
Popular Detox articles

Skin Disorder 101: What is Cellulitis?

Dec 01, 2021

Cellulitis is one of the many skin conditions that can affect people with weakened immune systems or certain medical conditions. This common skin infection is characterised by an inflammation of the skin and tissues just underneath it. It usually begins...

A Guide To The Top 3 Natural Detox Plans You Need To Test

Feb 25, 2021

Detoxes often aim to eliminate specific items from your diet, including coffee, refined sugar or alcohol. While it's a complicated biological process, detoxification begins with your liver. Your body has the ability to naturally detoxify, without expensive...

Mineral Detoxification: What You Need to Know

Feb 15, 2021

Among the most common reasons for toxic buildup in the human body are poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity and inadequate hydration. The body naturally undergoes a detoxification process to eliminate waste. However, an...

What Symptoms to Expect From a Detox

Aug 04, 2018

Contents What is a Detox? Why Detox? What are the Different Types of Detox? Juice cleanse Liver detox Colon cleanse Herbal detox Detox vs. Withdrawal The Detox Process Common Detox Symptoms Withdrawal Syndrome & Withdrawal Symptoms Coping With...

Summer Detox Plan: Detox Diet & Other Types of Detox

Jul 08, 2018

With the approaching summer, it is time to shake the winter excesses off and decide to detox our bodies so we can face summer with a healthy glow and feeling happy. Why is it important to detox anyway? Our bodies are regularly loaded with toxins and...

How to Cleanse Your Lungs

Jun 11, 2018

What is a Lung Cleanse? A lung cleanse aims to detoxify the lungs through a structured regime of herbs, exercises and breathing techniques. The idea of detoxifiying ones lungs might seem strange to most at first, but rest assured a lung cleanse will...

Should I Detox My Liver?

May 05, 2018

Do you ever feel sluggish, lethargic, or not quite right?  You could be in need of a detox, and your liver in particular could benefit. What are Toxins? There are many toxic chemicals and substances in all areas of our environment – much more than...

Acupuncture for Weight Loss & Detox

May 01, 2018

Weight loss is a concern for a lot of people and is something that can be quite difficult to achieve even with fad diets. Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine that may assist in the reduction of body fat mass and overall weight management.

Can Efficient Detoxing Make Chronic Illnesses Disappear?

Sep 17, 2015

In my work as a health practitioner I have repeatedly seen people recover from their chronic illnesses after efficient detoxing with New Homeopathy (Symbol Healing after Erich Koerbler, who was an Austrian Scientist). In many cases the patients were...

Cleansing or Detoxing: What's Right for Me?

Jan 14, 2015

If you're confused about the difference between cleansing and detoxing, you're not alone. The definitions of each depend on who you speak to. Some celebrities – for instance – say they're on a cleanse, when in fact it's a rapid weight loss detox...

Tips to Detoxing for More Energy

Dec 11, 2013

To detox or not to detox? That is the question many wellness seekers ponder at some point. And with new research saying environmental toxins cause fatigue, there's now a very compelling reason to do a detox. Here's how to detox for an energy hit. Why...

How Do I Live a Toxin-Free Life?

Nov 25, 2013

Britney Spears was on to something. She may have sung "Don't you know that you're toxic?" in one of her top pop songs to reference a bad boyfriend, but she was inadvertently making a point about our environment. We live in a toxic world. But that doesn't...

Expert Insight: Using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine

Nov 13, 2013

Have you ever heard of goldfish exercise? Well, there is a machine that can simulate the experience for humans and realise a range of health benefits, including oxygenation at the cellular level as well as detoxification of the lymphatic system.

Juicing For Health

Sep 16, 2013

Juicing is popular but has come a long way since plain orange juice.  Today there are an array of combinations and variations.  Depending on the combination and depending on the type of juicer, juicing is a great way to saturate your body with important...

Do I Need a Digital Detox?

Aug 14, 2013

Do you own your devices, or do your devices own you? If it's the latter, it might be time for a digital detox! And if you get anxious when you leave your phone or tablet at home and have to do without it for a few hours or more, then you really need...

Why Should I Detox?

Sep 25, 2012

Called simply "detox" today, diets, fasts, herbal medicines and other detoxification treatments have been with us for millennia. Ayurvedic doctors and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, for example, have been prescribing a variety of detox natural...

Juices for Detox: The Verdict

Dec 15, 2011

Detoxification is process of eliminating the harmful substances that have consumed our bodies. These harmful substances are found in the air as well as in our foods. The environment contains many toxic substances that are inhaled or swallowed.  These...

What is Liver Detoxification?

Nov 24, 2011

Detoxification excites the party animal in all of us and taps into our buy now, play later concept of health and wellness. For thousands of years humans have fasted, hosed out, sucked down and thrown up all sorts of substances to assist their body’s...

What are Detox Foot Patches?

Nov 09, 2011

As we learn more about the health hazards of heavy metals and other environmental pollutants, it's no wonder we look for ways to effectively eliminate them from our system. Detox foot patches, though not new in Asian countries, are relatively new to...

Spring Clean Your Body

Oct 04, 2011

Spring is a time when the sun lazily shows its dreary face. Spring is also a time when the world fills with all the colours of the rainbow and the most delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables slowly show their colourful heads. It is a time to...

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