Back Pain
Popular Back Pain
Myotherapy for Back Pain
Jan 21, 2011
Our backs are an amazing feat of engineering when you think about it – the natural curves giving us flexibility, strength, balance when we are standing upright, shock absorption during walking – and running for the bus – and protection for the...What is Musculoskeletal Therapy?
Jan 12, 2011
The intricate system that is the body, formed by our skeleton, muscles, soft tissue, organs, skin, tendons, ligaments, nerves and joints, needs to be kept in top condition to function at its best. Sometimes, through injury, poor upkeep, or just day-to-day...Benefits of Musculoskeletal Therapy
Dec 22, 2010
Musculoskeletal therapy is a holistic manual therapy that is concerned with assessing and treating the various elements of the musculoskeletal system, utilising a number of techniques including joint mobilisation, tissue mobilisation, cupping, dry...How Health Magnets Help with Pain
Sep 03, 2010
Magnets have been long been thought to be able to stimulate healing and blood flow while improving overall health. Magnotherapy has since evolved into an established field with doctors, sports trainers and therapists utilising the power of magnets and...Disc Damage: Everything You Need to Know
Jul 14, 2010
Your spinal cord is composed of bones that are covered by discs that act as your bone's protective covering. Discs allow you to move your spinal cord and keep the bones that make up your spinal cord in place. Your discs protect your spinal cord by...Massage for Pain Relief
Jul 02, 2010
Pain can occur for a variety of reasons but you don't just have to put up with it or take increasing amounts of medication in order to control it. Massage has many benefits but one of the main ones is its ability to help you relieve and manage your pain.Massage and Osteoporosis: Here's the Bottomline
Jun 16, 2010
Massage is a natural treatment used to relieve the symptoms and pain associated with a range of ailments and conditions, including osteoporosis. Massage has been used across a myriad of cultures for therapeutic effect, and is especially associated...Osteopathy & Osteoporosis: Good or Bad?
Jun 16, 2010
Osteopathy is a natural treatment utilised to treat a range of ailments and conditions, including osteoporosis. Natural therapies and treatments are increasingly respected for their effectiveness, lack of significant side effects and non-invasive...Back Pain and Physiotherapy
May 13, 2010
The back is a complex arrangement of muscles, ligaments and bones with the spinal column at its centre. This is comprised of vertebrae which are formed in a column that protects the spinal cord. Discs provide shock absorption and cushioning in...Back Pain and Chiropractic
May 13, 2010
The back or spinal column is the central support structure of the body, and is therefore crucial to our functioning – most especially our mobility. The nerves that radiate out from the spinal cord are essential to the operation of every muscle, nerve...Back Pain and Yoga
May 12, 2010
Back pain is a common affliction that affects the majority of the population at some stage of their lives. Some of us may be predisposed to some conditions, though any of us are liable to adopt poor posture, or strain our backs through lifting or...Back Pain and Alexander Technique
May 12, 2010
Back pain is a prevalent condition or ailment affecting the majority of us at some stage of our lives. Muscular pain is the most common type of back pain, and though it is usually only experienced for a short period, it can be painful and debilitating. Back...Back Pain and Massage
May 12, 2010
Back pain is a very common ailment that affects around three quarters of the population with varying degrees of severity. The most common complaints relate to muscle strains of the lower back region, where the body tends to articulate the most. The...Back Pain & Acupuncture
May 12, 2010
Back pain can be a debilitating and frustrating impediment to a normal, active life, and can severely restrict your range of activities, including your ability to work. Though you can damage the muscles of your back in a number of ways, including physical...Natural Back Pain Treatments
May 12, 2010
Back pain is one of the most common ailments, affecting people of all ages and sexes. The most common causes of back pain include poor posture, inactivity and awkward movements such as bending or lifting. These can cause a range of conditions affecting...Back Pain and Osteopathy
May 12, 2010
People are increasingly looking for alternatives to conventional medical treatments and surgery for back pain, as the benefits of non-invasive disciplines and techniques become more widespread and accepted. The move to a more sedentary society – particularly...Bowen Therapy for Pain Relief
May 10, 2010
What is Bowen Therapy? Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive holistic physical therapy that is designed to offer pain relief via gentle muscle release technique. It is based on the principle that the body can heal itself, and is focused on gentle stimulation...Avoiding Back Injuries with Osteopathy
May 03, 2010
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, last year 6.4% of the work force or 690,000 people were injured at work. Previous research has shown us that 25% of all injuries occur in just one area, the back. One of the major causes of back injury...Disc Injuries and Osteopathy
May 03, 2010
People with disc injuries are often surprised to find out an osteopath can help. In fact disc injuries are one of the most common problems osteopaths see. Discs themselves don’t heal very well, but that doesn’t mean a person can’t recover from...Treating Lower Back Pain with Osteopathy
May 03, 2010
Amazingly about 70-80% of the population is likely to suffer from lower back pain at some time in their lives, which makes it one of the most common health problems in the country. Many patients say it’s a bit like joining a secret club they didn’t...