Popular Hypnotherapy
Children's Health 101: Bedwetting
Apr 25, 2022
Bedwetting in children is more common than you think, affecting one in six children beyond the age of 5. There are many causes of bedwetting, so if your child is wetting the bed, don't be embarrassed. This guide will show you what it takes to help...Resolve the Noise From Within in Tinnitus Awareness Week 2022
Jan 24, 2022
Tinnitus is a medical term for hearing sounds in your ears when no environmental sounds are present. It affects around 66% of people during their lives, usually temporarily but sometimes constantly. Tinnitus Awareness Week educates the public about...Gambling Addiction: What, Why & How?
Nov 24, 2021
Addiction is anything that you do or take to the point that it affects both your judgement and your day-to-day life. Some people are addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, while others to shopping and video games. When gambling becomes more important...Think Thin: Virtual Gastric Banding 101
Nov 16, 2021
The days of diet pills and crash diets are over. Many people looking for a healthier alternative to weight loss have turned to the virtual gastric band in the past decade or so. Those who have undergone the virtual gastric band procedure typically...National Carers Week 2021: Recognizing Carers' Contributions
Sep 24, 2021
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported in 2012 that there are around 3 million unpaid carers in Australia. Many of them care for a loved one who has a disability, drug issue, chronic illness, mental health condition, or whose health has deteriorated...The Change Masters
Sep 22, 2021
Let's celebrate all of the people who challenge the way things have always been. When you hear 'but we have always done it this way', ask yourself "for what purpose would you choose to continue to do it the same way, hoping to get different results"?Evolution in Our Own Lifetime
Sep 20, 2021
If we don't learn to Ride the Wave, we will get swamped in the Surf.- by Elizabeth Ellen Calling in new beginnings; however, we must have the courage and faith to live our current life with a new dialogue. That's right, begin changing our current...How Does Our Subconscious Affect Our Everyday Decision & How to Change It For Good
Sep 15, 2021
Have you ever wondered why you make bad decisions sometimes? Or behave illogically? Studies show that 95% of our thoughts, feelings and actions come from our subconscious mind. In other words, most of our decisions, whether big or small, such as what...All You Need to Know About the Subconscious Mind
Sep 13, 2021
There is a logical reason why your head is above your body. The head houses the brain, which contains the most powerful weapon the universe can ever offer you — the human mind. It is divided into three levels of awareness: conscious mind, subconscious...The Health Benefits of Hypnosis
Sep 03, 2021
Hypnosis has been used through the years for many purposes, such as helping people remember repressed memories tucked away in their subconscious mind, it has been used by police departments to solve crimes, and it has been used by stage hypnotists...Which Wolf Do You Feed: Fear or Faith?
Aug 30, 2021
Faced with a crisis, overwhelmed, facing fear! Simple yet powerful healing tools to help you navigate your path through trauma and regain control over your life. Fear - Face Everything and Respond. When we are in a state of fear, our survival meter...Natural Pain Management Strategies
Aug 19, 2021
Pain is a very common condition. Pain may be anything from a dull ache to a sharp stab and can range from mild to extreme. You may feel pain in one part of your body or it may be widespread. There are two types of pain: Acute pain is a normal response...How Powerful is Our Subconscious Mind?
Aug 13, 2021
People have always been fascinated by the power of the subconscious mind and what it can do. So how powerful really is it? Well, it makes up around 95% of the human brain. It's the control room of your mind, and it stores information from the very...Brain Reprogramming/Reconditioning
Aug 09, 2021
It's time that everyone gave some thought about giving their brain a reconditioning just like they give their car an overhaul when it's not performing at its best, even though the car is getting a service every year. We at Bridger Health Services recommend...Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
Aug 05, 2021
For many people, the idea of hypnotherapy to treat pain sounds too good to be true, right? Well, there have been thousands of studies done on just this with effective results. Firstly, anyone can be hypnotised. In fact, it's a natural state. Ever had...How a Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapist Can Help You Reprogram Your Mind Support
Aug 04, 2021
What is Trauma? Trauma is a response to any experience we have in which our choice has been taken away from us, where it leads to physical or emotional pain. There are many different types of distressing events that we can experience that can cause...Nicotine Dependence: Symptoms and Causes
Jun 21, 2021
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that comes from tobacco plants. It is present in cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. And when taken in by the body, high levels of nicotine can lead to life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema...
The Top 5 Science-backed Natural Therapies for Treating IBS
Feb 22, 2021
Complementary medicine is increasingly becoming the go-to solution for a variety of chronic conditions which conventional medicine has failed to address effectively. The short-term benefits of pharmaceutical drugs, not to mention the side effects they...Why is Smoking Addictive?
Jan 22, 2021
"Cigarettes are bad for your health" is an ineffective, overused phrase. It couldn't even sway the people who are addicted to them; ask a smoker to read it as they puff at a cigarette, and they wouldn't budge. The best way to help a smoker is to sit...Hypnotherapists Liability Insurance
Jan 20, 2021
Like any holistic healer, a hypnotherapist plays an important role in the health and wellbeing of their clients. They address deeply-rooted issues that hold people back from their goals, while putting their reputation and finances on the line―that's...