Follow these fitness rules for a healthier and fitter version of you.
Fitness Rule #1: Keep Hydrated
Hydration is essential to your workout performance because it affects your energy levels. This is because proper hydration regulates your body temperature and heart rate. Depending on the intensity of your exercise as well as the air temperature, in one hour of exercise, you could lose more than a litre of water. Your body will cool itself through perspiration and without water, the chances of you becoming dehydrated, losing energy, and your muscles cramping are high.
It is recommended to drink one cup of water 20 to 30 minutes before exercising. For every 15 minutes of exercise, drink an extra cup of fluids. The more intense your workout, the more fluids you’ll need. It is also important to rehydrate post workout to replenish the body.
Fitness Rule #2: Eat Before and After Your Workout
It is important to consume wholesome food before and after your workout.
Before your exercise, it would be great to have a protein and slow-burning carbohydrates together. This can be a piece of whole-grain toast with peanut butter. Ideally, it is a good idea to eat one to two hours before your workout, but if you work out first thing in the morning, grab at least banana first. Avoid working out on an empty stomach.
Post workout, have a snack, and then within an hour or two, a larger meal. A protein/carbohydrate combination is important to refuel and repair muscle.
Fitness Rule #3: Don’t Forget Your Protein
Protein is an important building block for muscle, and is broken down and used to fuel muscle recovery after your workout. You actually get stronger after the workout. Rebuilding occurs in the recovery stage 24 to 36 hours later. This is why protein after a workout is essential.
A protein with every meal or snack. It’s important to get protein from a variety of plant and animal sources, but supplementing with whey protein powder is a good idea for a quick and convenient fix.