Health & Wellness

Popular Health & Wellness articles

The History of Homeopathy

Jun 11, 2010

What is Homeopathy Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that bases itself on the belief that a person’s natural healing process can be triggered by the use of highly diluted remedies derived from substances that would cause similar symptoms in...

How Your Body Benefits From Massage

Jun 11, 2010

Massage is becoming one of the most well known, well understood and popular complementary therapies today, and for good reason. Due to the range of techniques and styles available in massage, you'd be astounded at just how good massage is for you.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Jun 11, 2010

It is surprisingly easy to let that extra weight creep on but by the time you realise it and start to do something about it, you'll know that it can be surprisingly difficult to get the weight back off again! If you've tried all the standard measures...

How Hypnotherapy Works

Jun 11, 2010

If you've ever tried to quit smoking or lose weight or you have an irrational fear that just won't go away no matter what you do, you know just how frustrating it can be. There is a therapy that can help you immensely and it's called hypnotherapy.

Reiki for Awareness

Jun 11, 2010

Would you like to become more aware, not just of yourself but of the world around you?  There is a powerful tool that can help you "open your eyes" so to speak and find a new awareness that you've never had before - Reiki. Read on for more information.

Aura Soma Explained

Jun 10, 2010

Your subconscious mind stores a wealth of information about yourself such as personal qualities, talents, values and desires. As these thoughts remain suppressed, you may often find yourself feeling malaise or unwell and unable to reach your goals...

How Meditation Boosts Your Health

Jun 10, 2010

Spiritualists and Eastern religions have used meditation for centuries as a form of mind-body medicine, and the western world is finally catching on. There are many different forms of meditation, all of which rest the mind, encouraging a practice of...

What Does an Art Therapist Do?

Jun 10, 2010

Art therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that utilises various artistic endeavours to allow participants to express themselves more freely. This is intended to help clients to cope with the difficulty they are experiencing and aid the recovery process.

Everything You Need to Know About Ayurvedic Massage

Jun 03, 2010

Ayurvedic massage is an ancient bodywork tradition that is utilised to release tension and effect healing.  Its origins are in India, where heated medicated herbal oils are applied to the full body by the hands or feet. This has the effect of revitalising...

Natural Health Treatments for Fungal Infections

May 21, 2010

Natural health treatments for fungal infections of the skin are a safe and effective way of getting rid of these afflictions.  Fungi are a natural part of our body, and typically occur on our skin, which is their primary food source. Some fungi change...

Natural Approaches for Skin Elasticity

May 21, 2010

Your skin is the largest organ of the body. It is responsible protecting internal organs, and defends the body from pathogens, UV rays and a number of environmental irritants. With all that work, your skin can start to show signs of wear and tear and...

Theta Healing Power

May 20, 2010

Theta healing is a technique that harnesses the power of brain waves, specifically the theta frequency, which is channelled to help restore physical and psychological and effect healing. It aims to access the subconscious mind, and is a holistic healing...

The History of NLP

May 20, 2010

What is NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychotherapeutic approach that through specific exercise, tools, ideas and counseling encourages people to achieve their dreams and goals. It premise is based on three key concepts surrounding human...

Bowen Therapy for Stress & Other Health Benefits

May 10, 2010

Bowen Therapy is a holistic therapy that aims to treat the muscles, tendons, nerves and fascia - sheets of connective tissue that are present throughout the body. The primary principle of the therapy is that the body can heal itself. During a treatment...

Pre-habilitation and Osteopathy

May 03, 2010

Pre-habilitation is one of the latest buzzwords in healthcare, but what does it mean? In a sporting context it is quite simple; maximising your potential to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. We are all quite familiar with the idea of...

Improve Posture During Pregnancy with Osteopathy

May 03, 2010

Pregnancy can affect your posture in more ways than one Most of us are familiar with the idea that changes to body shape during pregnancy can cause low back pain. As weight and size in the abdominal area increases body weight is pulled forwards causing...

Music Therapy

Apr 30, 2010

What is Music Therapy? Music therapy is the planned and creative use of music (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) to attain health and wellbeing. It focuses on meeting therapeutic aims which distinguishes it from musical entertainment or music education...

Mindfulness Meditation

Apr 08, 2010

What is Mindfulness Meditation? Commonly referred to as insight meditation, mindfulness meditation is a traditional Theravada Buddhism technique that guides a student through an exploration of the nature of their mind. Through direct experience, it allows...

Dorn Therapy for Children

Apr 08, 2010

Dorn therapy prevents and treats misalignments before they lead to irreparable structural damage. Whilst the majority of people who receive this form of complementary medicine range from young adults to senior citizens, children can also benefit loads...

Why Choose Satyananda Yoga

Apr 08, 2010

What is Satyananda Yoga Referred to the yoga of the head, heart and hands, Satyananda yoga aims to bring the body, mind and spirit together as a whole. It is an integrative approach to yoga that incorporates the techniques of many other forms of yoga...

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