Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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How to Avoid Metals In Your Environment

Metals in our environment consist of trace elements originally deriving from the earths crust. They can be found in our food and water, and may be used to produce other everyday items such as kitchen appliances, timber products, home insulation bats etc.

TMJ Issues

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint syndrome is a disorder affecting the joints around the jaw, which is often referred to as “locked jaw.”

How Meditation Boosts Your Health

Spiritualists and Eastern religions have used meditation for centuries as a form of mind-body medicine, and the western world is finally catching on.

Treat Hypertension Naturally

Hypertension occurs when the force exerted by your blood against the blood vessel walls is too strong. This is also referred to as high blood pressure.

What Does an Art Therapist Do?

Art therapy is a branch of psychotherapy that utilises various artistic endeavours to allow participants to express themselves more freely.

Depression and Spiritual Healing

Recent scientific research has attributed improved symptoms of depression to a phenomenon known as ‘religious coping’,.

Herbal Medicine for Eczema

Herbal medicine is one of a range of natural therapies that are used to treat the symptoms or effects of ailments and conditions such as eczema.

Massage for Eczema

Massage is used to treat a range of ailments and conditions, including eczema.

Homeopathy for Eczema

Homeopathy is one of a range of natural therapies utilised to treat a wide range of ailments and conditions, including eczema.

Natural Eczema Treatments

Natural treatments for eczema are part of a general trend toward holistic solutions for health, with people increasingly aware of the side effects that often accompany conventional medication.