Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath is characterized by an intense tightening in the chest or feeling of suffocation. Almost anyone can experience shortness of breath in varying degrees.

Lowering Your Hunger Levels

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to weight loss, disease prevention and general wellness. A major obstacle to following a weight loss plan is the problem of dealing with hunger levels that cause one to fall off a diet and eat unhealthy food.

Stop Stressing: What Stress Does to You & How You Can Stop It

A stressful experience may affect your health and wellbeing on some level depending on how you respond to it. Find out how to mitigate the damaging effects of stress on your body.

Improve Your Memory Function

A good memory is essential to performing daily activities. While most parts of the brain serve memory function, it is the hippocampus, located in your temporal lobe near your ear, which is essential to recalling information previously stored by your brain

Fitness 101: What is High Intensity Training?

High intensity training refers to exercise that is usually of short duration but performed with a high level of effort. This exercise routine is based on the idea that high intensity repetitions stimulate the body to increase muscular strength and size.

Alpha And Beta Hydroxy Acids

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids have been utilised in modern skin care products for some time. They are popular additives that act as skin conditioners and exfoliants whilst stimulating the production of new skin cells.

Health Benefits of Basil

Basil (ocimum basilicum) is an aromatic herb that is widely grown in Iran, India and other countries in Asia. Its leaves are light green in colour and resemble peppermint leaves.

Health Benefits of Coriander

Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) is an herb that is believed to have been originally grown in the Mediterranean, and is generally used around the world as a condiment, flavouring and garnishing in dishes.

Increasing Confidence: Some Simple Tips

Confidence refers to a belief in one’s self, in one’s powers and abilities. Confidence is important because it plays a major role in success. In fact, successful people all have one thing in common: they display confidence in themselves.

Health Benefits of Mint

Mint (menthe) is a popular Mediterranean herb that is known for its cool, breath freshening properties. As such, it is a favourite flavour found in toothpastes, chewing gums, mouthwashes, breath sprays, candies and even inhalers.