Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that presents as scaly and itchy rashes. It is well known that food sensitivities are one of the triggers of chronic eczema and plays an integral role in the outbreaks of eczema.
Research also shows that chronic eczema has been linked to poor digestion, low levels of stomach acid, and/or low levels of essential fatty acids.
When treating eczema, an elimination diet is necessary to identify the trigger foods. The main culprits include:
- Eggs
- Food additives
- Dairy foods
- Nuts
- Tomatoes
- Wheat
- Gluten
Once the food sensitivities have been identified, it is important to avoid these.
In order to encourage and support a healthy gut and digestive system as well as a balanced immune system, it is important to eat a balanced diet consisting of wholefoods, avoiding processed foods. It may also be necessary to take probiotic supplements.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are important too in keeping the immune and digestive system on track. They prevent dryness and research has shown that they assist in the healing process of eczema. These nutrients can be found in fish, nuts and seeds. Flaxseeds and cold water fish such as salmon and mackerel are particularly good sources.
Zinc encourages proper absorption of EFA’s, it also supports immune function as well as playing a vital role in growth and repair of skin tissue. Zinc is found in animal foods, oats, mushrooms, miso, spelt, spinach, asparagus.
Vitamin A and C are critical nutrients in the area of skin care. They are potent antioxidants. As well as supporting the immune system, they can reduce inflammation and promote healing. Vitamin A and C can be found in orange fruits and vegetables as well as in leafy greens.
Water will flush out any impurities and encourages skin health.
It is often necessary to take nutritional supplements in treating eczema. It is also important to take a holistic approach when treating eczema. A naturopath or nutritionist can assist in these areas.
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