Personal Development

Popular Personal Development articles

How Happy is Australia?

Mar 05, 2012

According to the latest research conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Australia ranks extremely favourably in its Better Life Index. The study found that 75 per cent of us said we were satisfied with our lives, significantly...

5 Ways to Get More Out of Life

Mar 02, 2012

At the end of the day, what Natural Therapy Pages is all about is getting the most out of life. The practitioners listed on our pages range from acupressurists to yoga instructors. While they may teach very different modalities, they are all people...

Exercising Your Willpower & Self-control

Feb 17, 2012

Willpower, the resource we call upon to resist temptation and accomplish a host of other tasks, has been analysed afresh in a bestselling book.  The work, Willpower: Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength co-authored by eminent social psychologist Roy...

The Importance of Patience in Weight Loss

Jan 30, 2012

Getting the body you want takes patience. It involves lifestyle changes, dedication, hard work and discipline. It sounds difficult, and it is, but the effort is worth it.We live in a world of instant gratification, we want something and we get it. We...

5 Ways to Improve Your Health

Jan 19, 2012

The Natural Therapy Pages Facebook page is buzzing with New Year optimism. Many community members are setting their sights on weight loss. Some are planning on making a career change. While others have decided to get organised, once and for all! To...

An Evening with Wayne Dyer

Jan 19, 2012

I am. That was the main mantra 71-year-old Dr. Wayne Dyer sprouted at "Wishes Fulfilled" – a recent Sydney seminar in which he explored the themes outlined in his new book of the same name. Thousands of people filled the hall at Darling Harbour's...

Having Your Wishes Fulfilled

Dec 20, 2011

There's a level of awareness available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upward and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness. At this higher plane of existence, which you can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is...

How to Deal With Negativity

Nov 18, 2011

Everyone knows or works with someone who unendingly complains and exudes negative energy. You may have a colleague, family member or friend who fits the bill – or you may be running into the same doom merchants online; either on your social networking...

Brain & Stress: Are Your Thoughts Stressing You Out?

Nov 15, 2011

A lot of the stress we experience in life is not caused by what is happening, but by the way we react to what is happening. Our negative thinking patterns can significantly affect how we feel. All those little thoughts that float through our minds...

Healthier Habits: How to Stay on Track

Nov 14, 2011

If you have been working hard to make changes to your diet and lifestyle it is important to stay motivated and continue to be a healthier and happier person. Starting a new diet or regime can be the easy part – sticking with it long term can be where...

Cultivating Kindness With Meditation

Nov 09, 2011

It's official: kindness is good for your health. We have known for some time that simple acts of kindness can significantly improve our mood, sometimes for days. But kindness can also increase immune function, help prevent heart disease and slow down...

Get More Out of Life: A Guide

Nov 03, 2011

You don't often hear people saying, I don't want more out of life, I'm ok the way I am. Most if not all people would like more from life and it's the fine print that differs. Some people want more in terms of career – more money, better job, better...

How Do You Feel About Change?

Oct 28, 2011

If you are like some people, you don't like change very much. Change is hard and as we are creatures of habit often letting go of the old habits, the old way of being and the old you can be quite an effort. But what are we afraid of? Change involves...

Communication: It’s More Complex Than You Think

Oct 24, 2011

Ever walked into a room after someone has had a fight and thought I could cut the air with a knife?  We have all experienced situations like this when the room feels so heavy and the air feels tangible. What this is explaining is the phenomenon of...

Are You Comfortable Being You?

Oct 21, 2011

How do you feel about being you?  Are you ready to sing the praises of you from the rooftops or do you shy away keeping yourself private? It's a big ask to really be yourself.  People are very judgmental and we've all heard the sorts of things that...

The Present Moment

Oct 20, 2011

What is time?  Most people might be unaware that time in the conventional sense was a Newtonian invention.  That is why it can feel so varied some days whizzing by and other times an hour feeling like 5 for no apparent reason.  Other people have theories...

How to Create Positive Feelings

Oct 16, 2011

What are Positive Feelings? Positive feelings are pleasant feelings and emotions that make you feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are many positive feelings, but the following are the most commonly experienced by a person: Happiness...

Setting Up a Corporate Wellness Program

Oct 06, 2011

As we become more conscious and informed employees in this ever stressful modern working environment, we must begin to insist that our employers start setting up corporate wellness programs. Many people separate work from normal daily life, but if...

Laughter Therapy: Real or Quack?

Oct 04, 2011

When was the last time you laughed until you cried? You probably can't remember, but know that it was really silly. It's the simplest and cheapest stress management tool there is to improve the quality of life, no training necessary. All humans start...

Stress at Work: What Causes & How to Manage It

Sep 26, 2011

Is work stressing you out? If so, you are not alone. Work stress is becoming one of the main occupational hazards in Australian workplaces. Comcare, the Federal work health and safety regulator, recently reported that there has been a 54 per cent increase...

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