It tastes tangy, feels furry and looks luscious. But that’s not all the kiwi fruit has going for it; it’s also jam-packed with nutrition and offers a huge array of health benefits.
What is Kiwi Fruit?
Hailing from (though not native to) New Zealand, the kiwi fruit stems from the Chinese gooseberry. The egg-sized fruit has a furry skin and a slightly sweet and tangy taste.
Kiwi fruit is commonly found in fruit salads and a range of other summer recipes and desserts.
Chock-full of Vitamins
Perhaps the most astounding attribute of the kiwi fruit is its high vitamin C content. In just one cup of the fruit, you get more than 270 per cent of the suggested daily allowance.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps maintain the health of our body tissues, skin and blood vessels, and can help prevent disease.
In a British Journal of Nutrition study, the high vitamin C levels in kiwi fruit were found to boost low iron levels in women.
But wait, there’s more! The kiwi fruit is also packed with vitamin K, vitamin D and vitamin E. These nutrients are vital for maintaining overall health and preventing colds, flu and other illnesses.
Potassium is also present in the humble kiwi fruit and is purported to help regulate body fluids. Considering a potassium deficiency can cause an irregular heartbeat, stroke and high blood pressure, eating kiwi fruit may be one of the easiest ways to maintain your health.
Keeps You Regular
Kiwi fruit also contains a good dose of dietary fibre. Considering many of us don’t get enough fibre in our diet, just one kiwi fruit a day may keep your digestion in check and prevent stomach upsets.
In a New Zealand study, people who ate one kiwi fruit for every 30 kilograms of body weight, were found to have improved bowel movements.
How to Benefit
As you can see, kiwi fruit is more than just a delicious snack. To boost your health, consider adding more kiwi fruit to your diet. Eat it raw (including the skin), toss it in a fruit salad or in a healthy smoothie.