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Studying Colour Therapy

Oct 26, 2020

Colours inspire joy, induce relaxation, motivate success and facilitate healing. A box of crayons or watercolour palette may only display a limited number of colours, but the human eye can see millions of colours that can shift how one thinks, feels and behaves. Want to acquire this ability to improve your health as well as others? 

What is Colour Therapy? 

Colour therapy is a form of energy medicine that restores balance to the mind, body, emotions and spirit. It utilises the energies of light and colour through a variety of tools and techniques like coloured bottles, silks, oils as well as torches with coloured beams, to name just a few.

What Are the Benefits of Colour Therapy?

Several studies on colours provide empirical evidence on the healing benefits of colour therapy. Exposure to the colour green, for instance, can significantly reduce pain, blue increases concentration, red increases energy levels and pink calms the nerves. Colour therapy can also treat different kinds of mental and emotional disorders, including:

Why Study Colour Therapy

Taking a course in colour therapy will help you understand the effects of each colour on the body's chakras and energy field. Having a thorough knowledge of this will enable you to support your clients' health and wellbeing as you can assist them in identifying which colours will balance out their energy in a specific area of their body and lead them to absolute wellness.

A certification or diploma in colour therapy will also open the door to a whole range of career opportunities. As a colour therapist, you can work in a clinical setting, helping patients deal with their emotional and mental issues. With your unique abilities, you also have the option to work in private practice and provide consultations to people who need assistance with picking the right colours for their home or workspace.

What Are Your Study Options?

Undertaking a one-year certification program in colour therapy will equip you with different techniques for using colours to heal and balance the psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. If you're looking to expand your complementary medicine toolkit, it's really worth investing in this course.  

A diploma-level qualification in complementary therapies is another pathway to learning colour therapy but a more comprehensive one. In addition to the vibrational energies of light and colours, it also covers subjects in other modalities like crystal healing, holistic counselling and metaphysics. Whether you're new to natural therapies or want to further your knowledge and skills in energy healing, you'll find this one to be truly enriching.

What School Offers the Best Education in Colour Therapy?

A course in colour therapy promotes personal growth as it takes you through the magical and healing world of colours which you can use for your health and career advancement. What's more, you have the option to study it from the comfort of your home and fit your study hours around your daily schedule.

That doesn't come as a surprise since many colleges and universities in Australia that specialise in colour therapy give their students that option, including the Natural Energies College and the Health and Harmony Colleges. Besides a flexible study schedule, these educational institutions also offer an impressive syllabus accredited by the industry's peak bodies and easy payment schemes. 

You may check out the complete list of course providers for colour therapy on the Natural Therapy Pages and contact the school of your choice directly for any of your enquiries.

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FAQs About Studying Colour Therapy

What is colour therapy used for?

Colour therapy employs the different colours of the visible light spectrum to balance the energies in the body and relieve a variety of mental and emotional conditions such as depression, anxiety, trauma, autism, phobias and many others.

What colour helps with anxiety?

Blue is a calming colour that helps alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure and calm the mind. It's ideal to have in your personal space such as the bedroom or sitting room.

What is the most positive colour?

According to colour therapists, the colour yellow is the most positive colour as it symbolises the sun. Yellow is a happy colour which eliminates sadness, depression and confusion.

What colours bring positive energy?

Each colour has a specific role in balancing out the body's energy levels. However, of all the colours on the spectrum, those that are strongly associated with positivity are blue, yellow, green, pink and purple.

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