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Studying Sound Therapy

Nov 26, 2020

Sound has a powerful effect on the mind, body and emotions, triggering happiness, calmness, fear, joy, anxiety or love, among others. Just like other sensory information, the sounds that we hear evoke an emotional response that may support or erode our mental and physical wellbeing. By studying sound therapy, you will be able to arm yourself with the ability to heal others using instruments that produce nurturing tones.  

What is Sound Therapy?    

Sound therapy is a kind of modality that involves the use of musical instruments and the human voice to facilitate mental, emotional, spiritual and physical healing. Each vibrating object produces a frequency level that affects the mind and body in a certain way. A singing bowl, for instance, alleviates stress, tension and fatigue, which are linked to heart disease, high blood pressure diabetes and a slew of mental health disorders.

Several studies conducted by medical researchers show that exposure to meditation music, hypnosis recordings and various healing instruments can help address a range of mental, emotional and physical conditions, including:

Why Study Sound Therapy?

Tired of receiving temporary remedies that fail to address their core issue, many people are increasingly turning to sound therapy as the solution for their health complaints. Studying this modality will swiftly advance your career in complementary medicine as it will make you in demand in your neighbourhood as well as online communities that are packed with potential clients in search of a qualified sound therapist.

Undertaking a sound therapy course will enrich your knowledge and expand your healing capabilities. Regardless of what modality you specialise in, you'll find it to be a useful adjunct in your treatment approach to various health conditions.

What Are Your Study Options?

Sound therapy is so easy to learn, and there are many options available to you. The course of study can run anywhere from two days to a week, depending on your goals. You may sign up for a short foundation course if your objective is to learn and understand sound healing for personal use. Conversely, a certification program will teach you how to integrate the modality into your practice and equip you with the necessary qualifications to apply it on a professional level.

Like many other things, you can learn sound therapy in a traditional classroom setting or through an online course. A variety of instruments may be introduced to you in a single course, or you can opt to make incremental progress by learning one instrument per training session.

Which Schools Are Highly Recommended for Sound Therapy?

Australia happens to have the best sound therapy schools to boast. Whether you're new to this mode of healing or have trained in tuning forks before, you will appreciate the skills and techniques that you could obtain from studying with a reputable institution. Those which you'll find at the top of the heap include:

The Natural Therapy Pages has a comprehensive list of course providers that you ought to explore to find that one place that will take your career in complementary medicine to greater heights.

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FAQs About Studying Sound Therapy

Does sound therapy really work?

Yes, sound therapy can help with a host of physical and mental conditions. Scientific studies show that musical instruments, specifically the Tibetan singing bowl, can alleviate anxiety, pain and depression. Sound healing has also been proven effective in addressing chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and stress.

How much does a sound healer make?

A qualified sound therapist in Australia can make anywhere from $62K to $80K. Salaries vary according to a practitioner's level of training, place of work, and the number of hours they work each week.

Can vibrations heal?

Medical research shows that a wound exposed to a vibrating object for at least half an hour heals faster than one that isn't. The frequency levels of a vibrating object help regenerate connective tissue and speed up the wound's healing process.

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