Is lack of sleep getting you down? Tired of those over the counter tablets which do nothing but make you drowsier than you already are? There are many ways to get better sleep, naturally.
Adequate sleep goes hand in hand with many health benefits. These may range from less stress, better memory, weight loss to increased heart health and improved immune system.
Ways in Which to Find Better Sleep:
- The number one aid to better sleep is to cut your coffee intake in half or more. One cup of a good coffee is health wise;
- Developing a sleep pattern supports your circadian rhythm. This means going to bed at roughly the same time every night. It is a good idea to get to sleep no later than 10.30;
- Research at the Northwestern University’s Department of Neurobiology and Physiology reports that adults who did aerobic exercise four times a week were more likely to improve their quality of sleep. So, for better sleep, get moving!;
- We are what we eat and when it comes to sleep, never before has what we ingest been so important. By late afternoon, it is vital to stop the caffeine rich foods such as soft drinks, chocolate, coffee, caffeine tea. Studies have shown that the healthier you eat, the better your sleep. This means tilting towards wholefoods as the majority of your food input;
- A study completed by Chest Journal February 2008 Volume 333, No 2 found that those who smoke are four times more likely not to feel as well rested as their non smoker counterpart. Furthermore, sleep apnoea may be attributed to smoking as well as other breathing disorders that may reduce the quality of sleep;
- A nightcap is the oldest and most misunderstood notion of attaining a good sleep. Alcohol actually disturbs your pattern of sleep surrendering you to a feeling of lethargy and weariness upon wake up;
- Melatonin is the sleep hormone and is switched on when it is dark telling our body to slow down, quieten down for its sleeptime. Electronics and gadgets are not a good idea to have on just before bedtime or worse, in bed as it doesn’t give melatonin a chance to perform its magic! Furthermore, as melatonin is switched on when it is dark, it is a good idea to keep your room as dark as possible during sleeptime. Even the smallest light from your alarm clock, mobile phone can disrupt the production of melatonin.
These simple tweaks may help you to get a good night’s sleep. If after you have tried these changes and good sleep is still far off in the distance, it may help to seek professional help.