At your first consultation the Bowen therapist will talk to you about past and present medical issues and any medications you may taking. They will take special note of your presenting condition.
Bowen Therapy Can Be Received Fully Clothed
Bowen therapy can be done on bare skin or through light clothing. Your therapist will discuss which option you both prefer.
Water All-important in Bowen Treatment
The Bowen therapist will ask you to drink some water before treatment begins. This is to ensure your cells and tissues are adequately hydrated. You will be asked to drink more water at the end of the session.
Bowen Treatment Follows a Sequence
Your therapist will begin by making some primary basic moves on your body with their thumbs and fingers. He or she will then follow with a sequence of small cross-fibre manoeuvres at varying pressures on specific parts of the body. Bowen therapy is gentle and pleasant to receive.
Bowen Leaves Time for Healing
During the treatment, which lasts between 30-60 minutes, the therapist will stop between sequences and may leave the room for two-five minutes. This ‘break’ allows the body to respond to the treatment and for healing to begin.
Bowen Treatment Possible Side-effects
During the treatment your therapist will discuss possible side-effects such as feelings of warmth or tingling during treatment. After the session is over you may feel a little more tired than usual. You may also notice your pain has diminished or moved. Your Bowen therapist will also advise you on lifestyle choices to enhance your healing. This may include avoiding strenuous exercise or sitting for long periods of time immediately after a session.
Bowen Therapy Good for Maintaining Health
Most people find their presenting condition is healed after one to three Bowen treatments. In chronic cases it may take up to six treatments for healing to begin. Some people like to have ‘maintenance’ treatment every six weeks to keep their bodies in tip-top condition. Bowen therapy is a gentle form of bodywork that can bring immediate relief to many conditions. Many clients report relief from pain, greater concentration and focus and a deeper sense of well-being.
Find a Bowen Therapy practitioner in your local area.
Do you have a passion for Bowen Therapy? Would you love to turn your passion for Bowen Therapy into a rewarding career? Check out the information we have available on what the Bowen Therapy course involves and thousands of other Natural Therapy Courses we have available online and throughout Australia. Why not let us help you find the right course for you today on 1300 924 960 |