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Meditation for Stress and Anxiety

Last Updated Jul 08, 2022

Meditation for Stress and Anxiety

Meditation has long been practised to alleviate stress and anxiety, and is noted for its positive effects. A distraction is often what is needed to combat the nervous muscular tension that builds up in our bodies over time. There is also the mental element to consider, as stress and anxiety often lead to mental exhaustion.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body. It is a mindfulness practice that utilises controlled breathing and mental focus or visualisation techniques to bring about deep and profound relaxation. Meditation sessions are typically undertaken in a relaxed pose in a quiet location, and will be more effective if undertaken on a regular basis. Posture is essential to effective meditation, and though there are a range of recommended positions, being comfortable is more important. There are a number of different types or styles of meditation, including:

  • Mantra – some people find chanting a simple mantra helps them to focus
  • Breath – mindful breathing entails concentrating on every inhalation and exhalation
  • Empty mind – mental clearing or mindfulness
  • Walking – focus on every motion and step taken, including the sensations experienced; and
  • Spiritual – some people may treat meditation as a form of prayer

Follow these steps to help you begin a simple form of meditation:

  1. A typical meditation pose for the client is lying or sitting comfortably.
  2. If sitting, the spine should be erect and the shoulders relaxed.
  3. Deep breathing is crucial and must be done from the lower abdomen or stomach.
  4. The entire focus of your mind should be on each breath you take.
  5. A session can be as short as 15 minutes and should be undertaken regularly.

Health Benefits of Meditation

Regular practice of meditation, regardless of meditation techniques, promotes mental health, emotional health, and a higher quality of life. It cultivates positive emotions that alleviate the symptoms of anxiety disorders and improve stress responses. The beneficial effects of meditation on mental health spill over into physical health, improving a variety of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, respiratory illnesses, heart disease and cancer.

Other benefits of meditation include:

  • Physical and mental stress relief
  • Pain management
  • Improved posture
  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Mental resilience
  • Relief from depression
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Increased awareness of bodily sensations
  • Reduction in anxiety symptoms

Stress and Anxiety

A certain amount of stress and anxiety is part of day-to-day life and only becomes a problem when there are excess levels of tension in the body. If you are having trouble sleeping, are constantly restless and sometimes hyperventilate, you may be suffering from the early onset of stress or anxiety. If this is sustained over time, your health may suffer negatively, with the potential for heart disease, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders and major depression to develop.

How Can Meditation Help Stress and Anxiety?

If you're looking for an effective treatment for anxiety and chronic stress, daily practice of meditation will improve your health in leaps and bounds. Systematic reviews on the positive effects of mindfulness meditation and other types of meditation have shown that the calming effects of meditation can address elevated stress and anxiety levels.

Regular meditation practice can lead to reduced stress reactivity, improved moods, and increased focus and concentration. It's a powerful tool for improving emotional health as it teaches you how to better manage your thoughts and emotions, which can lead to a more positive outlook on life. In addition, regular meditation may also improve your sleep quality and overall health. If you need help with chronic stress or symptoms of anxiety, consider adding meditation to your daily life routine. It may just be what you need to get back on track.

Different Forms of Meditation

There are many different meditation techniques that can be helpful for managing stress and anxiety. Some of the most popular types include mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation and guided imagery meditation.

Mindfulness Meditation

This mindfulness-based stress reduction method focuses on being present in the moment. The benefits of mindfulness meditation include increased awareness of your thoughts and emotions, which enable you to better manage stress and anxiety. Focusing on the present helps to diffuse any negative emotions or feelings that may be contributing to stress or anxiety. This type of meditation begins with a body scan, wherein you focus on your physical sensations to connect with your physical self. It can be done in any position and does not require any special equipment. You can engage in mindful meditation for any length of time, and it can be done anywhere.

How does mindfulness meditation work and what are its benefits?Source: Easelly

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is one of the most popular types of meditation. It involves focusing on a mantra, or a word or phrase that you repeat to yourself. Daily practice of this type of meditation can be helpful in reducing your stress reactivity and anxiety levels. It can also help you focus and stay calm.

Guided Imagery Meditation

Guided imagery meditation is a type of guided meditation in which you focus on a specific image or set of images. It can be helpful for people with depression and anxiety, as they have trouble shutting off their thoughts, or for those who want to focus on a specific issue or problem. During guided imagery meditation, you will be led through a visualisation by your meditation instructor or teacher, which can help to bring about change or relaxation. If you are struggling with stress, you may be guided to imagine yourself in a peaceful and calm setting. This type of meditation can be practised either sitting or lying down, and it is important to find an environment that is quiet and free from distractions.

Movement Meditation

Movement meditation is a form of mindfulness that involves focusing on the body and movement. It can help to increase awareness and focus, as well as improve physical and emotional health. Movement meditation can be done with any type of movement, such as walking, running, dancing, qi gong, or even aerobic exercise. It is best to focus on the present moment and the sensations in the body rather than on the destination or end goal. This type of meditation can be helpful for managing stress and anxiety levels.

Breath Meditation

Breath meditation is a type of mindfulness-based therapy that focuses on the breath. Its benefits extend beyond what you get from typical breathing exercises, as this meditation technique not only calms the mind and body but also improves concentration and focus. It can be practised anywhere, making it a great way to manage stress and anxiety.

Daily meditation improves the prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain that is responsible for cognition, decision-making and moderating social behaviour. This is because meditation helps to strengthen the neural connections in the brain and increase the thickness of certain areas of the cortex. As a result, healthy people who meditate regularly tend to have better cognitive function and are better able to make decisions. They also tend to be more socially adept and less reactive to stress.

Begin meditating today to reduce stress and anxiety, prevent psychiatric disorders and improve your overall quality of life. Contact a qualified meditation instructor in your area for advice on how to incorporate a few minutes of meditation into your daily routine.

Find out about other effective natural treatments for stress and anxiety.

Originally published on May 20, 2010

FAQs About Meditation for Stress & Anxiety

What type of meditation relieves stress?

Meditation techniques of all kinds can help reduce stress and improve one's quality of life. However, a clinical psychology review conducted by researchers who study the health benefits of meditation discovered that a mindfulness-based stress reduction method, such as mindfulness meditation, can provide long-term stress relief.

Is it OK to fall asleep during meditation?

Yes, it's perfectly fine if you doze off during meditation. People who meditate have a wide range of experiences. Some people become more alert, while others fall asleep. If the latter occurs, it is a good indication that you have achieved total relaxation, which is one of the primary goals of meditation.

How do I know if I am meditating correctly?

If you're completely aware of yourself and your surroundings as they occur in the present moment, you're meditating correctly. You don't let your mind wander; if it does, you can easily bring it back to the present moment.

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