Studying Natural Therapies

Popular Studying Natural Therapies articles

Natural Therapy Business Fitout: Setting Up Your Clinic

Feb 07, 2022

Finding the appropriate commercial space for your natural therapy business is fantastic, but there is still a lot of work to be done to give it a stunning fitout. Having a clinic or office fit to accommodate your clients and for conducting treatment...

What is Intuitive Healing?

Sep 09, 2021

What if you could improve your health by having an intuitive healer alter the state of your mind, body and spirit by transforming the negative energies that are responsible for your pain? Without posing any side effects, and with the guidance of the...

Career Coaching 101: The Basics

Sep 08, 2021

More than finding a job, everyone wants to clinch success doing what they love. Paving the way to a successful career, however, poses a lot of challenges, especially for someone who's completely new to the job market or has switched jobs many times...

Tips for Taking Online Natural Therapy Courses

May 12, 2021

Thanks to the advancements in technology, studying natural therapies has not only become easier but more fun and exciting. Gone are the days when you had to earn the qualification needed for a specific modality in a physical classroom; many a home...

Diploma, Degree & Certificate: Which is Better?

Apr 26, 2021

Note: This is the final part of a 4-part article series created to help you decide on what type of natural therapy course to enrol in, taking into account what type of natural therapist you want to be. You can check out part 1 here, part 2 here, and...

What is a Certificate Course?

Apr 23, 2021

Note: This is part 3 of a 4-part article series that can help you decide on what type of natural therapy course to enrol in, depending on what type of natural therapist you want to be. You can check out part 1 about diploma courses here, and part 2...

What is a Degree Course?

Apr 21, 2021

Note: This is the 2nd part of a 4-part article series created to help you decide on what type of natural therapy course you take, taking into account what type of natural therapist you want to be. You can check out Part 1 about diploma courses here.

What is a Diploma Course?

Apr 19, 2021

Note: This is the first part of a 4-part article series that we created to help you decide on what type of natural therapy course you should enrol to depending on what you need & what you want to do as a future natural health practitioner. So, you're...

Why Should I Start a Career in Natural Therapy?

Apr 14, 2021

Natural therapies have changed the way people approach health and disease, significantly reducing their dependence on prescription drugs and invasive medical procedures. Herbal medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy and acupuncture are just among the new...

TAFE and Natural Therapies

Apr 02, 2021

Some people go straight into university after high school, while others pause and wonder what to do next. If you fall into the second category, don't feel lost. You only need to reevaluate your goals and find a pathway that will get you there through...

Studying Iridology

Mar 22, 2021

The eyes are the window to one's health and wellness. We pay little attention to the colour and patterns of the iris, but they speak volumes about the state of the human body as well as the state of the different organ systems. Whether you're a health...

4 Benefits of Further Education for Natural Therapists

Mar 19, 2021

Whether you've been practising natural medicine for a few months or a few years, pursuing further education will take your career to the next level. After all, it's their insatiable appetite for knowledge that led many natural health professionals...

Developing a Sustainable Healthcare System

Mar 17, 2021

A sustainable healthcare system ensures high quality care without depleting natural resources, draining people's life savings and leaving behind large carbon footprints. It's what every individual, organisation and country aspires for. Healthcare professionals, policymakers, businesses...

What is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation)?

Mar 15, 2021

Almost everyone who is looking to earn a qualification for their chosen profession begins their journey by searching for different schools and courses. However, with so many options available out there, the selection process can get confusing. What's...

Volunteering as an Acupuncturist

Mar 10, 2021

Qi, the vital force which permeates everything, also links us with our surroundings and other people. What better way to enhance the flow of qi than by volunteering your time and skills as an acupuncture practitioner?  What is Volunteering? In its...

Starting a Career as a Sports Therapist

Mar 08, 2021

Working in the field of sports is fun, challenging and rewarding, especially if you're a sports enthusiast yourself. You get to interact with athletes and coaches and gain insight into their goals and pain points. If you're considering a career as...

A Career In Beauty

Feb 24, 2021

The beauty industry is one of our most lucrative commercial enterprises, and has grown into a global multi-billion dollar industry. This is partly a reflection of the increasing amount of disposable income we have, but also a result of the ever expanding...

Studying Beauty Therapy

Feb 17, 2021

Many people find the allure of a career in beauty therapy irresistible. After all, what job can be more rewarding (and thrilling!) than one that allows you to enhance a person's face and body in a way that even Aphrodite would envy? Taking a course...

Studying Yoga

Feb 10, 2021

Rather than a physical workout, yoga is dubbed a way of life that enhances the mind, body and spirit. Besides improving your physique and helping you gain clarity, it eliminates negative feelings that hamper your progress and happiness in life. Studying...

Studying Tai Chi

Feb 03, 2021

Tai Chi is a form of mind-body intervention that promotes health, relaxation and better quality of life. It consists of a series of slow, synchronised hand and foot movements, combined with deep breathing exercises, to increase circulation and improve...

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