
Popular Careers articles

Career Outcomes for Nutritionists

Jul 23, 2013

Nutrition is a vital component of good health and longevity. Despite knowing this for a fact, a lot of people have a hard time sticking to healthy food and eating habits. As a nutritionist, you can help others improve their relationship with food, and...

Career Outcomes for Massage Therapists

Jul 19, 2013

The confetti is ready, and so are your well-wishers. After years of burning the midnight oil, you're all set to leave school and apply what you've learnt in the real world as a certified massage therapist. Equipped with a range of techniques to improve...

Career Outcomes for Naturopaths

Feb 11, 2013

If you’ve been considering studying naturopathy, you may be wondering what career you could have once you graduate. It’s a good question to ask, so we’ve put together this short guide to help you weigh up the career outcomes should you become...

How to Become a Wellness Coach

Jun 29, 2012

What is a wellness coach? Because wellness coaches help their clients in so many ways, it is hard to narrow their profession down to a simple definition. An outgrowth of the life coaching field, in many ways, wellness coaching can be viewed as 'holistic...

A Career in Shiatsu

Feb 01, 2012

Are you looking for a job that combines your passion for natural therapies with your knowledge of oriental philosophy and medicine? If so, you should think about a career in shiatsu. Shiatsu, the most sought-after and respected form of therapeutic...

How to Become a Healer

Sep 21, 2011

Do you dream of becoming a natural health practitioner who specialises in an array of healing practices, or perhaps want to learn a specific energy healing technique that will help a broken person put back the pieces of their life? Truth be known, there...

A Career as a Massage Therapist

Jan 20, 2011

The natural health industry has seen remarkable growth over the last decade, with 40% more Australians using these services over this timeframe. This has required natural health education to keep pace, in an attempt to provide an educated workforce...

A Career In Homeopathy

Jan 14, 2011

A career in natural medicine is an increasingly attractive proposition given the widespread popularity of this form of healing.  This can partly be explained by the desire of patients to be more involved in their healthcare, as well as the likelihood...

A Career In Herbal Medicine

Jan 12, 2011

Have you ever been intrigued by the healing power of plants, and wanted to cultivate this curiosity into a career? A course in herbal medicine allows you to train formally in the field and qualify as a practitioner.  People have been expressing a...

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