Vibrational essences (commonly referred to as flower essences) use the vital force of plants and other substances to assist the body’s natural healing process.
Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychotherapeutic approach that through specific exercise, tools, ideas and counseling encourages people to achieve their dreams and goals.
Energy healing is all about vibrations. Through touch and distant touch, a healer aims to restore the natural healing process by manipulating, channeling and balancing the energy fields around the body.
Boron is a trace element and is thought to prevent calcium loss and the demineralization of bones. For this reason it is used in the treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis and the menopause; amongst others.
Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries, and it is believed to have many benefits. One of the main benefits of meditation is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Massage has been shown to improve mental health and reduce inflammation in the body. In this guide, you'll learn about the different types of massage that can help with chronic stress and anxiety.