Life Coaching

Popular Life Coaching articles

Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19

Mar 07, 2022

As COVID-19 spreads further each day, mental health support becomes increasingly important. Maintaining mental health during a pandemic can help prevent injuries, as a recent cross-sectional study of post-COVID-19 patients discovered that approximately...

A Guide for People Getting Ready for Change

Feb 04, 2022

Change is a conceptual necessity that is rarely executed. That's because saying goodbye to your bad habits and lifestyle that lead you to feel unhappy, unhealthy and unfulfilled can be daunting. But the changes you make will help improve your current...

Healthy New Year's Resolutions That You Can Keep: A Simple Guide

Dec 31, 2021

Happy New Year everyone! Like most people, you probably made some resolutions to keep. But how many of you actually stuck to them? No matter who you are or where your life will be in 10 months' time, making and keeping new year's resolutions can be...

Holidays & Your Mental Health: A Coping Guide

Dec 23, 2021

The holidays should be a time of joy and happiness, not stress and anxiety. However, for some people, celebrating Christmastime and New Year's can be a challenging time for managing their mental health. It can be difficult to avoid feelings of stress...

Body Image Disorders: Is Looking Good Really That Important?

Nov 30, 2021

Body image disorders usually start in adolescence, when body changes that occur during puberty can be a big source of distress and a reason for constantly comparing oneself with others. Body dissatisfaction may lead to body image disorders that affect...

Bullying & Natural Therapies

Nov 29, 2021

Bullying is not something to be ignored. It can cause adults and children alike physical and emotional hardship that may last for years. Bullying can occur at school, social situations or even in an office setting. In this article, we examine what...

All You Need to Know About Soul Coaching

Oct 05, 2021

Do you sometimes feel as though you are wandering aimlessly in this world? Almost as if you are being controlled by some entity, whether it's someone or something else, and do things automatically without understanding why. Losing your connection with...

Phobia Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Agoraphobia

Sep 28, 2021

What is Agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is a severe anxiety disorder that many people don't realize they have. It's a fear of places and situations where it is hard to escape or get help if something bad happens. People with agoraphobia often feel like they...

The Change Masters

Sep 22, 2021

Let's celebrate all of the people who challenge the way things have always been. When you hear 'but we have always done it this way', ask yourself "for what purpose would you choose to continue to do it the same way, hoping to get different results"?

Evolution in Our Own Lifetime

Sep 20, 2021

If we don't learn to Ride the Wave, we will get swamped in the Surf.- by Elizabeth Ellen Calling in new beginnings; however, we must have the courage and faith to live our current life with a new dialogue.  That's right, begin changing our current...

Why Wanting to Change Yourself May Be More Harmful Than Good

Aug 16, 2021

How many times have you heard the "I will change!" or your partner or family member saying, "I will change for the better?" How many times have you made a new year's resolution only for it to fall apart? How many times have you thought about moving away...

What is Triggering Your Emotional Wellbeing and How to Master It?

Aug 13, 2021

Why do we do what we do? It is so easy to believe that life happens to us rather than because of us. How we react to others, what they say or do. Can we see things through a different lens?  When you understand the 6 Human Needs Psychology, you see...

Meet the Healers: Paul Cohen

Jan 15, 2021

Who is Paul Cohen? Are you stuck in a cycle of problems and looking for a way out? Seeking the help of a professional life coach to identify what needs to be changed, especially in terms of your thought, communication and behavioural patterns, will...

5 Common New Year's Resolutions & Healing Modalities to Achieve Them

Dec 28, 2020

Whether in a bad habit, situation, relationship or job, nobody wants to be stuck. We all want to achieve a better version of ourselves and our lives, and the new year is an opportunity to do just that. This explains why people have new year's resolutions...

Meet the Healers: Skye Flowstreym

Nov 30, 2020

Who is Skye Flowstreym? Skye Flowstreym uses hypnotherapy to help people who want to quit their unhealthy habits, move past their fears and traumas, lose weight, improve their relationships and achieve a better quality of life. He has, for more than...

Living By Our Codes

Oct 26, 2020

A Journey to Resilience Live By Our Codes is a space that educates and empowers through a framework of exploring and discovering our own inner mastery, by unlocking a foundation of resiliency tools, resources and strategies. Elisabeth is a professional...

How Much Do Mental Health Therapies Cost?

Sep 28, 2020

Our mind and body function together. Once our mental health goes downhill, our bodies will cease to function, and everything in life turns awry. Just like a machine, our minds require regular inspection. Seeing a specialist doesn't mean there is something...

Becoming a Life Coach

Aug 20, 2020

Life coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, second to information technology. Many people turn to life coaches for different reasons. Whether these concern their personal life, finances or business, they know that a life coach...

Stress Less: Top Ways to De-stress at Home or at Work

Jun 06, 2018

Stress is a natural reaction to life events and circumstances, and we all experience a certain level of stress at some point in our lives. The signs of stress can include headaches, muscle tension, stomach discomfort, fatigue, frequent colds or infections, irritability, poor...

Effective Communication Strategies: A Guide

Apr 26, 2018

Communication affects all areas of our lives, business and personal. But do you ever wonder if you could be communicating better? Read on for some tips to help you communicate more effectively. Listen Well for Effective Communication Being an effective...

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