It’s easy to contemplate the lifestyle changes you want to make, but harder to maintain them. It doesn’t always make a difference whether your goal is exercise, weight loss or maintaining weight, eating healthier, decreasing your stress levels, research has shown that simply learning about the value of lifestyle changes, will not always motivate you to physically make those changes.
There are many reasons why making healthier changes are an uphill battle. One of the chief reasons is largely due to the fact that habits are hard to kick. The other is that the rewards for the changes you make have their limits. Who feels like getting out of bed on a cold, winters day to go to the gym, go for a run or go for a walk? And when you come back from a stressful and busy day at work, that glass of wine might be more tempting than not having it at all.
How can you get that extra bit of motivation to make those positive lifestyle and dietary changes? Committing to a healthier lifestyle is just that, it’s a commitment that will take a lot of work and a lot of effort.
The following are steps that will help you to change your diet, increase your exercise levels and put a positive step on your lifestyle.
Change the Way You Think
Realise that you have the potential and the power in which to change your life by changing your mind set. Believe that you can!
The first step is looking at how your emotions affect the way in which you eat. Are you feeding your emotions or are you feeding your hunger?
Set Yourself Realistic Goals
What is your ultimate vision for you? Write it down and set yourself short term and long term goals. Create and write down action plans for yourself that you want to achieve.
Establishing a new daily exercise regime or learning a new cooking skill will help you set specific and realistic goals whilst seeing the progress.
Restock Your Pantry
Dump all the junk food and make room for more delicious and healthy foods that will give you pleasure both physically and emotionally.
Originally published on May 11, 2016