Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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An Introduction to Crystal Sound Healing

Crystal sound healing is an ancient healing modality used to treat man-made diseases. Find out how it effects change on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Why Women Need Calcium

Calcium is a mineral important to everyone, especially women. Calcium plays an important role in bone health.

What is Rolfing?

Rolfing is the name given to a technique called Structural Integration devised by Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1930s.

Juices for Detox: The Verdict

Detoxification is process of eliminating the harmful substances that have consumed our bodies.

What is Oat Milk?

What is oat milk and why is it considered to be a healthy alternative?

Studying Kahuna Bodywork

Kahuna bodywork has its roots in tropical Hawaii and offers something more than just hands on techniques, with an intimate, spiritual approach.

What is Kahuna Bodywork?

To most people kahuna conjures up images of tropical Hawaii, perhaps of surfing culture too – but did you know it is a style of holistic bodywork?

What is Kahuna Massage?

Find out more about what is kahuna massage, kahuna massage benefits & what to expect when getting kahuna massage treatments.

What Does Namaste Mean in Yoga?

You’ll hear it at the beginning and end of a yoga class. But what does “namaste”, and the hand gesture, really mean?

Study: Eating Fish Reduces Alzheimer's Risk

A recent study suggests that eating baked or broiled fish may significantly reduce Alzheimer's risk.