Sound therapy is one of many treatments offered for the relief of hearing loss, and is valued for its non-invasive approach to a wide range of conditions.
The paperless office is maybe not quite yet a reality, but business management software can help to make your practice more efficient, and may just spell the end of the road for that dog eared diary.
Hearing loss can affect people of all ages but is chiefly a condition experienced by the elderly, and is associated with deterioration in the functioning of the ear.
With the World Cup underway in South Africa and the Commonwealth Games not too far off, the Natural Therapy Pages spoke with sports physiotherapist to the stars Greg Varigos.
Baby massage is the perfect way to help you to bond with your new baby and also help to stimulate their physical and emotional growth, as well as stimulating their awareness through the sense of touch.
Chiropractic is an ideal alternative therapy that works not only to relieve headache pain but to also restore normal functioning to the nervous system and spine.