Natural Health and Wellness Articles

Recent Articles

Living and Dying Well

Death and dying are all part of an inevitable reality that defines the human condition. But how often do we confront and deal with this most certain of eventualities?

Natural Therapies for Headaches

Before you reach for a painkiller, consider trying natural medicine.

Study: Help Your Heart with Exercise

Regular moderate exercise is a good way to maintain heart health, according to a recently released long term study.

Second-hand Stress: Is Stress Contagious?

Second-hand stress poses serious health risks to anyone who wants to live a happy, healthy life. Check out how second-hand stress can be avoided, or how it can be minimised if you are constantly exposed to it.

Mental Health Week 2012

It’s Mental Health Week this week (ending on Sunday 13 October 2012), and we're being urged to talk about depression and anxiety.

Why Study Business Courses Online?

How do you find time to build your practice and develop crucial business skills?

Trying Out Mindfulness Meditation: What to Expect?

I recently tried mindful meditation for the first time. I was curious to see whether it might help still my mind.

Studying Business, Management and Marketing

Building a successful practice requires perseverance, skill and an understanding of basic business practices.

Hungry But Not Really?: Dealing with Food Cravings

Summer is almost upon us and fitting into those swimmers is enough reason to defy those abysmal cravings in order to shed those extra kilograms

Exploring EFT: Learning from an EFT Practitioner

ntpages was lucky enough to catch up with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner Kate Gilbert of Subtle Energy EFT.