a free 15-minute phone chat and tell me a bit about what's going for you.

Telehealth Bereavement Spiritual guidance Grief Soul purpose Spiritual practice Spiritual connection Depression Mental illness Fatigue
Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Azure Wellbeing

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2007

Enjoy empowerment and fulfill your potential: Live your own life.

Spirituality Reading Intuitive reading Energy Chakra balancing Empath Transformation Massage therapy Bodywork Joy
Psychologist & IST Practitioner

Ruth-Helen Camden

Psychologist & IST Practitioner

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2016

At times, it can be difficult to move on from something. Maybe a painful memory is still present in your life. Perhaps you don't even know what's holding you back. I can help you explore and uncover those inner causes. Give me a call to chat about how I can help.

Trauma healing Self-love Purpose Reconnection Creativity Vision Positivity Deep-seated problems Vitality Emotional healing
About Us

Haberfield Health

About Us

Leichhardt, NSW, 2040

Member since 2005

At Haberfield Health (formerly known as Haberfield Naturopathic Centre), we believe that good health is much more than simply the absence of pain or disease.

Cancer management Fatigue Business Natural health Energy IVF support Chakra balancing Bodywork Facials Vitality
Annie Vidler - Counselling Anxiety + Depression

Annie Vidler

Annie Vidler - Counselling Anxiety + Depression

Leichhardt, NSW, 2040

Member since 2009

Annie Vidler offers Counselling and Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression. If you're struggling to manage the challenges you face, call Annie to chat about how she can help. Medicare rebates are available.

Supervision Depression Suicide Trauma Abuse Sexuality Domestic violence Vitality Negative habits Vision
Life Coach, Psychic & Energy Healer

Life Coach, Psychic & Energy Healer

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2023

Change your life for the better with thorough holistic therapy tailored to your specific needs and experiences. Liz's assertiveness coaching methods, along with energy healing and spiritual guidance, can assist you in identifying and resolving the underlying reasons of your present circumstances, allowing you to accomplish long-term, permanent change.

Telehealth Energy work Energy clearing Intuitive energy healing Energy medicine Energy balancing Negative energy removal Spiritual coaching Spiritual guidance Spiritual mentor
Tangible Results

Margaret Munoz

Tangible Results

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2005

I want you to have an unprecedented breakthrough in those areas in which you seek to change

Trauma Business Telehealth Change management Energy Transformation Memory Tapping Health issues Boundaries
Journey of Growth

Greta Chiera

Journey of Growth

Drummoyne, NSW, 2047

Member since 2025

Life can be challenging, unexpectedly so at times. Daily routines, relationships, work, and other commitments may feel overwhelming.

Abuse Adolescents Anger management Academic performance Attention deficit Childhood trauma Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Sexual abuse Grief Self harm
Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Therapeutic Axis - Centre for Wellbeing

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Member since 2007

Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Massage, Life Coaching, Acupuncture, Energy Healing, Kinesiology. Chat with our Client Support if you are unsure of the type of therapist to best suit you.

Anger management Bipolar disorder Depression Obsessive Panic attacks Trauma Abuse Holistic healing Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Dean Creed - Dream Therapist

Dean Creed - Dream Therapy

Dean Creed - Dream Therapist

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Member since 2024

We all dream each and every night. Learning to remember and work with our dreams to discover their real meaning is a powerful & transformative spiritual and psychological practice. Authentic dreamwork allows us to understand the inner guidance being offered to us from the deeper part of ourselves, beyond the ego.

Trauma Childhood trauma Spiritual awakening Anxiety Spiritual crisis Awakening Dreams Nightmares Jungian psychology Depth psychology
Mindfulness Somatic Psychotherapy, Certified Hakomi Therapist

Jane Castle

Mindfulness Somatic Psychotherapy, Certified Hakomi Therapist

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Member since 2024

I help clients to explore and resolve challenging issues so they can realise their potential and experience the fullness of life. I do this using Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy which is a mindfulness-centred, body-oriented method that is both gentle and powerful. Together we will gently explore automatic patterns and habitual responses that can make us feel stuck. These are often driven by deeply held core beliefs formed during early life. I...

Depression Anxiety Trauma Childhood trauma Abuse Attachment wounds Relationship issues Affective disorders Anger management Grief counselling
Anna McDonagh

Mayan Healing Health

Anna McDonagh

Petersham, NSW, 2049

Member since 2009

Anna McDonagh is a Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and a Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner who specializes in irrititable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, anxiety, and fertility issues.

Habits Relaxation Motivation Endometriosis Bloating Tiredness Stress Management Sciatica Bad habits Emotions
Let's Talk Consulting

Lets Talk Consulting

Let's Talk Consulting


Member since 2005

Registered Professional Counsellors, Practising Positive Psychology, and Life Coaches. Receive a complimentary half hour session when you mention the Natural Therapy Pages - please contact me today to enquire or book in your session.

Supervision Depression Parenting Trauma Coaching Pre-Marriage Vision Stress Management Grief Anxiety
Therapy Central

Therapy Central

Chiswick, NSW, 2046

Member since 2019

All staff at Therapy Central are fully qualified and experienced

Articulation Muscle pain Depression Rehabilitation Fatigue Neck pain Collagen Energy Manipulation Stretches

Steven Harris


Newtown, NSW, 2042

Member since 2017

Acupuncture, Counselling, Counselling Online, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Online, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Online Consultation, Psychology, Psychology Online, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Online

Business Flexibility Bodywork Wellbeing Love Physio
Wellspring Consultancy

Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

Wellspring Consultancy

Newtown, NSW, 2042

Member since 2008

Holistic healing for: Mind, Emotions, Body & Spirit, Relationships, Life and Career Coaching. Practice since 1986. Works from Earlwood.

Distant healing Nurturing Wellbeing Home visits Physical health Life path Purpose Stress Management Life direction Growth

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