For an insight into what laminine is, ntpages caught up with Peter Kroesche of Laminine 2 Ageless who retails the product in supplement form, to learn more.
Peter, what is your background?
Firstly I am a family man who believes in making the best out of what we have.
Decades ago I had a number of operations and was put on prescription medication which I didn't like to be on forever. My physio, a humorous man, said at the time “if you were a horse we would shoot you!” Well I had to do something, so I started reading about the old medicinals, mother natures natural treasures and together with Natural Therapies I have experienced many benefits.
Over the years I have enjoyed some supplements but this well researched formulation really is something special. I have never seen a product with such positive feed back and rapid acceptance.
Tell us about Laminine & how it all started?
Well it all started back in 1929. a Medical Doctor in Canada discovered a way to extract the ‘life-essence’ of a nine day old fertilized avian egg. Through research, it was found that on exactly the ninth day, all the ingredients necessary to create life are at their highest level. This method of extraction and freeze-drying processes proved to be a life changing success for this Medical Doctor’s patients.
Unfortunately this revolutionary breakthrough discovery died when the doctor died.
Some 50 years later this extraction and freeze drying technique was rediscovered by Norwegian Scientists. Since then the processes have been patented and the amount of clinical studies and research that followed it has yielded stunning results.
How does this Natural Supplement work in our body?
The answer lies in a compound that is essential in supporting embryonic development; it is called Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). While FGF is readily available in the human placenta, its availability to the human body diminishes over time and essentially vanishes as we age. Dr Davidson called it "young tissue extract".
Our body is incapable of producing its own FGF. Laminine, a natural supplement, is believed to be the only other known source of FGF in adults. Research credits FGF with essentially reprogramming adult stem cells and amino acids in the body (which make up its natural repair tools) to travel to the areas that need it the most.
What does the science say?
Yes there are a number of published , double-blind, placebo-controlled studies using egg powder (fertilised). Also a test was done on animals (rats), that was remarkable in that the scientists were observing tissue regeneration. One study talks of an antidepressive effect and how it may be an alternative or adjunct to antidepressive medication for some patients. Other Studies show positive results for strength, stamina, mental and libido.
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