If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you’ll know unsightly and uncomfortable they can be. But don’t despair! There are several natural treatments that may help manage and prevent cold sores. Here we take a look at the most common therapies, as an alternative to prescription medication.
What is a Cold Sore?
Caused by the herpes simplex virus, cold sores are a skin infection that causes blisters in or close to the mouth.
The herpes simplex virus is incredibly common, with around 90 percent of us having the antibodies in our system. That being said, only one third of people with the antibodies wind up with cold sores.
Treating Cold Sores
Alongside pimples, cold sores cause many people grief. While you can layer on the concealer, it’s likely to still be seen and certainly won’t help it heal.
So what can you do to treat a cold sore? You could pick up prescription pills or over-the-counter medicine. But that’s not the only solution.
Natural Cold Sore Treatments
Here are some common natural treatments for cold sores:
- Cold compress: pop a tea bag or compress on the cold sore for around 20 minutes. You should notice the swelling and redness reduces and pain subsides.
- Nutrition: eating a well-balanced variety of foods may help you avoid dietary triggers. Some sufferers say nuts and chocolate trigger cold sores, so steer clear of these.
- High lysine foods: Packed with protein, lysine may help heal and prevent cold sores. You could try upping your intake of meat and dairy products such as Greek yoghurt.
- Relaxation: Some health experts say stress causes sold sores. Since stress affects the immune system, it may become more susceptible to viruses. Keep calm with regular yoga or meditation sessions.
These are just a few natural treatments that may help combat cold sores. But the best advice is the remedy to many viruses and ailments – keep healthy and ensure your body is in balance.
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