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Take Back Control

Jun 26, 2008

There’s a lot of pressure in our lives – from bosses, to co-workers, to family and friends – even our financial situations.  Sometimes it feels like you’re living a life that you have no control over.  But take heart, it is possible to take...

Changing Limiting Beliefs & Achieve Your Full Potential

Jun 21, 2008

Do you ever think that you are not good enough, or that there's something that you cannot do?  These are two examples of limiting beliefs, and these beliefs can stop you from achieving your full potential.   However, it is possible to turn these...

Checkup Musts for 40+ Year Olds

Jun 14, 2008

At any age, it is important to get regular medical checkups, but from the age of 40, there are some important tests that you should have done to ensure that you are in good health, or to help to pick up on problems before they arise. Checkup Musts...

Checkup Musts for 30+ Year Olds

Jun 06, 2008

Regular medical checkups are a must have at any age, but at age 30, there are some important tests that every person should get in order to ensure that their health is good or to pick up any irregularities before they pose a problem.  Here is our...

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

Jun 04, 2008

Many people are switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet for personal reasons such as health, the environment, or because they do not wish to consume animal products.  While there are many health benefits to a vegetarian or vegan diet, there can also...

All About Exercising

Jun 03, 2008

Exercise can be done in just about any format that you choose but how do you know that you are getting the absolute most out of your exercise regime?  No matter how you exercise, there are some tricks that you can use to ensure the maximum benefits.

Confidence Building & Believing in Yourself Through Hypnotherapy

May 15, 2008

Confidence is vital in almost every aspect of our lives yet a lot of people struggle to find the confidence that lies within.  Confidence shows in a person's behaviour and language (see NLP).  However if you have difficulties with your level of confidence, the...

Lose the Baby Bulge

May 08, 2008

After birth, many new mothers worry about the shape of their body and want to get back to the shape that they were in before the birth of their new child.  However, there is no quick fix for losing the excess baby weight!  Remember the standard rule...

Keeping Fit during Pregnancy

May 07, 2008

Exercise may be the last thing that you feel like doing when you’re pregnant, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, but a suitable exercise regime can actually do wonders for you.  It will help to prepare you for childbirth, as well as make...

Going Gluten Free: A Simple Guide

May 02, 2008

Gluten is a protein that is found in many grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats, as well as the foods that are made from these grains.  If you are going gluten free, you are choosing a diet that is completely free from these grains.  Gluten...

Before You See A Counsellor

May 01, 2008

Counselling: What is it? Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a counsellor and a client/s. The counsellor will listen, challenge and help the client to work through issues to enable them to improve their quality of life. Counselling is not...

Feng Shui for Relationships & Making Space for a Special Someone

Apr 21, 2008

Are you unhappy in any way with your professional or personal relationships?  Try Feng Shui as an easy way to improve your relationships, and also your own happiness. Using Feng Shui to Improve Work Relationships Feng Shui improves your working relationships...

The Importance of Fatty Acids

Apr 03, 2008

Fatty acids, or essential fatty acids, are vital to the correct functioning of the body and because people cannot make these themselves, they must come from the diet.  There are two forms of essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6.  There is another...

Way to Improve Your Brain Power

Apr 01, 2008

We all know the feeling of being unable to concentrate at the end of a long day, or the frustration that is felt when something is "on the tip of our tongue".  There’s no need to put up with this as improving your brain power is a lot simpler than...

Herbal Pick-Me-Ups to Boost Your Energy Level

Mar 31, 2008

Have you been feeling a little low on energy lately? Before you reach for the coffee or some other pick-me-up, consider using herbs for a much-needed boost. There are several different herbs that are great for increasing your energy and making you...

11 Therapies for Natural Pain Management

Mar 24, 2008

If you suffer from any form of pain, whether chronic or acute, it may not be necessary to rely on traditional medicine such as pain medication to relieve it.  There are many natural pain management techniques that are available to try so it is just...

Feng Shui for Health: Tips from the Experts

Aug 08, 2007

In Feng Shui, the health energy is the centre of all energies and thus is found in the centre of the home and the centre of all rooms, from the bedroom to the kitchen.  Yellow is the colour of health, and nine is its number. The direction East represents...

Benefits of a Detox Wrap

Aug 03, 2007

Do you feel sluggish or slightly unwell? If you’ve been getting headaches, your head feels unclear, or you just don’t feel right, you might be suffering from a build up of toxins in the body. Detox wraps are one way to detoxify your body while...

Healthy Eating for Kids: A Guide

Jun 30, 2007

Growing children need a healthy diet to support them through their growing years and to ensure that they have enough energy.  Starting good nutrition habits during their early years will also set the tone for their eating habits in adulthood and help...

Food & Exercise Bible: A Guide to Health & Wellness

Nov 30, -0001

The combined effect of a healthy diet and regular exercise is a staple in most health plans, whether your goal is to lose weight, treat an illness or just want to feel well everyday. With so many diet tips, exercise trends and nutritional information...

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