Studying Natural Therapies

Popular Studying Natural Therapies articles

Becoming a Life Coach

Aug 20, 2020

Life coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, second to information technology. Many people turn to life coaches for different reasons. Whether these concern their personal life, finances or business, they know that a life coach...

Becoming a Counsellor

Aug 19, 2020

Counselling, along with psychology and social work, is one of the most in-demand jobs in Australia, according to the online job marketplace SEEK. Additionally, counselling jobs are expected to grow by 14.5% in 2025. Registered counsellors, especially...

Attending College Open Days

Aug 14, 2020

Thinking of studying a course in natural therapies but are not quite sure where to start? Did you know that most colleges run open days where you can visit their campus and interact with a range of staff, students and even attend lectures and workshops?

A Career in Fitness

Aug 14, 2020

Ever fancied an exciting and rewarding career as a fitness instructor, using your knowledge and skills to help people get fit and remain healthy? You may want a job that allows you the flexibility around the other commitments in your life, including...

Becoming a Dietitian

Aug 13, 2020

Dietetics is the study of nutrition and diet as it relates to health. A dietitian is a professional who is qualified to give general and specific advice to individuals or groups regarding their diet. The terms "dietitian" and "nutritionist" are often...

A Career in Kinesiology

Aug 11, 2020

Kinesiology is a unique natural therapy that employs muscle testing to determine areas of weakness and strength in the human body. It applies a variety of techniques to address problem areas and restore the body to a state of harmony and balance. Many...

How to Become a Colon Hydrotherapist

Aug 04, 2020

Besides the heart, which organ in the body works round the clock? It's the colon! Also known as the large intestine or the large bowel, the colon is responsible for flushing out waste products from the body, just as the heart is responsible for pumping...

What It Takes to Become a Nutritionist

Jul 31, 2020

Do you wonder what you can do as a nutritionist and what kind of work you would do after school? A nutritionist is responsible for educating their clients on how to maintain a balanced diet to ensure they meet their dietary needs. Besides having the...

How to Become a Chiropractor

Jul 30, 2020

Chiropractors are essential health professionals as they possess in-depth knowledge and skills for treating a range of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Their ability to manipulate the spine and correct misalignment can instantly eliminate pain and improve...

How to Become an Acupuncturist

Jul 29, 2020

We breathe, think, feel and perform physical activities because of the energy that flows within us. It's an integral part of our health and wellbeing, for without it we would cease to exist. Acupuncture follows the Chinese medicine theory, along with...

How to Become a Stone Massage Therapist

Jul 28, 2020

You may have seen it on TV or received one yourself! Stone massage therapy has become increasingly popular thanks to its soothing effect and many health benefits. No wonder massage therapists who are adept at this modality are in high demand the world...

How to Become an Osteopath

Jul 27, 2020

Osteopaths specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of pain and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. They have a solid grounding in science and are adept at a wide range of massage and stretching techniques. However, an osteopath must not...

How to Become a Pilates Instructor

Jul 24, 2020

Flexibility. Endurance. Strength. Body Alignment. Mental Clarity. Do you want to help others develop these key attributes while earning a living as a Pilates instructor? Here at Natural Therapy Pages, we have broken down the steps to make it easy and...

How to Become an Art Therapist

Jul 23, 2020

Art therapy uses a creative process to treat a wide range of mental health issues that stem from repressed pain or trauma. It allows a person to use a wide variety of tools and techniques, such as watercolour, charcoal and oil pastels, among others, to...

Top 3 Hypnosis Courses to Help You Stop Overeating

Jul 22, 2020

"From the moment we're born, we're nurtured with food, rewarded with food, and so emotional connections to food are normal," according to Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. Compulsive overeating, however, can often be...

How to Become a Psychotherapist

Jul 22, 2020

Mental health professionals use various types of therapy to address a wide range of mental health issues. Certain types of therapists, such as psychotherapists, employ a number of treatment modalities in their treatment plans. A psychotherapist offers...

How to Become an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

Jul 21, 2020

Conventional over-prescribed and ineffective medicines are on the way out. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), alongside other non-medicinal, non-invasive treatments, are becoming increasingly vital and popular treatment alternatives. Working as an...

Top 3 Hypnotherapy Courses to Help You Lose Weight

Jul 20, 2020

Weight loss can be a long and difficult journey with many ups and downs. If you're tired of constantly changing diets and struggling to find a plan that works for you, hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective solution to maintaining a healthy...

How to Become a Yoga Teacher

Jul 20, 2020

Yoga is among the fastest growing natural health practices in the world. In fact, the popularity of yoga within the Australian community has grown significantly in recent years as it has been well-documented as a complementary therapy for several chronic...

Top 3 Hypnotherapy Courses to Help You Reduce Stress

Jul 17, 2020

Stress and anxiety are normal, defensive reactions that allow our bodies to deal with high pressure situations which can often be experienced in work or personal life. Although a natural reaction, a continuing state of stress can cause an exhausting...

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