Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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34% of Women Choose Chemical-Free Hair Care

A recent survey revealed that 34% of women and men choose chemical-free hair care products.

Pawpaw for Healing

Pawpaw is the common name for Carica papaya, a tropical fruit tree that has long been utilised as a traditional medicine for a range of ailments and conditions.

How to Boost Your Immunity with Meditation

New research shows meditation is good for your physical wellbeing, improving both the physical and emotional responses to stress.

Eating Well Over Christmas: A Holiday Diet Guide

It is possible to maintain our health (and our waist line) over Christmas.

Having Your Wishes Fulfilled

Would you like to become a person who has the capacity to have all your wishes fulfilled?

Stress Much? Find Out How Stress Affects Your Health

The idea that stress is a state of mind caused by a stressful situation is false. It can seriously affect your physical and mental health. This article explains both the short and long term effects of stress on your health.

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression is an incredibly powerful therapy that uses relaxation techniques and guided imagery to consciously dive into your subconscious or unconscious mind.

Nutrition And Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS as it is commonly known is a debilitating, and often frustrating health condition to have.

In Conversation with Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer is an internationally acclaimed author and speaker in the field of self-development, with over 30 titles to his name and numerous media appearances under his belt.

Is Gastric Band Hypnosis For You?

Having an imaginary gastric band fitted is an ingenious way of losing weight without having to go through the trauma and expense of surgery.